Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.5: Many of Our historic records are taken for inscriptions of ancient lawgivers. Often the name of Christ or Buddha even impedes the ease of acceptance, but characters on an unknown stone more readily attract serious attention. New Era Community (1926) - 250: Do not struggle against the slowness of ascent of certain characters - they are afraid they will appear ridiculous. Others seek their way in their individual expressions. So much the better; let them discover for themselves, as it were. But awaken the quests for knowledge. Let them manifest their conjectures. Agni Yoga (1929) - 134: 134. How does Our Community so easily avoid irritation? Do not overestimate the role of the quality of consciousness, for it is the fullness of labor that is at its foundation. In labor and in the utilization of prana lies the mystery of group harmony. Such cooperation is possible, and Our followers must not be confused by the diverse characters of their co-workers. Hard work and the proper use of nature will provide the correct attitude for the laboring community. Agni Yoga (1929) - 330: By studying the characters of people and their physical pains, one can arrive at valuable conclusions. We should know how the centers affect the surrounding organs. Why have lung ailments been seen as a complication following upon a cold, or anemia, when the centers near the lungs indicate related peculiarities of the organism? Why has swelling of the shoulders and elbows been attributed to rheumatism when the centers of the shoulders show tension? It is Our task to help people understand that it is time to discard old formulas and turn to the path of universal law. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 193: 193. You already know sufficiently about the temperance of certain characters. What is to be done when moderateness has crept into the broadest circles? Those who are seemingly the champions of good give themselves up spiritually to moderation. One can see that the dark ones do not often suffer from this defect. There is a story about a devil encountering and Angel. The Angel said, "Thy servants are bitter." But the devil replied, "Mine are bitter, Thine are sour; we both must look for sweet ones." And the Angel was crestfallen for He could not prove that they had not turned sour. Thus was it observed long ago by people. Brotherhood (1937) - 541: 541. Some will call Brotherhood an exalted cooperative. Let us not stand in the way of such a definition. It is essential that the concept of Brotherhood enter life, and cooperation is already near to the understanding of the broad masses. Each heightening of cooperation will thereby be an approach to Brotherhood. Let people ponder carefully upon those traits of their characters which contribute to the strengthening of cooperation. Precisely these qualities will be of need to them on the path to Brotherhood. Let us not renounce the feature of communal life if individuality will be preserved in it. Each cooperative must also safeguard the individuality; only on this condition can cooperation be multiform and fruitful. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239: There are two types of people, the flaming and the flameless. They are like opposite poles and will never understand each other. These two extremes also exist in the Subtle World. People leave Earth with their characters formed and in the Subtle World follow their habitual ways. It is very difficult to kindle the flameless ones; a special shock is needed to light the precious ruby of the heart and awaken the slumbering hearts. Of course, much energy is wasted in this process. People do not understand what extreme measures are needed to awaken and kindle their hearts so that they may learn how to increase energy by an intensified feeling of love.