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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CE > CENSURE (18)

New Era Community (1926) - 91:
The discipline of freedom distinguishes Our communities. Not only is the spirit disciplined, but also the qualities of external actions. It is not Our custom to grieve too much. It is not Our custom to censure too much. It is not Our custom to count on people too broadly. It is not Our custom to expect too much. It is needed to be able to replace a complicated plan with a simpler one - never the reverse - for Our adversaries act from the simple to the complex. Ponder how to strengthen your friends.

New Era Community (1926) - 125:
125. My young friends, again you have been gathered in the name of the Teaching and again you have had an evening with guests. Whereas, it has been said and repeated that the hour of discourse about the Teaching must be devoid of ordinary gossip. Even though this hour may be more infrequent, yet its quality must be upheld. You approach by round - about ways, you surmount the fatigue of the working day, you bear a particle of the common good; but the accumulated objects of the familiar room break up your striving, and imperceptibly you become dusty boarders. Moreover, one of you, observing what is taking place, becomes a self-appointed overseer and sinks into the pettiest irritation. The fabric of the communion is torn and an unworthy mending is begun. We urge you, even if for only an hour, to be consciously responsible people. If an hour a week is difficult for you, then better meet only every fortnight. Learn how to exclude at that time all troublesome beastly habits - smoking, drinking, eating, shallow gossip, dealings in small affairs, censure, anger. Upon being assembled, remain seated several minutes in silence. If then one of you will not find the strength to enlighten his consciousness, let him silently go back into cold and darkness. We are enemies of all compulsive magic, but a natural control of consciousness must become the prerequisite of real construction. Surely for one hour one can dismiss personal ventures. If this be difficult, how then can you think about progress and growth of consciousness? An ox knows about chewing its cud but does not advance farther than digestion. Make an effort to give your discourses beauty, simplicity and purity.

New Era Community (1926) - 130:
One must know to carry the Teaching as the last fire, the last food, the last water. One must manifest love and sparingness as toward the last possibility and the last drop of water. By acting within oneself one can show the measure of devotion. One must know how to create a world of personal responsibility for one's own consciousness; then censure will be turned into true judgment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
Some will say that the Teaching is too general, or too tiresome, but the Teaching, unseen, spreads in its own unexpected ways. Drops of the Teaching radiate in the words of people, both famous and unknown, in scientific laboratories, and in the glorious deeds of unforgettable heroes. Not recognizing each other, these seemingly unrelated co-workers carry the fragments of timely knowledge. Who will censure them?

Heart (1932) - 189:
189. The appearance of Our entrusted ones can be accepted as the sign of the birth of the New World. I censure all who do not notice the legion of signs in the whole world. The Teacher can bid one to look but He cannot force one to see. Do not be astonished that the mosaic of the book Heart includes so much about the Subtle World and about the Great Battle. Many hearts sense both conditions, but often they cannot express them in words. Yet the inception of thoughts, with the swiftness of light, will affirm the thought in the word. Remind your friends that their hearts do not ache without reason.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 33:
33. One must learn how to encourage spiritual people. True, they achieve heroic deeds not for the sake of encouragement, but still they are in need of safeguarding of their spiritual direction. Every ruler must know not only the power of censure, but must also understand the good of encouragement. The latter is more difficult, but what a benefaction is derived when the ruler knows what each one needs for the blooming of his "lotos." There may be many anchorites, but their beneficial tension will not produce the highest measure of energy if the surrounding forces are hostile. Therefore the heart must be strengthened in the striving to understand the very best.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 198:
198. The Fiery World requires, first of all, the discrimination between small truths and Great Truth. Nothing else turns people aside from the paths to the extent that a little truth does. They snatch out small fragments, not thinking about that which precedes and follows. Such fragments are no better than any lie, but the significance of the Fiery World rests upon the greatness of Truth. One must prepare for it by all measures; it is impossible to suppose that the understanding of the magnitude of Truth comes of itself. The consciousness must be prepared for a containment of such dimensions. This is not at all easy. One may see how erroneously the simplest words are understood. It is even difficult to imagine to what an extent the meaning of the most ordinary word can be distorted. But one should pass through the testing of so many diverse concepts. Only the acceptance of higher dimensions will evoke the Higher Call - Raj, Raj, Raj! The three-fold containment can lead to the higher spheres. Raj does not know revenge and censure. Raj is magnanimous, because directed into the future. Raj wishes for good, for it is creative love. Such a measure guards against the small truth, which comes close to the evil, and to doubt and condemnation. Thus, when you wish to temper the spirit, you can repeat the ancient Mantram - Raj, Raj, Raj!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 208:
208. Often the Teachings have warned not to judge the dead. Among the many reasons for this there is one which very closely concerns earthly actions. We have already spoken about co-workers from the Subtle World. It is difficult to judge from here as to who has already developed at aptitude for cooperation. It can be imagined how unjust it would be to censure such a co-worker, as condemnation naturally repels. There are many such assistants, and one should value them. When imagination has been developed, such cooperation can easily progress.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 429:
429. People condemn the Teaching for the fact that it does not condemn a fellow-man. One may imagine how many new listeners could be acquired by censure of a neighbor! Such an impediment will be the darkest veil on the path of advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 54:
54. Let Us explain how to understand tolerance. When we speak about a higher tolerance, We mean that Hierarchy can show leniency because the heart of the Hierarch is all-containing; it feels everything and knows all impulses and intentions, and weighs all the good and the bad. In His leniency the Higher Spirit descends into the sphere of the consciousness of the disciple, and by His indulgence and tolerance uplifts the disciple. But not thus must the co-worker accept the indications about tolerance. For the disciple who is intolerant toward his surroundings, the needed quality cannot be called leniency. When the development of this wonderful quality, tolerance, is indicated to him, it means that first of all he must exclude censure. The indication about tolerance does not mean to have always command over one's fellow-worker; it does not mean that the spirit is on such a level that it can condemn those who surround him. The indication about tolerance first of all must awaken in the disciple the understanding of the fact that the spirit must be freed from egoism, because selfhood carries the most frightful monstrosities. Hence, only the spirit of a disciple freed from selfhood can manifest leniency. On the path to the Fiery World one should understand the true significance of tolerance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 489:
489. People are wondering of what use are such small conquests of the elements as levitation, passing through fire, sitting on the water, or being buried underground? Only a symbol of mastery is indicted in these exercises of discipline. But the Fiery World is not attained by a test of the heels or by breathing exercises. The World of Beauty is attainable only through the heart. Let us not censure all those who devote themselves to severe practices of discipline, but let us hasten by the path of heart exaltation and rapture.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 496:
496. The guiding teacher will not censure a neighbor and thus make difficult the path of those whom he leads. Each teacher will rejoice when his disciples hasten forward and find delight on the path in thought about the Highest. It is not necessary to employ compulsion where there is a flame. The best action is that of the heart. Very carefully guard the heart quality. This quality comes by way of many sufferings, but the Fire of the heart is sacred Fire.

AUM (1936) - 142:
142. Madmen, they know not what they possess! People usually censure profligacy, yet is not thought being dissipated? Is not the great gift, attained with such difficulty, being reduced to nought? Thought, as the great gift of the Teacher, perishes in ignorant actions. Thus, men are ready to betray even their own planet, provided they do not have to think.

AUM (1936) - 491:
Many remember their past lives, but through obscuration of consciousness they call forth their own past imaginings. One needs to be careful also not to censure too greatly the mistakes of others. Aside from conceit and ignorance, there may be only partial errors without base motive. Indeed, there may also be different forms of obsession and whispering with evil intention, but enough has already been said about obsession.

Brotherhood (1937) - 220:
220. Each phase of the Teaching answers a particular need of humanity. The present time is distinguished by the shattering of morality. The help of the Teaching must be directed to the affirmation of moral foundations. The findings of science pursue a path different from the way of life; there results a particular kind of savagery, which is in possession of scientific instruments. A minority of highly enlightened workers stand out as rare islands in an ocean of ignorance. Literacy is by no means enlightenment; therefore, the advice is given to reinforce the heart as the focal point of enlightenment. Scientific and medical indications are given; they ought to help to restore the bodily and spiritual health. The more directly these counsels are accepted, the stronger will be their action. The embryo of enthusiasm grows into a beautiful inspiration. A drop of goodness is transformed into effective good. A grain of love grows into a beautiful garden. Who then would censure a desire to help a neighbor?

Brotherhood (1937) - 424:
424. Moreover, it is necessary to understand the significance of mutual respect, which lies in the foundation of Brotherhood,. It is necessary to recognize the deep meaning of reciprocity when forces are increased tenfold. Brother will not censure brother, for he knows that condemnation is dissolution. Wisely does a brother help at each turning of the path. Thus, cooperation is first of all a scientific action.

Brotherhood (1937) - 550:
550. Do you wish to glorify labor? Then show your capacity for it. Do not censure him who labors daily. Do not enfeeble yourself with disproportionate work; convulsion of the muscles is not strength. Thus, disclose to what an extent labor has become a vital necessity. Only then will your praise of labor be worthy of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 600:
600. Let it not be thought by scientists that any censure of them issues from the Brotherhood. Scientists are Our friends. We do not call bookmen, full of superstition, scientists; but each enlightened scientific worker receives a greeting of welcome from the Brotherhood.


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