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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CH > CHIP (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 265:
You set forth not in a tranquil hour but at the dawn of the New World. We wish to give you for your journey a magnet, as a reminder of the study of as yet hidden properties of matter. We give you also a chip from a meteorite. This fragment will remind you of the study of basic energy, of the great Aum.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 448:
448. In the dark the yogi places a strong magnet or a chip from an object from the far-off worlds above the crown of a pupil's head, and asks, "What do you feel?"

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 366:
366. A particular confusion has gathered around the problem of offering sacrifices. People at one time arrived at such a state of madness that human sacrifices became customary. But can imagination conceive of a God who would be in need of the shedding of blood? Sacrifices have been mentioned in basic laws, but only later errors and spiritual downfalls have brought mankind to blood offerings. Sacrifice has always been mentioned, but what can be a worthy offering to the Highest Spirit? Verily, only the most purified spiritual striving. Such a basic link serves as the best guarantee of sincere reverence. Such sacrifice is a vital necessity of bringing the best blossom of the heart to the Altar of The Supreme. But people to this day assume that a chip from a small, useless stone can be more precious than the beautiful flower of the heart. Meditation on this question is very useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.


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