Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11: I understand how difficult it is to catch the fleas of thinking. That is why I repeat: to ventilate the convolutions of your brain so that the tiny jumpers will have no chance to settle their progeny there. Chaotic thinking begets small insects and cuts off the best paths. Vermin of the body cause a man to be shunned. How much more repellent must be the vermin of spirit! Agni Yoga (1929) - 168: It is not always easy to decide when one is a murderer and when a benefactor. Only as beacons of Agni Yoga can we with justice illumine the workings of chaotic thought. But for this we must consecrate ourselves in sacrifice to Agni Yoga; and few can love the dangers of self-sacrifice. Therefore, what is said is comprehensible to only a few. But one can cite numerous examples, such as how one who became insane in Asia was the cause of the death of another in Europe, or how one who rose in spirit in America healed another in Egypt. Hence the efflorescence of beneficent thoughts is a flaming flower of spirit. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 189: 189. How little has humanity understood the world of effects! There is no arbitrariness in Cosmos. He who takes casuality as his foundation, adheres but feebly to the chain of life's energy. The energy which summons to life provides the decision for the direction of striving. Therefore, an arbitrary thought will bring an indefinite decision. An arbitrary thought provides soil for destruction, but striving permits a chaotic expression to clothe itself in form. Among the forms manifested on Earth are so many victims of arbitrariness. As an action sets the spheres atremble, so also arbitrariness shakes the world of effects. The law is so immutable that it may be said that with the development of subtlety of thought it will be possible consciously to change the form. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 258: 258. The function of the rays is contained in the blending of all energies with the Fire of Space. If one could resolve the Solar Ray into its electrons, it may be found to contain all elements that are in the cosmic, manifested, ray. The creativeness of the cosmic ray lies in the attraction and dissolution of energies. If the molecular particles could be extracted from the ray, their attraction could be utilized. Hence, one must adjust the forces of receptivity. Only striving from both ends will afford the necessary tension. Explosion occurs because of non-coordination of energies. All chaotic manifestations are only evidence of non-coordination. It may be said then that the tensive power of the cosmic ray is attracted toward Earth but meets with no responding vibration. Yet upon this foundation are all creative manifestations built. The affirmation of the cosmic ray intensifies all activity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 91: 91. When the effect of the forces will multiply, humanity will become panic-stricken and chaotic in actions. Serious ailments will be on the increase. Hierarchy (1931) - 321: 321. One can compare the process of the inner fires with some parallels of physical fire. Let us take the flame under a blowpipe. Observe how, under pressure, the flame loses its yellow tone and through blue becomes silver and purple. Besides, let us notice how the flame inclines. Our fires are similarly strained under the pressure of the cosmic whirl. Those rare manifestations should be recorded, for they testify to participation in the cosmic battle. Few can pride themselves upon such participation. Not a chaotic tremor, but a vanguard of the hosts of Light is required for the piercing of darkness. And how blessed is the pressing whirl, which impels us into constructive battle! New thoughts may be realized in this battle, however, one should know the direction of the blow, and this We point out! Heart (1932) - 77: The rejection of the Teacher cuts off all possibilities, especially when the denial enters into the consciousness long before obsession. Thus, people often arouse already latent negations and, of course, the consequence is primarily manifested by the rejection of the Teacher, for each chaotic state of consciousness expresses indignation at creativeness and cooperation. In chaos are rooted the seeds of evil, which are suppressed by hard experience. But at the present time there is an unprecedented number of obsessed persons. Darkness also desires to assert itself. Heart (1932) - 134: 134. In comparing good and evil I beg you to refrain from arbitrary division, because the boundaries are so winding that one cannot appraise them by earthly measures. The main difficulty is that the Subtle World is approaching swiftly and manifests a constant influence; but the lowest spheres, being chaotic destroy each consciously creative group. Of course, the greatest manifestations are especially polluted by refuse. Heart (1932) - 258: 258. Dreams may reflect the past and the present. Dreams may reflect the already patterned cliche of the future. But besides these earthly reflections, there may be reflections of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Of course, people are often unable to precisely identify these last two types, because they are evanescent and, being of a different nature, are little applicable to earthly measures. Only the flaming heart can retain in the consciousness these sparks of far-off worlds. The same also occurs with visions. One may see stars belonging to constellations other than those visible through a telescope. For this, the fiery body must already be sufficiently molded. Of course it always exists, but it may be chaotic and unconscious. Yet the path of striving passes through all bodies, and then the triad shines. Heart (1932) - 493: 493. Is it not a wondrous experience to apply the heart's energy at great distances and to help the great cause? One can verify the dates and witness absolute precision. Therefore it is so imperative to write down the most important manifestations and sensations. Thus one can counteract absurdities which assert that there are only accidents and coincidences everywhere. For those who do not consciously apply the most important energies the outcome is harmful, not only for themselves but also for others. There is nothing worse than chaotic thinking and the rending of the currents of energy. Everyone is annoyed when his torch is extinguished beneath his nose; but precisely the interception of the heart energy can be termed the extinction of the torch. Do not tire of repeating this. During strong outflows of energy it is very dangerous to intercept the rhythm by very earthly irritations. You never know for what your energy was required, therefore solemnity will be the safest guard against breaks and jagged edges. During Armageddon the usual methods must be especially eschewed. I affirm the great time to which only solemnity can correspond. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 48: 48. To co-measure one's actions with the actions of co-workers is also a fiery quality. When lighting a lamp, no one intends to set fire to the house. On the contrary, everyone seeks a safe place for a lamp. Fieriness is not madness. It is awful to listen frequently to ignorant conversations about the chaotic state of Fire. It must be understood that this element demands the highest co-measurement, profound circumspection, and caution. Each Agni Yogi is primarily wise in the apportionment of this substance. He will be thrifty rather than extravagant. As a faithful guardian he knows that the highest substance is purified through lofty labor and suffering. He knows that each energy of Fire is like a rare blessing. The Fire of Space demands manifestation; and he understands the value of this finding. Only then can he be entrusted with the ocean of Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 247: 247. The tremors of Earth become stronger; ask those who have a double pulse how much it is increased. Undoubtedly, all that is related to fiery energy has been augmented and intensified. People strengthen these regions by the order of their living and thinking. Nothing so irritates the fiery element as disorderly thinking. Formerly people were, at least sometimes, taught to think. Not infrequently scanning and memorizing the laws of life awakened the current of thought. But the awakening of cravings and of egoism can lead to disorderly thinking. Amidst these mere fragments chaotic fury is engendered. Why invoke destruction? Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 383: 383. It is difficult to dissociate within oneself the three fundamental principles. Of course, the fiery fragments can be disconnected. Should this be so? Only submergence into the darkness of chaos pushes aside the entire Fiery Image. Thought about the three principles can enrich one's conception of the three vehicles, but it is one thing to begin to think and quite another to continue and to develop one's thinking. The cosmic aspect of Being would seem a simple thought, yet what assiduous and consecutive effort must be applied to give it beauty. In connection with guidance you can notice one and the same condition in every case. It is not sufficient to direct the pupil, one must lead him to an attainment. Even within a household can one be certain that an errand will be executed thoroughly? How often a man goes to make a purchase and returns with his pockets unexpectedly empty! You already have seen many who, after starting out judiciously, turn away from the path and set fire to all their acquisitions. The harm of such burnings is great, not only for oneself but for those linked to one by karma. One can imagine how dreadful it is to renounce an already assimilated grain of Truth! Such a destructive rending results usually from chaotic thinking. Such co-workers are useless even for market errands - setting out to buy a turban they surprisingly can buy a single slipper. Therefore, only right and unwavering thinking can overpower the darkness of chaos. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 387: 387. System, rhythm, have a determining significance. In biographies one can perceive how rhythm has strengthened the mind and Fire. In fact, at the present time rhythm is much spoken of, but it is not applied in life. Thinking is very chaotic and life is disorderly. The ancients in their pranayama exercises introduced a certain rhythm, but now everything is permitted, and man is the slave of everything. The Yoga of Fire should be another reminder about the significance of man. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 567: 567. Each incongruity and imbalance is a sign of chaos. when these signs are apparent in the lower forms of nature, one may hope that upon transition into a higher state they may be transformed. But what of the highest earthly creations - men, if they turn out to be filled with the most chaotic instability? Yet in the course of many ages, it is amazing to see the increase of imbalance among various achievements. No one and nothing impels people to ponder over the value of balance. The Teachings of all peoples speak of the Golden Path, yet men themselves actually think about this least of all. Through its imbalance, its chaotic state, mankind has brought on a coming uprising of fire. But even on the very brink of danger people reject each useful advice about self-preservation. As before, they will toss about from the very old to the very new, even if it be illusory. How can it be explained to them that Agni Yoga is neither old or new? An element that is perpetual and omnipresent is not subject to the demarcations of time. Fire is at the very threshold! One must call to mind how it is to be encountered, and one must understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the interpreter at the approach of Fire. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 46: 46. The Earthly World in its essence is antagonistic to the Subtle World, because every chaotic state threatens subtle constructions. The same difference exists between the Subtle and the Fiery World, for the sediments of the former are not in the nature of Fire. Therefore every fiery thought receives an opposition from both the subtle and the earthly world. But one can conquer this condition only through fiery tension, because the fire of spirit is needed for the consuming of chaos and its transmutation. Fire is not directed there where reason tries to argue with chaos. The fire of the heart penetrates through chaos and transmutes it into a useful substance. The laboratory of the heart is powerful, and thought itself must be purified by Fire. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 108: 108. The most perfect machine can be stopped by the smallest stone; the more refined the machine the more sensitive it will be to any foreign body. Is not this very same thing true of the heart? Therefore it is essential to guard the current of the heart. When the current strives upward myriads of small sendings rush forth to impede it. Not only conscious and malicious sendings but also chaotic particles move to restrain the rising current. But if we are aware of it our consciousness will not admit the unbidden guests. In small and in great one must be on guard, so that enemies may not cut the current. Even a small distrust or regret takes away a degree of the current. Besides, there is another harm. When a contact has been established, the deviation of one degree makes also the higher current uneven. It must be understood that such a violation of currents is dangerous in many respects. All nerve centers react to these currents. Each fluctuation destroys the labor of several centers. Therefore it is necessary to regard cautiously the currents of the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 147: 147. In any object there are to be found side by side perfect parts and chaotic particles. It is possible to call to action either the perfect or the chaotic portions of each thing. Outside of magic invocations, against which We have spoken more than once, every man, by means of heart energy, performs continual evocations. When a man thinks about the inconvenience of an object it actually becomes inconvenient. When a man thinks about a beautiful object its perfect particles begin to act. Ignorant people attribute such a manifestation to autosuggestion, but those who know the nature of things understand this as magnetism of thought. Of course, it is manifested in various degrees, but always it can be observed that the object is, as it were, animated through human thought. Man has but to realize this natural force to apply it beneficially in all circumstances of life. Thus, known Yogis often advise their disciples to talk to objects. Words are ships of thought. Thus, as long as we do not learn how to deal with objects, we shall not grasp the power of thought for the Fiery World. Consider it fortunate that also in the earthly thought it is possible to become accustomed to the proper treatment of objects. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 147: Is it not beautiful that even the most ungifted people can summon the beautiful particles, and can arrest the flow of the chaotic ones? It may be understood that our senses also become sharpened upon recognition of life in everything existing, the life in which we participate. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 376: 376. Out of useful meditation is molded complete attainment. First of all, one will become definitely ashamed for all chaotic thinking. It will become impossible to counteract anything good, no matter in what form it be expressed. A difference in expression only is a subtle one, and we must regard it as a cobweb in the light. It is a joy when it is possible to refine one's thoughts. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 268: 268. Fohat, as actually omnipresent Fire, is hardly understood. Equally little understood is the Laboratory of the Universe. The great Inhaling and Exhaling of the Cosmos must be applied to all manifestations. In fact, hardly pondered over is the exchange of forces being projected and returned into the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, the role of humanity does not consist in borrowing only; there must be included a process of returning the forces with which it has been saturated during communion with the Fire of space. Thus, taking this communion as the Truth, it is possible to reveal why, in fact, there is such a difference between the giving and the returning. The extent of this difference is just the measure of that which on the Cosmic Scales represents the Karma of humanity. The ignorant are astonished that the Subtle World can be chaotic; but one should ponder as to how sparks of Fohat remain not fecundated, and how many forces remain either unapplied or distorted. On the path to the Fiery World one must deeply absorb the understanding of the chaos of humanity's consciousness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 336: 336. The equilibrium of the World has been violated to the very limit. Spiritual striving proceeds apart from matter, and instead of unity there is derived a frightful disunity and dissolution. All unapplied energies remain in the earthly strata, and instead of finding employment they are borne into a chaotic vortex. The spiritual quest is also carried into a chaotic vortex because the isolation of mankind severs the currents from the Higher Spheres. Equilibrium does not come about without the participation of all spatial and human radiations. On the path to the Fiery World, the basis of equilibrium is affirmation of the beginning of the Enlightened Epoch of the World. AUM (1936) - 586: It is sad if a man despairs at his first failure. This merely shows that his own psychic energy is in full dissoluteness. Then the investigator must soberly reflect how to cultivate his psychic energy. Apart from experiments, man is not right in keeping the fundamental energy in a chaotic condition. Let each neophyte-investigator test himself in various circumstances. Only diverse testings can show precisely what properties predominate in the given psychic energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 103: 103. How to reconcile the existence of free will with the influences about which much as been said? Free will does exist, and no one will deny it, yet one may constantly observe certain non-conformities with the actions and thoughts of the Supermundane Forces. The point is that the will may be harmonious with the Higher Forces, or it may be chaotic and working against construction. It is deplorable that the chaotic will predominates among people. It does not improve with formal education. Freedom of will is a prerogative of man, but without harmony with the Higher Forces it becomes a misfortune. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60: If an artist were to depict Our Abode even approximately, the product of his imagination could be used as a teraph. But the best teraph is the human heart. A powerful magnet is developed from heart to heart, and such an attraction can be strong, even physically. The attraction to Our Heart can increase so greatly that it would be impossible to restrain it. This is called "the Fiery Chariot." Such fiery sensations require great harmony, otherwise they can turn into a chaotic whirlwind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 159: Urusvati remembered that once a lotus served her as a boat! As frail as such a boat was she felt no fear, because her love for the Teacher gave her fearlessness. Only ardent love can create such fearlessness, and one should intensely cultivate it. Without the protection of love one cannot withstand the attacks of chaotic forces, and even one's health will suffer. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182: "In schools the art of thinking should be studied above all. One should be trained in the art of constant thinking and learn to be ashamed of thoughtlessness. Man is unable not to think, but there is a great difference between harmonious, disciplined thinking and the oscillations of chaotic thoughtlessness, which not only influences man, but space itself. How can man dare to pollute all of space? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 313: Even in childhood, the memory must be developed by overcoming these three undesirable conditions. The mind can be protected by labor, which guards against self-absorption. It should be understood that although We are surrounded by dangers and external shocks, they cannot affect the memory, and by being aware of this We are able to maintain clear thinking. Without the tension of challenges man grows lazy, but through vigilance his mind becomes disciplined, and he learns not to allow chaotic thoughts to obscure his memory.