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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CI > CIRCUMSPECT (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.13:
Because of its significance, the circle must be guarded, like any tuned instrument. One should not forget that every action between members of the circle must be circumspect. Everything useful can be turned into an injury, if there be tolerated the throwing of stones into the brother's orchard. And can one know where a foolishly thrown stone will strike? Often the condition of auras deflects the stone and, instead of a foot, it strikes the temple.

New Era Community (1926) - 120:
How important it is to be circumspect with inventions in order not to deprive them of direct goal-fitness! Let a consciousness of world evolution help to find the proper arrows. Your ears must harken to the steps of evolution, and resoluteness must not be deceived.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 48:
Therefore I ask all co-workers to be sternly circumspect. Thus will they preserve the treasure that grows in the heart. It is best not to scatter it into the abyss of darkness, where each torch will be used for a ruinous conflagration. The pillar of co-measurement, even in Fire must be a safeguard.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 68:
68. Do not overeat, in other words be circumspect in food. Illnesses can especially develop when the manifestations of difficult currents are evident. One may observe the diseases of plants and animals also, and note that their healing can become difficult. Thus not only human illnesses, but the maladies of the whole would should attract the attention of scientists.

Brotherhood (1937) - 352:
352. One may hear about lucky and unlucky signs from those who study the chemism of the luminaries. Actually, there cannot be fortune or misfortune for the whole world. Thus, it is vain to think that an unlucky day would plunge the entire world into inaction. Nevertheless, if the chemism is tensed and weighty, one should manifest caution. Observations and cautiousness can yield the best results. It is better to remain circumspect on a day of ill fortune than to lose sharp-sightedness on a fortunate day. Incorrect understanding of astrology has led to many afflictions. Let us not forget that the chemism of the luminaries cannot exert an equal influence on everything and everyone. On the heights, on the ocean, and under the earth there cannot be identical reactions to the chemism. The science of the influence of the luminaries will become great when it shall be assimilated without prejudice.


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