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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CE > CENTRALIZATION (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 151:
151. During a conflict of forces one should always observe the maximum of centralization. Therefore the power of the focus is so greatly needed, and each one in his turn must consider his position as bound with the center. Thus, the central power will emit all rays, and shadows will have to disappear. The radiation of the focus upon the spiritual plane is most invincible! Therefore immunity of the spirit can be attained through striving to the Spiritual Focus. Hierarchy is so wondrous in that it represents this mighty Focus. Therefore, one should strive limitlessly to the law of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 244:
244. Free will impels the affirmation for the unifying of circumstances that create the chain of actions. It is so important to create a current of intensified action and conscious direction, for in this unifying of inner impulses with external energies is contained the centralization of all the actions that are being created as Karma. In conscious, tensed striving of the will it is possible to attract the cosmic energies that are indispensable for the construction of Good. Therefore, the consciousness which is united with the Higher Will produces that mighty force which can resist all the tensions of darkness. Discernment of good and evil is already a pledge of the cognition of the true path. Transformation of the spirit is affirmed by the striving of transmutation and by the unification of the will with the Light. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the linking of our will with the Higher Light.


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