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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CE > CENTERED (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.2:
Egypt was of lofty culture, but it cannot be said that the present culture is lower. Culture used to be centered in the north of India, but only a limited class of people possessed knowledge. Castes - foolish mustiness - have hindered culture. Indeed, the Lord Buddha wished to abolish this caste foolishness. The Teaching of the Lord was imbued with joy.

Heart (1932) - 54:
54. With justice they ask, "What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?" This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially.

Heart (1932) - 206:
206. One can understand how greatly the ritual aspect of Yoga was demanded in ancient times, but now one should ascend by way of direct communion with the Highest World. The Yoga of Fire leads one upon this shortest path without abandoning life. This comprises a departure in the new understanding of rapport of the worlds. Before us we have an example of a significant step in the so-called Samadhi without withdrawing from life. It should be understood that this manifestation of the Mother of Agni Yoga is not easy to attain under the conditions of the Great Battle. The value of such a manifestation consists in that the usual rules of concentration are transcended. Precisely, the entire significance is transfixed in the heart - in other words, the significance of the entire rapport of the worlds is centered there. One must also mention that along with this the heart has withstood beautifully this saturation. Of course, the sensation of the present time does not result from Samadhi. Many times I have already advised necessary caution, in spirit as well as in matter. I beg you to guard the heart from outer and also inner disturbances. Extreme measures should be taken to withstand all attacks. It must be understood that yesterday is completely different from tomorrow, so unheard of is the rotation. Unprecedented are the clouds and one must encounter them joyously.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 589:
589. He centered in Himself all Light. He was imbued with renunciation of self and of earthly possessions. He knew the Palace of Spirit and the Temple of Fire. One cannot take earthly objects into Fire, and the Palace of Spirit cannot be made a treasury of gold. Thus one should follow the Great Example. One can sometimes compare the objects of today, but how can one evaluate the objects of the future? So, also, the Fiery Images are incomparable and inaccessible to us at present. Therefore one should ponder deeply within one's heart, in order to glimpse the Fiery World through the help of the Great Examples. If but momentarily one could find oneself in the Lotus Boat, breasting the tide of all the waves of chaos! One can ask that in a really difficult hour one be permitted to experience the same rapture in the break up of chaos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 219:
219. The center of the solar plexus is a focus of fire radiation. It must be imagined how fire acts. As all the higher functions of the Cosmos act from within, so too, the fire of the solar plexus is intensified in its own seed. The center of the solar plexus gives equilibrium to all the bodies, and its radiations saturate also the ethereal body which feeds the astral body. The interweaving of all the centers and all the bodies is comparable to the rings of a spiral, centered, as it were, in the solar plexus. Each planet, each fiery center, has its solar plexus and Divine Fire of life. If the consciousness is broadened in the understanding of these manifested conformities, then the bond of Macrocosm with microcosm becomes a Fiery Truth. The waves of currents are infinite in their diversity. Over these waves the fiery spirit is in communication with space and with the other Worlds. Just as in antiquity the sun was depicted with its rays, so too, is it possible to represent the solar plexus, which has its own particular radiations issuing out of the seed and extending throughout the entire protective network. These powerful currents bring to the heart all the reflections of space.


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