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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CI > CIRCUITING (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 224:
224. Urusvati knows that thought-transmission over great distances requires self-abnegation. No human thought can disappear in space, but there is a great difference between a thought that flies out without purpose and one sent with a specific aim. The latter message will pass through various spheres and be subjected to many influences. Imagine the path of such a thought as if it were a radio message - many circumstances can expose it to danger, and there may even be contacts that will bring about disaster. There can even occur a short circuiting of currents that will cause suffering to the sender. The purpose of Our remarks is to remind you that though the mission of the Thinker was indeed not an easy one, the results were great.


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