Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 348: 348. There is little understanding in the ocean of humanity. The spirit knows, But it is necessary to manifest these signs above the fire. The fire of life-action causes the wings of the spirit to grow. Throughout the sea is salt, But only the work of the currents makes it known. The egg of the nightingale bears the embryo of the singer; But the song begins to ring out only after the fulfilment of the life-giving process. Singers of happiness, sing out for the Glory of the Creator's Smile! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 384: 384. My Hand is above only the steadfast ones. Weakness and light-mindedness foster treachery. Treason is judged not by its causes but by its effects. Each one is free, but is judged by his deeds. Initiation is not found through heartless action. Happiness is gained through labor. New Era Community (1926) - 23: At cemeteries we so love to recall the merits of the departed one; it would not be amiss to set forth the true causes of the diseases - the spectacle would be instructive. New Era Community (1926) - 122: 122. It is necessary to indicate the quality of knowledge required. Knowledge must be untrammeled. Each conditioned, shackled science causes irreparable damage. The free combination of elements will result in unprecedented new attainments. New Era Community (1926) - 131: Indeed, as you well remember, the correlation of auras with the spatial substance gives quality to the result. Precisely, not the size but the color gives a particular approach to the action. The size of the aura will give tension to the action, but the path will be determined by the color. Thus, it is impossible to set any specific way of action under an alien color combination. A causal predetermination causes a mixture of rays and paralyzes the will. The infirmity of many workers is explained by the mixture of heterogeneous color groups. Here would be very useful a simple physical apparatus for the determination of basic radiations. Think, what an alleviation for the workers and what a deepening of intensity - true economy! Besides the increase in productivity, it is necessary to perceive how the correlation of colors will affect the well-being of the workers. A great deal of malice and misunderstanding will disappear, without threats and prohibitions. New Era Community (1926) - 158: You yourselves have performed the experiment with the hazel branch and have been amazed how this most ancient and primitive apparatus became tense, trembled, and went into motion, reacting to underground waters and minerals. Indeed, the source of this obvious reaction lies not in the branch but in the human apparatus. With what detail and fervor must one study, therefore, the reaction of each locality upon man and upon entire groups of people! Many regions are replete with popular rumors about the peculiarities of character of their inhabitants in some places people suffer from goitre; in some they lose their teeth; in some leprosy makes its nest; in some the spleen becomes blighted, or the heart becomes enlarged, or the character sluggish; in some places there is vigor and animation. A great number of such features catch the eye. It may be observed that these peculiarities are not a matter of racial or climatic conditions. The very structure of the ground underfoot may contain the principal causes of the differences in popular characteristics. There is a broad field for study if approached with keen eye and without prejudice. New Era Community (1926) - 227: People speak about the necessity of feeding the mind with books - this will be an external manifestation. But without aspiration the feeding of the mind will be a formal and fruitless process. Striving must come from within, without external causes. The obstacles of life cannot influence the quality of aspiration. The fundamental impulse, which has brought the human species out of the mineral cell, must not subside when the stone cell has gotten up on stilts. Then must follow a surfeit of everything that was, and irrepressible striving takes its place. Losing aspiration, man ceases to be a conscious being. New Era Community (1926) - 241: Verbal renunciation is like the gesture of a monkey. Ask your interlocutor how he thinks about the community. Affirm you understanding from this thinking. A word contains a thousand thoughts. It is too crude to attribute to a word a precise expressiveness. Only comparison of concepts can determine the quality of thinking. Ask him what is for him most unacceptable. By what is he most attracted? Ask more than once, as otherwise the most important will be forgotten. People have not been accustomed to define clearly the unacceptable. Decrepit man does not agree, but fears to account for it to himself. A child is attracted to something but does not know how to reflect about the basic cause. The new age is in need of responsible clarity. How indispensable it is to force people to think about the causes of non-acceptance! Revelation of the causes is half-way to acceptance. New Era Community (1926) - 242: Trace how the word Shambhala is uttered in the East. Try to penetrate, even in a small way, into the ideology of this concept. Try to understand the rhythm of structure of speech about Shambhala, and you will perceive a great reality which causes the harp-strings of humanity to vibrate. Let reason help you to ponder on the values accumulated by the best strivings. In the book "Community" the concept of Shambhala cannot be omitted. New Era Community (1926) - 253: 253. Indeed, imagination is only reflection. From nothing, nothing is born. It is difficult to imagine the indestructibility in space. An evident destruction of complete manifestations penetrates the brain. The destruction of whole epochs appears obvious. How to understand the reality of the densification of space? Many symptoms are before the eyes, yet people do not know how to correlate what is taking place. Let us take an example it is already known that psychic energy can imperatively ask humanity for admittance. Already noticed is the manifestation of strange illnesses in which vital energy flows away without visible causes. But here the cause and effect are not correlated. Agni Yoga (1929) - 131: How, then, without a study of all the surrounding processes, can one unravel the knots of the apparatus of thought? Somewhere pink rays flashed out, and a prepared uprising of an entire nation died down. Somewhere the currents of the oceans changed, and altered the patterns of world trade. These are crude, obvious examples, but how many more subtle causes and effects fill space and furrow the strata of humanity! Agni Yoga (1929) - 181: The strains of contact with the unusual sometimes necessitate special conditions in one's life. Sleep is decreased. Lying down becomes painful. Muscular tension impedes the work of the spirit. Each poisoning of the aura causes suffering. Naturally, these aggravations can be prevented without leaving the path, and the light of Yoga will be vaulted by the all-embracing light of space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 187: A yogi ignores seeming misfortune because he discerns the causes and effects of unforeseen events. What people usually see as accidental is the result of influences persisting from the past, even the most remote. And where others will turn away from misfortune with disdain, a yogi perceives the true possibilities. Do not be amazed if the yogi's heart responds to the most pitiful dog in which he sees the seeds of devotion, or if he suddenly calls the humblest child to be a future co-worker. Agni Yoga (1929) - 221: 221. The accumulation of imperil has been shown to you. It is precisely that poison which causes much trouble to people. Do not forget that meeting with even the grossest ignorance is not worth provoking one drop of imperil. Indeed, imperil does not remain only within; it evaporates and permeates space, for the purity of which we are all responsible. Agni Yoga (1929) - 226: 226. A yogi in his labors is like a stonecutter, or a goldsmith fashioning the most delicate work. A yogi is indeed like a goldsmith, who can fashion with the finest touch an intricate design. Likewise, a yogi can pierce the signs of human intent that are invisible to others. He strives toward that which is usually invisible, and learns to discern the real causes of events. Experience gained through alertness is the yogi's. Agni Yoga (1929) - 245: Therefore, in the presence of a state religion, the responsibility of the yogi is great. Fearless, testing, indefatigable, the yogi must help humanity to remember the Law of Unity. Like a flashing sword, the thought of the yogi is a lightning-bolt through space. Ready to alter the ways of communion, ready for achievement, ready to accept the condemnations of the ignorant, the yogi exhorts humanity to contemplate the causes of their incarnate lives. By doing this, the quality of their labor and learning will be changed. Knowing the possibilities inherent in people, who would not wish to dare valiantly? Does not the victor's crown belong to the one who teaches courage to humanity? Without this the heads of people, like those of swine, will remain glued to the refuse of Earth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 279: 279. You have heard the legend about the increasing heat of the throne of Indra. At its source lies a psycho-physical process. The special tension of the surrounding psychic atmosphere causes purely physical reactions. These in turn increase vividly the tension of the fiery energy, and it becomes necessary to reestablish balance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 287: 287. Mahayana is to Hinayana as Buddhism is to Vedanta. Mahayana knows and reveals the nature of the world of the elements. Hinayana emphasizes karmic causes and effects without concerning itself with the immediate consequences of causes. The Teaching strikes sparks from the chaos of the elements. One may study these images, but it is equally correct to concentrate on cause and effect. If we call Buddha the Cause, then Maitreya is the Effect. Agni Yoga (1929) - 293: 293. Especially harmful are crossed currents. Even in the physical life, people prefer arrows coming from one direction to those coming from many directions. One can easily understand the depression of mood caused by arrows flying above one's head from unknown directions. When such a saturation of space cannot be avoided, it is especially important to guard one's health. The blood pressure increases, and the tension of the centers causes depression. A single known enemy, however strong, is better than these unrecognizable taps. The Teacher is especially attentive at such times, especially if the fires of the centers are already strained. But these life explosions are unavoidable. Every affirming conscious activity will evoke a vortex of thought, and if one's spiritual development is already great, then the counteraction of unbridled spatial waves is also great, and burdensome. Naturally, people with undeveloped centers do not even notice the shower of arrows, but this does not mean that they should be envied. We speak of constant joy, but this joy is a special wisdom. Agni Yoga (1929) - 295: Generally, there is no need to meet in person others who have accepted the Teaching. The ways of necessity are unpredictable. And do not present the Teaching as too accessible, for this breeds contempt. One can tolerate ignorance, but to demean is not permissible. Searching for the Teaching causes no harm. Agni Yoga (1929) - 306: 306. The Breath of the Mother of the World, the Giants bearing the burden, and the Redeemers who have accepted the Chalice - these three images were born close to the one law. The accumulation of spatial psychic energy causes shocks in parts of the planet. Those organisms that are attuned to the Breath of the Great Mother resound in response to the explosions of spatial bodies. Can such shocks be regarded as an advantage? It is precisely as when, for the performance of a superb musical creation, one chooses perfectly tuned instruments. Of course, when such instruments are few, the pressure of the currents will fall upon just those few. It is not necessary to prove that it is better to accept the burden of the world than to be detached from the activities of life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 338: One should understand that it is not lack of devotion that temporarily holds back Our co-workers from Our Abode. On the contrary, it is devotion that causes them to postpone their comfort and their joy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 345: 345. It is not so easy to learn to think. It is difficult to develop intensity of thought, and even more difficult to attain thought of high quality. A person will often mentally repeat to himself, "I will think purely." But his being is accustomed to egoistic thinking, and a most undesirable form of thought results. Two birds, flying in different flocks, cannot become united as one. It is necessary to exercise thought, not mentally, but with the fire of the spirit, until all disunity of thought disappears. Thought can have power only if it is monolithic. But each crack diminishes its power and also causes cosmic harm, by inducing dissonance into space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 441: You could have observed already that Our Indications relate to the very heart of events. I often speak of trust, not because I doubt it, but because what is obvious hinders one from seeing the inner currents. Everyone can recall having mistaken the incidental for the fundamental, and thus having forged mistaken notions about physical nature. But this also can be said of ideas about the element of fire. Someone may narrow-mindedly muse, "Our ancestors lived without fire, yet journeyed to the grave as honored citizens. What have I to do with fire? Let it be the concern of my cook!" But the wise one thinks, "Whence come the unexplainable epidemics, withering the lungs, the throat, and the heart? Beyond all the apparent causes there is something undetected by the physicians. It is not the circumstances of life, but other conditions that wipe out so many lives." This way of unprejudiced observation leads to right conclusions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 506: 506. Besides cosmic conditions, emotional disturbances also influence telepathic communications. This instability, fully understandable because of personal and surrounding concerns, intrudes itself into the line of communication. Likewise, an eagerness to anticipate the communication causes tremors in the fiery conduit. But still, no physical apparatus compares to psychic energy. The waves produced by a physical apparatus can overburden certain layers of the atmosphere and cause new calamities, if psychic energy is not used. Agni Yoga (1929) - 520: On the bottom was an image of a supine man enclosed by a serpent coiled in a circle, with the inscription: "Thou art the one who hast given all and accepted all." Thus reads the same Teaching at all times, but the darkness of ignorance causes one to forget its meaning. Agni Yoga (1929) - 529: 529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things? Agni Yoga (1929) - 531: How wonderful it is to observe the striving of thought, its origins and causes, the differences between thoughts of various times, the proximity of consciousnesses at different stages of development, and the eternal competition of the higher and lower spheres! All this creates an incomparable existence. Agni Yoga (1929) - 563: Why must the Teaching be absorbed as the basis of existence? If one begins to apply the Teaching egoistically, one will begin to add structures without first attending to the foundation. Half-hearted striving causes inner discord and does not bring regeneration. All harmful consequences result from half-hearted striving. Because of this, people cannot perfect themselves and cannot purify their sense of beauty, without which the blending of one's consciousness with the Teacher's is impossible. Agni Yoga (1929) - 628: 628. I have already said that mysteries and miracles are no longer relevant. In their place an understanding of psychic energy must be affirmed in the consciousness. It is psychic energy that causes live-giving forces to be set into motion. Let us remember this. Agni Yoga (1929) - 629: When we speak of psychic energy, we must first of all remember the causes and effects of our small daily thoughts. These worms weaken the higher energy. A disorderly heap of refuse will obstruct any work of building. Our enemies are small, annoying flies. Do not the torn fragments of fleeting images resemble them? When we point out the need for cultivation of psychic energy, we shall say the same about the disciplining of small thoughts. But we must know that the small can be forerunners of the great. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 52: A limited development clouds the understanding of the Fire of Space. Group consciousness is destroyed by the lack of understanding of reverence of the Origins. The destruction wrought by humanity is great and causes regression. Non-understanding of the purpose, and the excessive expenditure of energy in the erection of mirage - all because of ignorance - is the greatest incommensurability of the spirit! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 55: 55. A limited consciousness attracts only imperfect currents. The power of creativeness responds to the call of the spirit, and the scope of consciousness corresponds to the surrounding conditions created by the spirit itself. The law of reaction is the most recti-lineal. Cosmic energy as a propelled creative impulse will provide a culminating life there where striving is manifest. If man would comprehend the great mutual attraction, he would more often propel his energy toward cosmic creativeness. The call is affirmed as a great magnet. The belief that the evocation "Aum" is effective, when consciously made by the spirit, is based on wisdom. But the spirit invoked by an irresponsible spirit can only smite. All causes and effects are contained in the call. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 82: 82. The Cosmic Fire and its energies, which permeate all that exists, manifest affinities in everything, but these affinities are not limited to the elements and their combinations. Indeed, the affinity of predestined lives is great, and Be-ness and Infinity are the causes behind the functions of each element, as well as the vital functions of each combination. The drive of cosmic energy in each element is there to insure its entrance into the eternal creative process. The affinity of elements can open the conception of limitless possibilities. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 135: 135. The subtle energies collect their particles through the Cosmic Magnet. They are attracted fundamentally on the basis of the variety of their qualities. Naturally, there are many causes for attraction, and each new combination has its cause. When particles of one subtle energy adhere to another energy it may be understood that the Cosmic Magnet has united particles of one and the same property. But it does not happen that one energy engulfs another, which produces an imbalance in the resulting matter. What vast creativeness the eternally moving spiral may manifest in the action of gathering and consuming! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 162: One can perceive in history the key to the manifestation of the migrations of peoples. So many are the causes and so varied are the missions of humanity, that their conditions can impart only a faint impression of the power of these shiftings. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166: 166. The evidence of the Cosmic Magnet itself affirms the tension of the forces which manifest a shifting. Conditions of necessary maintenance may require a downward step. And when the attraction acts upon the resonance of the predestined forces, the spiral of progression is established. Accidental shiftings do not occur, nor does destruction occur without a possibility of an evident restitution. The cliches of necessary shiftings exist on all planes. Of course there occur shudders of the spheres, and vortices of superterranean whirlwinds, but the causes of such disturbances are to be found in strivings inharmonious with the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 240: The creativeness of the Magnet is indicated as the source of human actions. The so-called unsuccessful actions should be understood as magnetic implantings that do not generate the current necessary for the effect. If humanity would follow the course of each of their generated actions, certainly the causes of failures and their direct results could be discovered. The cosmic creativeness responds directly to the delineation of all laws of the Mother of the World. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 251: 251. By the world of causes, created by aspirations, may the quality of the world of effects be determined. Let us see how the Agni Yogi creates and transmutes. The fire of the Chalice represents the psycho-dynamics which ignites around it all energies. Through the synthesis of the Chalice, all fires, at different degrees, are directed by summons toward the cumulation of the Chalice of Amrita. The fire of the spirit drives all energies. The creativeness of the Agni Yogi is thus definitely impelled. Thus does the Tara transmute into beauty. Humanity will comprehend the power of the transmutation. Verily, beautiful is the creation of Be-ness! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 257: The world of causes becomes a creative impulse. Hence, it may be said that the interweavement of lives leads inevitably to completion. The magnet is implanted through millennia. Thus, the immutable law unites. Between the worlds an effulgent sphere is established. Into this sphere we are borne with the affirmation of the Magnet. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 274: 274. In the world of causes and effects, the principal law is that of identity. The property of predestination establishes that the cause will be evinced in the chain of effects. The aggregate of the effects reveals the aggregate of causes. Only identity can predetermine the approaching form. The existing elements are open to transmutation, but first they must become incarnate, subject to the law of identity, or, as it is called, "affinity." Thus, from old forms new forms are born, in an eternal evolutionary process. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet asserts the law of identity. It is an ancient truth that creativeness, in attracting the needed elements, finds ratification in the Infinite. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 350: 350. There is a direct ratio in the correlation of cause and effect. Intensity laid in the cause gives intensity to the effect. The cosmic law affirms that intensity which is at the root of each action. Therefore, each energy generates as much striving as is contained in its seed. On the physical plane there is the same correlating power. The manifestation of the spirit is subject to the same law. The spirit is strained in accordance with its intensity, and it pursues this course as do all energies. Therefore, among the energies one should distinguish those which are intense from those which are passive. the passive ones seek to assert suspense; hence, unestablished causes are very important. When the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet gives the impetus to action, the battle between the passive and the striving energies asserts itself. On the path of evolution, humanity manifests this battle, and it is necessary to give evidence of this intense creative activity in boundless affirmation. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 53: 53. Since everything is transmuted in cosmic creativity, humanity can apply the cosmic laws very easily. Acceptance of the law of evolution will readily reveal the understanding of the law of cosmic progress of the spirit. It will then be possible to approach the path leading to the far-off worlds. Can humanity, which lives only in the world of effects, make progress? Losing sight of the world of causes, humanity has certainly lost the bond with the law of Existence. Only the chain of lives can give the understanding of the cause of lives. Therefore, when We say that the spirit which is consummating its path has prepared its body through millennia, this is a true assertion. All causes of the spirit's strivings create their effects, and in this law of oneness is comprised the entire cosmic creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 119: 119. Each action is strained by the lever of spirit and the lever of heart. Cosmic creativeness expresses forms by these levers. In Cosmos, the lever of the spirit is the consciousness of Materia Lucida, and the lever of the heart is the same manifested symbol of attraction. How greatly humanity has deviated from the great principle of the creative Magnet! Man has accepted the center of the creative impulse as his Ego, and the action of the Ego absorbs all tensions. Thus, instead of a cosmic action there results a focus of egotism. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes cooperation. The creativeness of Cosmos evokes striving to the far-off worlds. The focal point of the Ego, rejecting all ordinances of Cosmos, generates causes which affirm the manifestation of isolation. Cosmos attracts dates which are identical with the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. The core of the Ego proceeds in isolation. The creativeness of Cosmos manifests boundless cooperation. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142: 142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 205: 205. Humanity ponders little upon the source of creativeness. All outer manifestations are accepted by humanity as ordinary. The Spatial Fire outlines definite functions. But behind the departing energies stands the source of the inexhaustible cosmic energy. About this invisible and all-pervading source humanity should ponder. Each creative thought must be directed to this source. The chain of causes and effects must be discerned in all cosmic labor. This chain is boundless in all dimensions. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 206: 206. The chain of causes and effects strains the fiery lives. As a rushing torrent, the fiery consciousness awakens the creative impulse. The chain of causes and effects strains the fiery centers. Therefore, the manifested processes are drawn near by the Cosmic Magnet. That is why the centers vibrate so greatly and the rays are reflected upon the heart. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 335: 335. The predetermination of the future is greatly intensified when there is affirmed a consequence of striving to the Cosmic Magnet. When this consequence comes into force, each of its steps achieves its own form. The chain of epochs is molded by the way of predestination. Thus, knowing the present, one can predetermine the future. One may determine every magnetic vibration that produces the striving of a nation. The study of causes will produce definite results. Thus, let each nation trace the fundamental quality of its aspirations and yearnings. The best indicator will be spiritual progress. Thus, through limitless striving there is established an intensive advancement into evolution. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 454: 454. Only the causes of the cosmic fires can establish the balance. Thus, the knowledge of the currents affirmed by the Magnet directs one to true creativity. The major part of human effort is set in the opposite direction. But each onrushing wave of a fiery spirit is heightened by correspondence. This is why the manifestations of the tension of the centers corresponds to the condition of spatial currents. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 506: 506. In the proclaimed law of life the principle of harmony is truly majestic! Often the spirit ascribes his action to a good motive whereas the power of the spirit is impelled in the opposite direction. Thus think those who do not wish to look straight ahead toward the Light. By such thinking the spirit admits lack of will, and lack of will is chaos. Since we know that effects proceed from causes, each spirit must examine his own motives. The entire Book of Life is concerned with the qualities of motives. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518a: 518a. I am trying to bring you closer to Infinity, not merely to give you an exquisite concept but so that you may acquire refinement of consciousness. If through the knowledge of causes we expand our consciousness, then through the cognition of quality we refine it. This property, and the quality of thought and feeling, will evince the cognition of the origins of creation. Hierarchy (1931) - 70: 70. Aerolites are not sufficiently studied, and still less attention is accorded to the cosmic dust upon the eternal snows and glaciers. However, the Cosmic Ocean designs its rhythm on the summits. If we begin to think of Infinity, we should pay attention primarily to all that comes from beyond and links us materially with the far-off worlds. How, then, can one venture upon a distant voyage without paying attention to the guests from afar? Also, symptoms of life upon the eternal snows should be compared with those upon the plains. Perhaps the excessive growth of certain glands is caused by the use of water from the snows, which causes a disorder resulting from the action of the particles of cosmic dust. So many useful observations are diffused around us, one must only stretch out one's hand! Hierarchy (1931) - 158: 158. Without the bond with the Teacher one may give access to a dark dweller even by one pinprick of denial. Levity does not dwell far from betrayal. Thus one may imagine the consequences of the disciple's severing himself from the Teacher. It is time to pay attention to insane asylums and to verify the causes and conditions of such illnesses, especially now when this scourge is more dangerous than the plague. Hierarchy (1931) - 165: 165. The physician who has an opportunity to study the sacred pains and does not do it is guilty. In studying those pains and comparing them with the actions that cause them, he could prepare the steps for the coming evolution. In reality, during the spiritual development of the world, sacred pains should not exist, but the surrounding imperfections create these pains. Thus, in comparing the conditions and causes, one can foresee the direction of evolution. Certainly, much can be improved in the human consciousness if we know that even earthquakes are called forth by the spirit of humanity. One can gradually gather many manifestations of which man is the creator. Thus, the sacred pains are the indicators of the next race in the clutches of the underdeveloped; hence, I say, Guard your health. I say, Do not burden others by unnecessary sallies and irritation. The echo of errors resounds not only around you, but is carried along the entire Chain of Hierarchy. However, each caution is beneficial not only to you but it also strengthens space unto far-off spheres. Hierarchy (1931) - 216: 216. All physical tension should be eliminated, for one cannot play the violin with a broom. Also, laughter causes disturbance of the closest strata of the atmosphere. When the heart is aflame, it resounds like a bell upon the far-off distance. It is rare to hear a Yogi laugh boisterously, for his joy is not in loud laughter, but in the saturation of the heart. Precisely, "joy is a special wisdom" not only in its essence but also in its exterior. Hierarchy (1931) - 240: 240. When people shall investigate not only fires and rays but also human secretions, then one may think of a change of the body. It is strange that people understand the powerful chemical processes that take place in their organisms and at the same time consider the products of these processes only as refuse. One can see how powerful is the blood or saliva. One can see what unusual strength the blood of the vegetable kingdom, valerian, transmits to a plant. Equally powerful are saliva and the other secretions of the glands. But one must observe the causes of increase and decrease of the reaction of the energy of these products. The saliva of wrath is poisonous, and the saliva of benevolence is beneficial. Is it not important to investigate such generally known manifestations, for which mechanical equipment cannot be substituted? Thus we shall again approach the lost knowledge regarding the substance of psychic energy, that mysterious Atma, which in ancient medical science was found in using the products of the glands. One must be able to oppose the fiery element by Atma, which is incombustible. Hierarchy (1931) - 288: 288. The cosmic laws are little understood by humanity. In life all organizations clash with Cosmos. Thus, humanity accepts only a few of the visible effects, but refuses to accept the treasures of Cosmos. The causes of this are lack of faith and ignorance. Therefore disunion has taken place. How can one affirm the cosmic laws when such a wall of denial has risen before humanity? Thus, each great law corresponds to life and to the leading laws. Thus, one can build upon the Chain of Hierarchy, which leads to the summit of manifest Beauty. Hierarchy (1931) - 381: 381. The consciousness that encompasses only the present, without any thought of the future, cannot adhere to evolution, because the chain of centuries disappears for such a consciousness. Hence, when the consciousness expands it encompasses the great leading chain of causes and effects. Thus, while evolution is being established, the manifestation of causes is so important. At present, when the planet is completing its Karma, certainly the retribution for engenderments is greatly reflected upon humanity. Yet that which is engendered by human spiritual striving enwraps the planet. Hence each bright tension and striving will give to the planet the affirmation of the New World. Therefore, the lofty Banner of Peace carries its projectiles of Light and fierily imbues the currents around Earth as a panacea against evil. The consciousnesses blended for millenniums create. Thus Light conquers darkness. Thus a wondrous step is being fulfilled. Thus the preordained approaches. Heart (1932) - 20: 20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, "Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?" The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds. Heart (1932) - 121: 121. When I call to strive toward Me, it means that amidst the battle a dangerous moment has arisen, and the unification of hearts is needed. It is impossible for one to imagine a complete victory in Infinity, but for the same reason defeat is equally impossible. Often a physician carries the pain over to another part in order to demonstrate its relativity, but cooperation does not need such examples. When the builders of a great plan are called, there can be no relativity. When the hour is dangerous, the heart aches. One may think of many causes, but the basis of anguish and alarm is one, namely, the austere part of the battle. It would be impossible to imagine a battle as an advance without obstacles. Thus, We are on guard and We call the co-workers to stand solidly. Heart (1932) - 181: 181. Shrinking and fossilization of consciousness are the main causes of the disunion of the worlds. The Great Battle often is impeded due to a complete disharmony of the consciousness of Earth and the Subtle World. Those who reach the Subtle World with a monarchistic consciousness cannot condone the present condition of their countries if a change of government has occurred. Thus, even where there is unity in many things, differing in one confuses and divides the forces. And if we remember what a number of spirits crossed into the Subtle World during the war and how many changes have taken place during the last years, one can realize the entire absence of coordination of worlds. Likewise, it can be imagined how significant now is the labor of the expanded hearts who are working self-sacrificingly in both worlds broadening consciousnesses. Heart (1932) - 207: 207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest. Heart (1932) - 318: 318. People who have visions should be carefully examined by physicians. Thereupon, special symptoms of the heart and nerve centers will be found. As the cadenza of ancient India is far more refined than the Western scale, so, also, the heart that cognizes the Subtle World will afford incomparably more subtle modulations of tone. Of course, physicians avoid examining healthy people; thus they overlook a precious page which guides one to the future. Usually, all miracles and visions are relegated to the category of hysteria, but no one explains what hysteria is. They will say it is an intensified reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, or they will attribute it to an irritation of the peripheral nerve endings; they will determine many causes among various reasons and will apply most bovine remedies, but they will not trouble to think whether in these manifestations there is not a higher reason. Heart (1932) - 341: 341. Degeneration, fattiness, dilation of the heart occur because of the inadmissible conditions of life. Heart disease resulting from karmic causes is very rare. Dilation of the heart may be due to good but unused potentialities. Of course, fattiness of the heart is an inexcusable condition because each fattiness can be arrested at the start. Labor is the best antidote for the tendency to fattiness. One should observe at least a slight hygiene of the heart. Striving to work is the best strengthening of the heart. Not work, but a rupture in the striving of the heart acts destructively. True, strong hostile arrows are also injurious, but for these wounds you know the balm of Hierarchy. Only the use of this balm must be continuous! It is definitely a great error to forget the existence of such a medicine. Heart (1932) - 356: 356. It is related how a Yogi, in a moment of tension, lifted a vessel filled with water and broke it. When he was asked the reason for this destruction, he replied, "Otherwise, my heart would have burst." Such discharges exist in all conditions. The tension of the heart can become so great that it becomes necessary to perform some action in space in order to free the needed conditions from the densified sphere. Such condensation may occur externally from outside causes, but it may also occur from within, exactly as during cosmic disturbances. Hence, one should cautiously watch the dictates of the heart. It senses and reflects invisible processes to such an extent that in accordance with it one can write the entire history of the Invisible. A comparison between seismic causes and the cataclysms of the Subtle World is difficult, yet the heart also reacts to them. Heart (1932) - 357: 357. To restore the heart affected by various causes We use vibrations. If Mahavan corresponds to earthly causes, the vibrations of the Silver Bridge are necessary during disturbances in the Subtle World. Heart (1932) - 425: 425. On observing the activity of the heart, the average mind will encounter a multitude of perplexities. Thus, it will seem strange to it that even the most refined heart records the most powerful events very slightly, but reacts powerfully to comparatively insignificant actions. There are numerous causes - external and internal - for this, but one ought to distinguish between them wisely. One must take into consideration all counteractions of the currents, but, on the other hand, one must also understand all karmic circumstances, which may magnify or diminish the transmission. One should not be distressed if the law cannot be expressed by a dead letter. On the contrary, the diversity of intervening conditions enriches the possibilities of new observations. Thus, even in schools one should exercise the attention of the small ones, who are often much more honest and flexible than adults; one should only approach them with the attractive proposal that they pay attention to their own sensations. Heart (1932) - 428: 428. Cor bovinum, in other words, ox heart, is the familiar condition of an enlarged heart. There are many causes for this, but only the chief cause concerns us. The enlarged heart may be caused by an overflow of unutilized heart energy. It can be said that people who suffer from an enlarged heart did not begin the education of the heart in time. The potentiality of their organ was good but the heart energy was not applied. Of course, an enlarged heart is preferable to a fatty one. Thus, the heart may be called the most individual organ. Hence, the methods for the education of the heart must be very flexible. From the earliest years one must pay attention to aversions and predilections. It is stupid to regard as ignorant nonsense aversions which are merely not understood. Often the entire structure of the heart is reflected in this. And very useful conclusions can be arrived at. But above all, one must beware of the heart that knows neither attraction nor aversion. It means that the heart is asleep. There are multitudes of such dormant hearts, and this leads to decay of the spirit. Thus, once again the most inconceivably spiritual is connected with the physical manifestation. Heart (1932) - 431: 431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres! Heart (1932) - 460: 460. Not only vibrations but also the substance of the heart produces creativeness. The same energy should be valued in all the minutest manifestations of life. Even in its minute manifestations life represents a miracle worthy of innumerable books. Thus, directing our attention to the physical shell will inevitably intensify our attention to the action of the heart. The Teaching of the Heart is the teaching of the causes of manifestations. The ancients began the Teaching by laying their hands upon the heart. Whereupon the Teacher asked, "Dost thou hear?" "I hear," answered the pupil. "This is the beating of my heart, but it is only the first rap upon the gates of the great Heart. If thou dost not heed the beat of thy heart, then shall the beat of the Great Heart deafen thee." Heart (1932) - 497: 497. You will be confronted with the question - Why does the manifested help appear precisely upon the brink of the abyss? There are many causes for this, among them karma and the desire for self-perfectment, yet from another angle, the cause lies in the tensity of heart energy. For cooperation with the Highest Forces tensity of the heart is needed, but it usually begins only when the tension reaches its extreme limit. This means that if the heart energy were manifested as it should be, cooperation would be achieved earlier. Thus we arrive again at the education of the heart energy. Let us remember that this education should begin with the minutest sensations and the most usual actions. This circumstance complicates the situation, because people usually like to say, "Let me fight a giant, but spare me from catching fleas." Yet giants are rare, whereas fleas are innumerable. One must pass through these dark swarms. The house has to be protected from them. The venom carried by the giant is less than that of the flea. Furthermore, the appearance of the giant evokes unusual courage; yet courage is also necessary against flies and fleas, and usually people suffer from flies rather than from giants. Heart (1932) - 531: 531. The waves of anguish do not issue from the apparent causes, but from the battle itself. You must aspire toward Us like warriors who keep their eyes fixed on the Banner. Some will ask why Our letters of fifty years ago do not resemble Our writings of today. But, even the book Call does not resemble the book Heart - for at that time there was no Armageddon. Let them understand that Armageddon changes many circumstances of life. It is impossible to apply peaceful measures in time of war; hence a garment of armor is needed, and chiefly, to strive to the Lords. Heart (1932) - 548: 548. When agitated it is best to eat little. Valerian and milk with soda are also good. The heart should be eased. It is a great error to take narcotics and alcohol. Naturally, through the study of Yoga, agitation should be transmuted into exaltation. When We see the causes, the effects, and possibilities, is the great possibility of healing by heart energy not great? However, like a precious drop, let this energy not be wasted through an unnecessary action. Hence, I repeat how greatly mutual understanding is needed during healing. It is difficult to realize to what an extent the spark of consciousness brings closer the salutary decision. The heart should be educated to acquire consciousness during all actions. Regard this as a law. It is intolerable that a man should bow like a blade of grass under the turbid waves of Tamas. That which could not have outlived yesterday must be consciously removed today. One must watch oneself and welcome the most difficult tasks as a purifying covering. One must always act thus, especially in the days of Armageddon. Heart (1932) - 565: 565. Much more of the wondrous occurs than we are accustomed to think. One could cite some historic instances of how prominent persons disappeared without leaving traces. But those who, for certain reasons, could not hide, apparently died, asking that they be covered tightly and that afterward thick layers of flowers be strewn upon them. During the night unknown persons came, made an exchange, and departed with the apparently dead. One could point out more than one case in Asia, Egypt, Greece, when events demanded such a transformation. Of course history represents these events in an entirely distorted manner. Empty tombs and secret cremations could recall much that is unknown to the people. One should measure with large scales. One should not assume that things are limited. Materia Lucida is ample for all achievements. One can develop great responsibility precisely through great measures. There are many ways, and if now We insist upon the shortest, it means that the limit of events has approached. It is correct to observe the causes and the course of events. But only a few feel responsibility for what takes place. I can affirm that each indicated situation has its most immediate designation. Since ancient days it was customary to investigate the disciple's degree of observation. For this, a seemingly abstract formula was altered and it was observed whether the keen intelligence would be capable of retrospection in order to find application for the formula expressed. The Teaching can deepen the understanding through observation. Heart (1932) - 577: 577. In the works of old hermits one can find the statement, "Good is fragrance, evil is a poisonous stench." Of course this remark is usually understood as symbolic, but a profound physiologist will understand that in this definition is also contained an instructive chemical experiment. The transmutation of energy into fragrance is a very definite fact. When the fragrance of freesias or violets is evident, one can presume the proximity of the physical or subtle energy of the Beneficent Principle. On the other hand the smell of decay accompanies everything low on the physical and on the spiritual plane as well. Hence, one can perceive this chemical reaction and thus approach still closer a transcendental physiological discovery. Thus, one must know how to approach the cosmic manifestations consciously. We consider smell and its purified concept as a very refined state. Among the senses, smell is one of the most intimate identifications for everything that approaches. Many will not understand that the heart can be the moving force of the refinement of smell. The approach of every being arouses in a flaming heart a particular action of the inner sense of smell. Heart suffocations often occur from such approaches. Neither wind nor the purification of the air help where the very energy of evil builds a seeming funnel, but of course beneficence offers relief. Likewise, the sensation in the fingertips is not only a protection, but also a receptor for hostile sendings. A ceaseless battle causes disturbances of the rhythm of the heart, hence every caution is useful. Heart (1932) - 584: 584. Much of that which is quite familiar remains uninvestigated. Have perspiration and saliva been exhaustively examined? We read of poisonous saliva. We know of beneficial saliva. We have heard of the varied properties of perspiration, and yet neither of these secretions has been investigated. The sweat of labor and the sweat of overeating will not be alike. The saliva of anger and the saliva of aid are different, but these symptoms are primitive. Every human state produces a special chemical reaction. In studying this truly cosmic multiformity of the microcosm, one can arrive at an understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds. With an intelligent man the reactions will be varied. One can learn how greatly the sweat of prayer and of high, heartfelt aspiration differs from the sweat of self-interest. The sweat of him who runs to help is completely different from the sweat of the hastening murderer. In comparing such contrasting reactions, the products of psychic energy can be traced. Thus the future scientific achievements are close. Of course, the investigator himself should manifest sufficient sensitiveness. He will have to detect different emotions and, through honest comparison, clarify many confused conceptions. The connection of secretions with changes in the aura will also enrich the experiment. Besides, there will be no need of vivisection or other tortures. The investigator could visit all possible localities of human activity and collect natural and not forcibly induced testimonies. The most difficult will be investigating the products resulting from prayer and higher aspiration - in other words, with the most important expressions. But also in these manifestations the one who desires will find the real treasures. You have noticed the evidence of perspiration in connection with the movement of the heart, this especially is a rare example of the aspiration of the heart. Thus, advise young physicians and scientists to pay attention to the urgency of these observations of the fiery diseases of which We have already spoken. These observations will be very useful. One should not forget about the coming fiery epidemics. Many elaborate reminders are spread throughout the history of humanity. Especially now, when the utilization of unstudied energies has reached significant proportions, one should think of the possibility of the rebounding blow. The scientists should pay attention to the peculiarity of many diseases. They cannot be explained merely as a condensation of the social vortex. The causes are far deeper, and Our Advice about the education of the heart is very timely. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5: 5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 37: 37. The so-called herb of truth actually exists. A combination of seven plants unlocks the controlling centers and a man freely utters his thoughts. This is not hashish but an evidence of the most ancient curative factors. It was primarily used for the diagnosis of disease, for no one knows better than the man himself the causes of that which occurs in his organism. But the inner consciousness cannot reveal these secret causes without a special influence. Later, however, rulers and courts of law utilized this as a means of securing evidence, and thereby they introduced the element of compulsion. But everything coercive and artificial is contrary to the fundamentals of Existence. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 52: 52. One should become accustomed to the fact that drowsiness has many possible causes. It is wise to understand that the activity of certain centers is especially transcendental and is apt to cause physical drowsiness. But We know how significant the state of semisleep can be. Do not reject drowsiness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 127: 127. It should not be thought possible to have one universal remedy for illnesses which may have a thousand causes. Special sections of therapeutics can be instituted which will partly correspond to a considerable number of the causes of illness. Thus, it must be understood that a universal expedient is impossible, because the origins of illness are entirely different. Likewise, in the methods of Yoga it is impossible to apply the same means for all. And yet, quite often in lectures and discourses general methods are mentioned, and those present are deluded into thinking that the prescription is for one and all. Only a very attentive scrutiny of the spiritual condition of the individual in question will give the right guidance to the indications for him. It seems very primitive to consider the diversity of organisms, particularly the conditions of the spirit, but mankind so loves panaceas. Still, there is only one panacea - the uplifted consciousness! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 143: 143. A headache may have many causes, but it also may come from the non-acceptance somewhere of mental sending; this can also be reflected as needle pricks in the heart. Hence, I am so anxious that this harm should not take place. With some people a routine of negation is formed imperceptibly, and it becomes, as it were, a habit to feel offended. On the basis of these errors, people become impervious to the manifestations of mental sendings. In this state the most benign thought recoils from the obstruction of resentment. Moreover, the thought may return and only cause trouble to the sender. One should urge everyone not to do harm. Besides, a touch-me-not attitude is most petty and is nurtured by an undeveloped consciousness. Thus, in everyday life there exists a routine of resentment. It must be recognized and ejected as a most noxious insect. Petty earthly feelings are turned into a fiery Gehenna. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 151: 151. Sleep can have the most contrasting causes, just as contrasting auras can be alike. It may be a hazy state of repose, or it may be a tense labor of the subtle body. When, besides nightly sleep, absentation during the day is also required, it means the labor is great. Often this imperceptible labor has a world significance. Governments would like very much to have such co-workers, but due to human limitations they do not even know how to find them. When, however, such a possibility arises, they are filled with an animal terror, exclaiming, "Most dangerous people!" Thus, each concept reaching beyond the limits of the crudest material conventions will be accompanied by an animal fear. One must be consoled by the fact that it was ever thus. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 155: 155. During great fiery tension lesions of the skin should be avoided. A fiery conjunction of unnatural order causes a particular burning. This phenomenon can be of interest to physicians. And even scratches should be viewed from a spiritual angle. Psychic energy is at work, but one must take into consideration the special fiery tension. Each eruption of a volcano likewise takes place because of particular pressures. The manifestation of fiery tension occurs in many sides of life. Once again in the Pacific Ocean new islands have risen, like fiery abscesses. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 213: 213. Swelling and sensitiveness of the glands is especially evident during school years. Physicians endeavor in every way to drive this manifestation inward, or they remove the glands. But hardly anyone has thought of the fact that the special sensitiveness of the glands is due to fiery manifestations awakened by new tension of the brain and heart. It is neither a cold, nor the stuffy atmosphere of quarters, but the new activity of the fiery centers which causes the tension of the glands. Also, a similar tension reacts upon the surface of the skin. Of course, treatment by means of pure air reduces the tension, for the fieriness of prana corrects the unbalanced condition of the glands, establishing a fiery harmony. But each removal by force of a fiery apparatus undoubtedly has a powerful effect in the future, lowering the sensitiveness of receptivity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 242: 242. Light out of darkness - this truth continues to appear to many as a paradox. These multitudes have not seen Light, and do not understand that Higher Light is inaccessible to the eyesight, either earthly or subtle; even its sparks tire the eyes. H. was enwrapped by waves of these sparks, and the eyes of Urusvati were especially fatigued. This enwrapment was necessary for Him, it was an example of mental sending to a great distance. Thus We send indications, but due to various tensions much is distorted. It can be affirmed that irritation requires tenfold energy, and such shafts of sparks can sever one's head. Therefore when I advise you to refrain from irritation, it means We are seeking the best results. Fiery energy surpasses all belief. People oppose this power and thus give rise to many calamities. The manifestation of enwrapment with fiery sparks depends upon many different causes. Fiery armor protects one from hostile arrows. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 255: 255. The fiery tension of space inevitably causes a particular fatigue of the eyes. It is necessary to interrupt the work of the eyes, closing them for a brief time. One can also make use of warm compresses, but closing the eyes for short periods is very helpful. A great number of new conditions arise during the Epoch of Fire. One must take these new factors into consideration in all conditions of life. The principle error is to take the external conditions of nature as something immovable. True, the moon may have appeared to remain static for a great number of generations, but nevertheless it was possible at one time to observe a substantial change in it. A lamp on a table falls over but once, yet the possibility of this always exists. Thus, one must not forget useful prophylaxis in connection with the tension of the fiery element. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 273: 273. The study of reciprocal intercourse among people is true social science. The relations between man and man studied in sociology do not reveal all interrelations. Sociologists do not study the manifestations of spiritual reactions. They leave this to psychology. But this science, in addition to being superficial, usually studies separate individuals, whereas it is necessary to study the expressions of sociality, for the spiritual influence is unusually powerful and its contact with cosmic processes leads to the solution of many problems. One should assiduously compare crowds and also learn how to compare their actions with nature's resonator. One should not overlook these powerful factors. It is not enough to know the effect of a volley of cannons; this is too elementary. It is far more important to know the effects of a crowd's glances or its shouts. One should realize that these waves reach remote shores by way of all the fiery currents. Thus, one can discover the causes of many unexpected occurrences, but this demands observation. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 298: 298. Agni is eternal! The fiery energy is imperishable! Folk sayings often speak of eternal joys and sorrows. The indestructibility of joy and sorrow sent into space has been observed very scientifically. Many bear the sorrow of another, and many grasp at joy that does not belong to them. Thus, one must always remember about eternal sowings. Thought, if not powerful, can be engulfed by the currents of space; but the substance of sorrow or joy is almost as indestructible as the fiery seed. It is useful to impregnate space with joy, and very dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. But where can one find the store of joy? Certainly not in the bazaar, but near the ray of Light, in the joy of Hierarchy. The increase of sorrow is one of the causes of fiery epidemics, but when physiology shall teach men about the debilitating consequences of sorrow, the quest for joy will begin. Gradually the rock of joy will be affirmed and an exalted solemnity will begin, recognized as the most healthful factor. Not without reason have We pointed out the benefits of the presence of healthy people. Joy is the health of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 369: 369. You explained quite correctly the curing of the case of tuberculosis, known to you. In fact, many cases of disease, especially among women, come from the kindling of the centers. But this conflagration can be quenched by giving a useful direction to the consciousness. It is possible that the fiery consciousness had been knocking for a long time, but the sparks of Fohat penetrated the region of the Chalice without being utilized. It is in this way that the conflagration starts, and tuberculosis is the most common result of unassimilated Fire. To assimilate in consciousness means also to assimilate physically. This connection of consciousness with the body is especially noticeable in the example of Fire, which causes a quite apparent physical deterioration if the Fire is not realized. Therefore, during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama. This pranayama is very simple - the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease. But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of Space is being inhaled and the consumed Ur, exhaled. Thus, Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy. Fortunately, sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 414: 414. I affirm that at the present one should gather all one's strength and courage. Throughout the entire world the forces of darkness are attacking. Is it possible that the good forces will be found fighting among themselves? The manifestation of heartache actually arises from the thoughts being sent. The physician may call it spasms of the aorta, without taking into account certain important external causes. Can one see only the effects without discerning their causes? Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 428: 428. Slander is especially harmful for the slanderers themselves. This truth should be remembered by people who have bad habits. A thought corresponding to reality forms a vehicle for an elemental. Everything worthy, austere, vital, gravitates toward creative thought, and will beneficently sustain its creator. But the devices of slander will attract brooding elementals, who, failing to find a vital foundation, will precipitate themselves upon the slanderer. Therefore, when I warn people not to succumb to the vileness of slander, again I do not advance a moral precept but point to very painful consequences. It is most disagreeable to find oneself in the Subtle World in the midst of raging elementals. Terrible is such a maelstrom filled with the fragments of one's own malicious thoughts. All these creatures clutch at one and hang on, acquiring an actual physical weight. Thought, like drops of energy, attract small elementals. The character of these germs of the spirit is most varied depending upon their substance, almost imperceptible embryos can achieve, under the nurture of thought, diverse manifestations. They can form the basis of minerals and even of plants. But one can imagine quite clearly how those thoughts that are void of any vital bases litter the lower strata of Earth. Meteoric dust is imperceptible to the eye, but it results in very substantial sediments. Hence, one can imagine how vast the dust of thought is and, being the effect of energy, how very substantial! The consequences of this debris of thought causes the illness of the planet. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 436: 436. Whence come the waves of sudden joy or anguish? They are regarded as unfounded, whereas causes underlie everything. I advise you to record such waves, which otherwise might be forgotten. With each move every man produces a significant experiment, yet he lightly rejects these flashes of cognition. Joy and anguish are not without cause, and records of these moods will remind one when earthly communications bring confirmation of them. The fiery mail is confirmed by earthly messages. Of course, many causes, not only earthly but also from the Subtle World, may not reach us, but still one can perceive significant coordination between events and feelings. Thus, experiences are accumulated which constitute a convincing whole. Verily, man's greatest experiments were performed in the laboratories of life! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 446: 446. It is correct to surmise that improvement in the chemical influences of the luminaries does not eliminate established causes. Much may have been sown, but lightning does not destroy all the crops. Thus, one should not leave off sowing, nor should one lean too heavily on a staff when walking rapidly. The ability to proceed is a habit retained from former experiences. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 464: 464. Torpor, as well as repugnance, must be overcome. Many fail to take notice of this pernicious fellow traveler. Yet one can clearly trace how not only some unknown causes but seemingly the most innocuous everyday objects intercept the current of the fiery energy. Not only repulsion but a certain kind of unnoticeable torpor arrests the tension of work. The most common object obscures, as it were, the receptivity of brain and heart. Sometimes the pattern of a fabric, the rhythm of a song, the flash of a knife, the tinkle of metal, or a multitude of similar fragmentary emotions throw us out of the usual trend of aspiration. Whence comes this torpor? When and where were these reverberations and flashes perhaps decisive factors in our existence? Let us not deny the cumulations of the past; this is one more evidence of past existences. One should regard these recollections very soberly, and even record them as an exercise in observation. But one should not be spiritually encumbered by these fragments of the past. One may also encounter objects which can give impetus to one's striving; one may rejoice at such companions of bygone paths, but even they must not engage our attention too long. Forward, forward, ever forward! Each moment of torpor is a loss of progressive motion. How often it has been said that motion is a shield against the hostile arrows! Thus, proceed fierily. Let your fire be a beacon for your companions. One should remember that one must give light through thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 465: 465. One should abstain from derision as from the most noisome vermin. No mockery fails to turn back upon us. The most inexorable boomerang is the humiliation of one's neighbor. It can be said that Fire is covered by a veil of dust when in the proximity of mockery. One should take serious account of the meaning of abuse and mockery. Mockery causes stoning to death, and the mother of mockery is meanness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 477: 477. It is quite natural that the fiery perception will precede an earthquake, which is in itself the result of fiery tension and discharge. The hypothesis that meteors cause earthquakes is too narrow, there are may causes which produce destruction in the firmament. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 478: 478. Fiery breathing exists, because the fiery body is alive. Seldom is it possible to observe the flashes of fiery breathing in the earthly body, yet a purified body can sometimes feel such sighs. They may be felt either in the crown of the head, in the heart, or in other centers; one can feel something like an expansion of these centers, as it were. This can even cause dizziness or nausea, because the physical world cannot easily adapt itself to such a manifestation of the Fiery World. Among the causes of enlargement of the heart may be included fiery breathing. Often the heart expands, but loses the rhythm and thus cannot contract normally. In levitation fiery breathing is of great importance; it takes the body out of physical conditions. Here again we are concerned with thought as a fiery product. You yourselves know that during levitation the body loses weight. You must also remember that the thought about levitation did not occur - it was only the entire being striving toward Hierarchy. Yoga constantly advises "Think only of the Highest, so far as your consciousness can encompass. Imagine this Highest to be the best Aspect. Imagine this Highest to be in the Ineffable Light. Strain your consciousness as if toward something completely tangible. Manifest the best disposition. Gather all treasures of the Good, for the Voice of the Silence said, 'In good we ascend!'" You see once more how clear were the ancient counsels, for application in life. One can constantly advise scientists to reread attentively the ancient Teaching. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 486: 486. When I advise caution I have in mind varying conditions. The state of health is bound up with many cosmic causes. Thus, one should not look for causes only in colds or indigestion. The chemism of the luminaries is analogous to substantial doses of medicines and mixtures which can perceptibly affect the organism. Similarly, nervous pains may be traceable not only to obsession but also to reaction to the currents of space. Why be surprised at the large number of nervous diseases? More than once have I indicated the horror of such epidemics. They are contagious and under many forms have one common basis - precisely, affliction of the subtle body. Now one can understand once again why it is so necessary to study the fiery energy without delay. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 497: 497. The history of denials reveals that men have rebelled most of all against manifestations of the Fiery World. This may have been terror at facing the unknown. Perhaps it was the usual revolt of ignorance. Perhaps it was the reflection of chaos being suggested to our mind as disparagement of everything. But one thing is apparent, in all domains of life people have tried to deny everything connected with fiery energies. The number of martyrs to the Fiery World exceeds the number of those who suffered for Truth. Parallel with the history of martyrdom one must write the history of denials. One must investigate, in the domain of religion and also among scientific discoveries, how every inch of fiery understanding has been gained by fighting ignorance with the greatest courage. Nothing has required so much self-sacrifice as the affirmation of the Fiery World. Even the most ordinary manifestation of light calls forth an explosion of suspicion. The most obvious manifestation will be explained in the most absurd manner. Precisely, Fire as the highest element is a most difficult realization for the human consciousness. In addition to ignorance there are many causes for this. People who have surrounded themselves with darkness will cross over into the Subtle World in darkness. Fiery glimpses are so insignificant to them, and the desire for ascent so unimportant, that Light remains inaccessible. So they walk about in darkness, fighting against the Light. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 503: 503. Prevision of events represents a very important scheme of our fiery perceptions. Sometimes one may foresee proximate and even daily actions; but often, as if over a long distance current, we are able to perceive the most remote events. Many causes condition such irregularities. There is no harm if the fiery prevision warns us about tomorrow; and there will be no gap if the distant future arises before the third eye. The fiery force knows no distance; it is like an observer on a summit who sees where the paths on the earth below meet. Since the Universal Government foresees the distant future, our weak eyes can catch glimpses of these fiery decisions. With what solemnity and thoughtfulness one should receive these illuminations! One should not discuss them immediately and in the earthly fashion; one must cherish them as an entrusted sacred treasure! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505: 505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 545: 545. The heart may ache when Hierarchy is commented upon in an unworthy manner. The heart is a center. Hierarchy is also a center. From the most cardinal, all is transmitted to the Supreme, and vice versa. When people are ignorant of something, they should not defile what is beyond their grasp. They should have enough humaneness to understand where the Ineffable begins. One cannot hope to continue to cast stones at the best Image. Some nitwits, filled with conceit, think that everything is permitted them. But when they lose their teeth, they should not be amazed but should look nearby for the causes. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 551: 551. In biographies it is highly instructive to trace the intervening circumstances which help to conclusively define a life task . It may be noted that many apparently accidental factors helped along in the predestined direction. As a matter of fact, not accident but many profound causes contributed to such achievement. In this can be seen the participation of the Subtle World. When the spirit chooses a definite task, it adapts itself to many assisting influences. Often there remain in the Subtle World allies and co-workers who control the contributory circumstances. Thus one can observe many scarcely perceptible impulses that lead to definite aims. One can only esteem such fireflies along with wayside guideposts! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 559: 559. The resonance of nature is often sensed. The people of antiquity even divined the definite sound of peace or of confusion. But scientists can explain this manifestation by looking to fiery causes. Since the vortical waves of Fire resound, a sensitive ear can detect this great resonance even in complete silence. One may hear combinations of similar vibrations in the noises of Earth. It is said that Lao Tze often conversed with waterfalls. This is not a fairy tale, for he listened to the resonance of nature and sharpened the sensitiveness of his hearing to the point of discerning the qualities of the vibrations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 613: 613. Thought creates; the extent of thought in space is unencompassable. Thus, many experiments serve only partially to broaden the understanding of the power of thought. People are astonished at the inexplicable character of clairvoyance pertaining to the future, seldom realizing that the fire of thought kindles and constructs an image of the future. Thoughts of various times and content construct Subtle Worlds which are accessible to clairvoyance. Among many causes of evolution, thought-creativeness has a primary significance. Therefore I so often repeat about the quality of thought. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 646: 646. Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought. People are especially fearful of overtiring the brain, but this is absurd because thought cannot cause excessive fatigue. Mental disease is caused by numerous other excesses. Smoking, drinking, sexual overindulgence, lack of sleep, overeating, irritation, a wearying depression, envy, treason, and many horrors of darkness cause the overstrain which is ascribed to mental labors. As a prophylactic force, thought not only does not occasion fatigue but contributes to the interchange of higher substances. To blame thought for overfatigue is equivalent to expulsion of Agni from the heart. Both conductors connect humanity with the Higher Worlds; one must value these threads without which one can sink into chaos. In the West, religion signifies the link with God, with the Highest Principle; this means that every tie must be cherished, and the most important intercourse will be through the fiery thought process. Therefore, one must free oneself from the fear that thought can cause fatigue. But if you notice fatigue during the process of thinking, seek other causes; usually they are nearby. Perhaps the cause is not in you. Perhaps poisoned air has entered through the window or the firewood is not pure. Petty causes often produce grave consequences, and it is especially deplorable that a light-bearing thought should be regarded as the source of fatigue. Thought is health, renewal, interchange of substance - thus let us understand the salutary quality of thought. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 19: 19. The great heat is not only from physical causes but from a chemical condensation which has gathered over the planet - the forerunner of the fiery Epoch. People pay no attention to such signs, but it is primarily people themselves who can improve the situation. Malice is a condenser of heavy chemism. People do not want to believe that their inner laboratory has a cosmic significance. People ponder over various useless things, but they do not wish to reflect about their own importance and responsibility. Of course the chemical heat is as yet only temporary, and will be replaced by cold. One may imagine what people are preparing for themselves a quarter of a century hence! There is still time to think and to render the atmosphere wholesome. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 40: 40. Besides the borrowing of energy, the signs of absence and dizziness pertain to the fiery reactions. Likewise are epidemics of neuralgia and of seeming rheumatism nothing else but actions of the fiery centers under the pressure of the spatial Fire. Not soon will people consent to investigate such epidemics under the sign of Fire. People usually like to dissect, but synthesis is difficult for them. Yet it is already time to pay attention to every disease which yields to suggestion. One must clearly visualize the cause which creates physical pains, but which disappears under the influence of suggestion. Why are physical sensations subject to psychic influence we shall come to the conclusion that one element is the determining factor - Fire, which penetrates both the psychic and the physical domain. Even meningitis gives way under suggestion. This seemingly incurable affliction retreats before the power of Fire. Of course suggestion is first of all a fiery concentration. A man who causes such a fiery reaction thus calls forth a tension of the injured organs. Therefore the power of hypnotic suggestion must be greatly developed, but must be subject to state control. Something similar to the control over the Egyptian priests, who had the right to employ suggestion but who had to give full account of their actions in the temple assemblies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 51: 51. It is already known that a tremor of horror causes a contraction of the nerves of the skin at the nape of the neck. But people forget that the nerve substance of the spine sends a sort of arrow for restoration of the confused consciousness. One may think that the tremor at the back of the head is an expression of terror, but instead of that it is only a protective arrow. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 65: 65. One may notice even during daytime a feeling as of absence. One should very attentively observe this state. It shows that partially the subtle body has left for distant work. One may feel dizziness and tension in the center of the Brahmarandra. This results from a partial presence of the subtle body which is subjected to special pressure of the fiery seed. One should not strain oneself during this condition. It is useful to sit awhile quietly with closed eyes. One also may mentally send currents to the subtle body which is at work. Furthermore, one should not burden oneself with geography nor distance, but should send a quiet bidding to the toiling subtle body. One must not tire oneself when so many currents are tensed. Not only are heavy currents fatiguing, but a reinforced sending of success can be a burden. Blows upon the aura may be from the most varied causes. Not in vain did the ancient priests cover the heart with the left hand - as with a lightning rod - because the fingers strongly repulse the blows. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 115: 115. If people were able to draw an account of the quality of a day, they could avoid many difficulties. Indeed, astrology is a very exact science, and it demands extremely accurate correlation. It is evident that astrological data is limited to place and time. This is quite comprehensible when we picture a plan of intersecting currents. Thus, above all possible inaccuracies of our astrological interpretations, there exists the great indicator - the heart. The two sources must be unified. Let the most exact calculations of astrology be united with the heart. The heart will tell in its own silent language where is the hardship which must be outlived, or the joy which must be utilized. But let the wisdom of the heart not be turned into superstition, and let the tablet of the astrologer not become a dried skeleton. A great number of petty circumstances vibrate in space, and only the fiery heart can understand the invisible network of causes. The Rays of the Luminaries intersect nations, races, individuals. One may recognize the immutability of the chemism of the constellations, but the analysis of such diverse confluence must be very carefully interpreted. The heart can assist, but even in straight-knowledge it is guided by Hierarchy. With justice people turn to the science of astrology, but without the fiery heart they may find themselves in an impassable jungle. Thus let us remember the heart, otherwise speaking, the Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173: 173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 194: 194. You will have to repeat to many that Our remedies are good, as a supplement to psychic energy. Some physical remedies cannot produce the desired result, but psychic energy is reinforced by communion with Hierarchy. Thus, the wise physician first of all will take care to know the condition of his psychic energy and to see that it is in concordance with the Higher forces. Paying attention only to physical qualities has no significance for the future. When We speak about the Fiery World, it means that it is time to be moving forward. It is impossible to remain on the level of the transitory period, when all the foundations of Existence have been forgotten. I affirm that each physician must pay attention to himself in order to feel to what an extent he himself is ready to renew his consciousness, otherwise he will not find fitting words for those who come to him. He will be unable to inquire into the actual causes of ailments. He will not maintain a self-affirmed influence. I do not insist that each physician be a hypnotist, but he must understand the spiritual world of the patient in order to be able to speak about the main thing in the case. The Teaching must disclose paths, but not be merely a pharmacy. Let people have an opportunity to observe and discover, otherwise there will be reactions upon Karma. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 218: 218. Ur. has seen and taken part in Our Fiery labor. Thus, We not only observe but also control fiery tensions. Centers of observation are situated in several floors of Our tower. Many forces have been collected to oppose the fiery attack. Satan is very anxious to make an end of the Earth, in order to concentrate his forces on the Subtle World, which cannot be destroyed in the same way as earth. Thus the Proprietor of Earth through present treachery is betraying the Earth. He is a poor Proprietor in that he cultivated such a nature within himself. He causes Us double labor by keeping up the fires of chaos. Ur. has seen not a few apparatus; but over and above them stands psychic energy, and therefore We are so careful with it just now. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 225: 225. It is an error to think that irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs is caused only by colds. Such tensions also result from spacial fires. Without doubt, irritation of nose and throat can be cured by suggestion. The same cause underlies many cases of so-called hay-fever, which often can be cured by suggestion. Also many kinds of skin disease are cured by the same method. Often, in fact, skin irritations arise not from external causes but from imbalance of fiery currents. It is regrettable that physicians do not observe this phase of human ailment. Only occasionally do they recognize nervous causes, but then they try to flood them out with bromides, whereas suggestion could produce a better result. Let us not forget that at times suggestion has been employed to speed up the closing of wounds, by way of enlisting the cooperation of the entire organism. Thus, during discourse about the Fiery World, one should not forget the cause, at times, of irritations of the nose and throat. Physicians must be urged to study all methods of suggestion. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 266: 266. There is no such thing as emptiness; yet often people sense, as it were, a semblance of emptiness. What can such an anxious sensation mean? Of course, it is not without foundation. With their thinking people poison their surroundings and transform them into chaos. The so-called feeling of emptiness is really a sensing of chaos. In itself chaos is not emptiness at all, but it is so far removed from the human consciousness that its approach already constitutes a loss of the guiding principle. Such a deadly principle is sensed as emptiness, and in it is contained no small danger; equilibrium is disturbed, and suicides and various kinds of insanity occur. Not emptiness nor chaos, but mean thinking causes the stupid poisoning of the atmosphere. Besides, such thinkers infect their surroundings and thus strike at their neighbors. Truly, man can become social only on a certain level of thinking. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 386: 386. Nausea and excretion are recognized by Yogis as a self-defense against poisoning, which can be not only from food but also from hostile currents. Undoubtedly such currents can impinge on a man and cause the same reactions as result from physical causes. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 402: 402. You have noticed that at times We do not repeat certain names. This circumstance depends upon varying causes and currents. Even a paper kite is not flown every day. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 414: 414. An infected man does not sense his infection for a long time. Since this is true of physical disease, the more readily understandable is such a process of incubation in diseases of the spirit. One may be amazed at the fact that physicians do not attempt to observe the origin of a malady of the spirit; hence, it is more difficult for them to observe all the fiery processes. But if physicians deny such fundamental conditions, then whither may people be directed in order to learn the causes of their unprecedented sensation? Likewise, scholars and schoolteachers are of no assistance - thus people are left without advice about the most important inceptions of disturbances of body and spirit. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 421: 421. The Yogi can sense heat and cold independent of external causes. Such transcendental perception relates to the Subtle World. It is sufficient for a dweller of the Subtle World to think about warmth or cold or other sensations, and the energy of thought will invoke them immediately. Thus, thought constitutes a laboratory for all reactions. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World We insist so much on watchfulness over thoughts. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 4: 4. It is correct to think that between the earthly plane and the Fiery World there is coordination; but the causes of all developments are invisible. Thus one may look upon temporary anguish on the earthly plane as a threshold to great joy. One may send quietly a fiery wave into the earthly domain, but thunder is heard on the far-off worlds. Therefore all dimensions are reached by varying potentialities of the waves. Verily, all creative energies are active both on the earthly plane and in the Fiery World. The conducting current is one, but people cannot always understand the extending significance of an action. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 5: 5. Unknown are the causes of actions on the earthly plane. Only to the consciousness of an Adept is the understanding of the essential nature of all occurrences accessible. Thus, humanity can absorb only a minute grain of Truth. Therefore let us speak about the Fiery Law with deep reverence. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 35: 35. So much is said about cooperation, but so little is comprehended! This is one of the most misconstrued concepts, because in a human community the idea of united labor is so distorted. Life in the community of co-workers has in view no forcing of feelings, of obligations, of constraints, but an affirmation of united work in the name of manifested Good. If the human community would accept the law of united labor as the law of life, to what an extent human consciousness could become purified! For the rhythm of a common task can unite various specialists and individuals who differ in their qualities. The law is simple, bur how many distortions surround it! The manifestation of the human nearness of the spirit is conditioned by many causes, spiritual as well as karmic, but under the ray of labor a community may be organized with the aid of the law of cooperation. Therefore it is necessary to educate the co-workers through labor and by the affirmation that each co-worker is a part of the whole. However, one should exclude incorrect thinking about the personal. Such interpretation can help a community to become affirmed as a single channel. So many sad happenings can be avoided through the expansion of consciousness and by the subtle understanding that it is inadmissible to encroach upon the heart of another being. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World the co-workers should understand that one may advance only through the law of Common Labor - there is no other measure! The subtle is attained only by the subtle; and the subtle threads of the heart resound only in a tension of many thousands of years. Therefore, let the co-workers especially realize this single path. Precisely, the law of united labor permits no infringement upon the heart of another. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 45: 45. If humanity would understand evolution, then indeed it would arrive at the comprehension of the Fiery Right. Only the Fiery Right can create cosmically. Thus can be accomplished the steps of a mighty evolution. The entire equilibrium of Cosmos is maintained upon the fiery unification of the First Causes. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 62: 62. How can the imagination be properly defined? Usually people take the imagination to be their own invention of forms, but the imagination itself has its roots and distinctions. One may find the core of the imagination in the "chalice," as the precipitation of many lives. However, the imagination is nourished not only by the remembrances of past lives, but also by the action of the present. When the spirit participates in the life of the far-off Worlds, or in the Subtle World, or in the Astral World, then frequently the memories of these experiences are reflected as imagination. Often scholars obtain formulas, or direction, precisely through a communion with the Subtle World. Thought and striving are also kindled by the Subtle Spheres. But a spirit possessing the synthesis not only takes from the treasury of the "chalice," but also is a true co-worker of Cosmic Forces. How many inexplicable causes of unquenchable imagination there are, and how many unexplainable manifestations of heart anguish! Usually, when strength is being spent for a structure, and the divisibility of the spirit is active, heart anguish is inevitable. Furthermore, the heart is a most powerful reservoir for assisting others. There are strong examples of great saints who nourished the far and near with a wealth of currents. The Agni Yogi is such a nutritive agent. On the path to the Fiery World let us sensitively and cautiously refer to the heart which knows fiery anguish. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 84: 84. For better assimilation of the higher energies of the supermundane spheres it is necessary to spiritualize the centers. Departing from the earthly sphere, the spirit must be cleansed of lower emanations. Any superfluous husk which the spirit brings along into the Subtle World causes inexpressible pains. In a well-developed consciousness a purification takes place which frees the spirit from the husk. But the spirit which zealously retains its earthly habits experiences in the Subtle World all the infirmities which it was accustomed to undergo on the earthly plane. Going uphill, any superfluous load causes shortness of breath in the Subtle World. It is very distressing to carry things which were not previously overcome, and which in the Subtle World have become a burden. Most painful of all is the perception of one's own coarseness. Even in the lower, underground strata is felt the weight of one's own crudities. Often there are heard wails from the supermundane strata which are the appeals of the spirits not yet cleansed of this burden. It is reprehensible to litter the Subtle World with the same lightmindedness as the earthly one. And coarse accumulations form, as it were, unerasable layers which are always visible. Thus, spiritualization of the centers is the way of ascent into the Higher Spheres. This reflection is indispensable on the Fiery path. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 159: 159. The protective net contains reflections of the centers. One cannot be affirmed upon any manifestations without touching the protective net. One can imagine these reflections of the centers as their potentials which are inflamed or awakened depending upon this or that feeling, inclination, or action. Even in physical infections one may seek the cause in the unguarded state of the protective net. These processes indicate how important it is to watch the protective net, and how readily possible it is to disturb these radiations of the spirit. True, when the radiation is saturated with higher feelings or strivings, the protective net is strengthened by these energies. But blots, noticeable on the aura, must be studied as indexes of various spiritual ulcers. Therefore, only he who apprehends the whole creativeness of the spirit foresees the advisability of guarding the protective net. In contacting the spatial Fire, it is needful to understand all the processes of the laboratory of the centers. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should become affirmed in one's consciousness upon the ruinous effect of selfhood, which causes irritation by manifesting actual poisoning with imperil. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 192: 192. Truly, mankind is unable to get out of the charmed circle of effects. How, then, can humanity overcome all the malignant energies which saturate life? Only fundamental manifestations can give the true direction; but the charmed circle, which is affirmed by humanity, will be cloven only when the sword of the spirit pierces the web woven by darkness. Struggling with effects does not lead to the designated manifestation which must bring near the great future. Rightly has it been stated that the Leader knows the cause of cosmic manifestations. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us follow the Hierarch of Light who knows those causes and effects. Thus let us remember when the great Epoch of Fire draws near. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 194: 194. Indeed, if humanity would not violate the manifestation of the First Causes, the foundations of Existence would retain that basis which manifests the beauty of life. Cosmic Right brings understanding of the fact that a one-sided administration of the planet is plunging it into an abyss. Cosmic right offers to humanity that Principle which can pierce the darkness. Cosmic right reveals to the planet the unity of Principles which guides the entire Universe. Cosmic right reveals the Feminine Principle as a manifested power. Cosmic Right reveals the greatness of the Feminine Principle, which manifests self-renunciation, and before which verily the great Arhats bow themselves. Verily, We reverence the great Feminine Principle. Verily, We reverence the giving Principle which bestows the life of Beauty and of the Heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 214: 214. Cycles which are shaped by the Cosmic Magnet have in their foundation the affirmation of the Higher Forces. These fiery Cycles appear as the foundations of planetary life. The Cosmic Magnet builds commensurately with spatial power. The Spirit of the Builder of the Cycle must be that Power which corresponds to the designation of the Cycle. The whole synthesis of the Cycle must be saturated in the Spirit manifested for Cosmic Synthesis. At the fiery change of the Cycle there is given a Fiery Principle for the purification of the planet. So few spirits understand the fundamentals of Fiery Existence! So few spirits understand Who stands at the Helm! The beauty of the Cycle can enlighten only the consciousness which can understand the Power of the First Causes. The helm of the planet's life and the foundations of Existence are affirmed by Fiery Right. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the Basis of Cycles. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 218: 218. Concentrations of crystals of psychic energy grow during each heightening of aspiration. Each tension of power of the spirit multiplies the crystals of psychic energy. Sediments of precipitated crystals, consisting of subtle energies which have been chemically transformed in the organism, feed those organs which are in special need during the expenditure of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt down substances harmful for the organism. Through conscious tension one can actually promote this dissolving process, which is of service as a counteracting factor. Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or injured organs can produce a healing effect. Conscious tension of the will causes spontaneous action of the crystals. Thus, thoughts about psychic energy crystals can bring needed assistance for the injuries of internal organs. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 223: 223. Rotation of the solar plexus can have many other causes besides all the cosmic ones. It is necessary to examine the functions of the center of the solar plexus in connection with the sendings of energy at great distances. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus occurs under compression of psychic energy. The radiations of the solar plexus pass through all the centers, and by this rotation these rays penetrate all the centers, bringing to them nourishment and unification through fiery energy. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus can also coordinate different energies by compressing, as it were, any one center which is in special need of saturation or of strengthening. The radiations of the solar plexus then reach, as it were, the outer circumference of the protective net. During the sendings of energy into a determined place, all radiations are gathered into a seeming conical spiral, and all the projectiles go into space spirally. Thus the functions of the solar plexus are as numerous as are its radiations, since it is also a powerful regulator of the energies emanating from all the centers. Absorbing cosmic fiery energies, the center of the solar plexus distributes the latter according to the respective tensions which are inherent in the centers. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 240: 240. The Equilibrium of the World rests upon the foundation of Being. So powerfully is life affirmed when the higher manifestation is kept in the consciousness. Each lofty thought will be a pledge of the spirit's striving. And in an endless chain of action and thought can be expressed all new trends of evolution. Space affirms its tensions which conform to the actions and thoughts engendered on the Earth. The more responsible is humanity for all its engenderings, for the Subtle World is thus held back in its development, just as is the whole chain of evolution on the Earth. Therefore thought about spirituality must enter into life, but as a true understanding of the Fundamentals of Existence. The Equilibrium of the World cannot be established without true understanding of the First Causes. Thus, each fiery word of the heart proceeding towards purification of the Teaching is a fiery stimulus which will give impetus to the consciousness. Therefore, let us be affirmed in the consciousness upon the power of Equilibrium, as the stimulus of Existence, of the First Causes, and of Beauty. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 290: 290. The Heart of the World raises all manifested energies toward constructiveness, which rules the Universe. Cosmic striving holds in its tension each energy of spatial Fire. But the cohesion of all cosmic creative forces, as well as the directing of them, is subject to the Heart of the World. The unification of Worlds also depends upon this supreme Principle which kindles all lives. Thus, the cause of all primary causes is the Heart of the World. Each torch of life is set aflame by the Heart of the World. The consciousness which acquires the fiery vibration of the Cosmic Ray, senses the vibration of the Heart of the World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 291: 291. If science would penetrate deeper, and go into research of the fiery atoms, which serve as life givers for every manifestation, then it would be possible to discover a great many basic causes. But a constant requisite is that the search be most vigorously pursued, for the propelled quests must actually go as far as the fiery atom. Studying only the external traces of various reactions, it is impossible to reach the fiery solutions. So much has been said about the fiery essence of the World; therefore thorough study of the manifest vibrations of all the subtle currents and energies and their interaction must be made. The spiral which unites the fiery atom with the Universe must be investigated in all its powerful manifestations. On the path to the Fiery World let us be affirmed in the conception of fiery interactions in the Cosmos. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 294: 294. The causes of diseases lie in the root of the bond between the physical and astral worlds. The body reflects all the effects from affirmations taking place in all the strata and recesses of the Cosmos. It seems to be clear as to what an indissoluble correlation exists between Macrocosm and microcosm, but, except for the enlightened consciousnesses, this concept is not taken into consideration and does not advance scientific investigations further. If it were known how atmospheric pressure influences the organism, would one not strive for realization of this link, the power of which saturates each cell of life with its Fire? The bond between the bodies and the interaction of currents must be investigated, for it is impossible to determine precisely the condition of the organism and its ailments without establishing the fiery correspondence. Sensitive investigation of the spiritual and physical states will provide the possibility of discovering the fluids of dissolution. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 313: 313. For affirmation of actions and of progress it is indispensable to be imbued with the essence of the acting manifestation. When action premises a great goal, each step must conform to the destination. One cannot mix the great with the insignificant. One cannot mix treachery with the higher destination, or a lower impulse with a higher goal. Such a confusion inevitably causes a sharp reaction. Each higher destination is in need of fiery saturation and non-resistance to spatial designations. Besides higher vigilance, a conscious discernment of the forces of Light and darkness is indispensable. Only steadfastness and conscious fearlessness will bring victory. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 318: 318. The present condition of the World corresponds to the stratified sedimentations accumulated by humanity. The manifestation of the conformity can affirm those cycles which are ensuing; in them will be reflected all the expiations of Karma, and each cycle will introduce its new step. Speaking about cycles, let us keep in mind the transference of cosmic conformity. Truly, let us look upon expiation as fiery construction. These cycles will be instituted by three causes - the transmutation of old accumulations, purification of space, and the molding of a great future. The transmutation has begun. And as monsters rise from the bottom of the seas, so is all rubbish rising from the depths of the rabble. In the Furnace of the Cosmos much is being melted down for the useful construction. The efforts at transmutation will attract each Karmic action. The condition of the planet creates an inevitable Karma, woven by the engenderings of humanity. But on the path to the Fiery World it must be kept in mind that the purification of space will bring a great future. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 397: 397. Innumerable are the causes of diseases, and science must analyze these causes. In this it is necessary to have in view the structure of all planetary life. Analyzing diseases one should study the spiritual and physical currents. Likewise the environment has its influence, for group aura proves to have a strong effect on a sensitive organism. We have often heard that during epidemics the better people are the first to depart into the Subtle World, and such diseases often carry off many sensitive spirits. This needs to be investigated, for not always is insufficiency of psychic energy the cause of falling ill. "Microbes" of spiritual infection which saturate space actually overburden the sensitive organism which provides a large store of psychic energy. It can be traced how often in critical moments an illness solves the accumulating drama of life, and often a third spirit takes upon himself a burden created near him, bearing it voluntarily and with tense care. Physicians must very attentively investigate the circumstances surrounding and preceding illnesses, for they may discover a hidden key to many sicknesses. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 399: 399. The rise and fall of psychic energy is conditioned by various causes. The most important factor must be understood to be the actual quality of spirit of the bearer of psychic energy. As for the fiery spirit, even during the largest decline of psychic energy, its store is never completely exhausted. But the earthly spirit is affirmed only by the lowest energies, which very easily swallow up small stores of psychic energy; since this higher Fire is brought forth by the tension of the higher centers, by higher aspirations and higher feelings. The manifestation of psychic energy is, as it were, crystallized during a decline, but the fiery spirit is able to inflame these crystals by heart tension. A transport of the spirit can even manifest the potential of the store of psychic energy. Therefore the fiery spirit cannot exhaust its store of psychic energy. This store can burst ablaze during an inflammation of the centers. It can practically disappear during expenditure in battles and during sendings at far distances, but this sacred crystal cannot entirely disappear. Its action only alters its rhythm and its properties, as well as its tension. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 407: 407. It is not always possible to know immediately whither a current of psychic energy has been directed. It is impossible to decide immediately, when the currents are going in different directions and reveal an identical reaction, for the expenditure of psychic energy in creative actions emanates from one source. The current of psychic energy is reflected on the heart and on the whole organism, therefore it is difficult at any one moment to determine the direction in which psychic energy is creating its saturations. Heart anguish can be the result of many causes, but one should not attribute it only to the weight of the burdensome manifestations of life, for the cause may be the opposite. When a current of psychic energy is directed into space, a sensation of heartache is inevitable. One must carefully discriminate in these wonder-working manifestations and not confuse them with forebodings. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 449: 449. To reflect upon true causes will already mean a contact with the Fiery World. Thus it is needful to strengthen one's penetration into the causes of cosmic manifestations. Will not the human spirit participate in them? It is especially necessary to observe the conduct of those people to whom assistance has been rendered. Whoever rejected St. Germain has had a dismal destiny. Rejected assistance is turned into an enormous burden - this is the law. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 450: 450. People inquire about the causes of infection, about the properties of blood and sperm, but they completely forget that at the base of these lies psychic energy. It preserves against infection; it is found in the properties of secretions. It is useless to take into consideration a mechanical summary of collected information if attention is not given to the participation of psychic energy. People call a certain immunity an influx of faith, but not without reason is a state of ecstasy called the radiance of the Fiery World. And such a radiance protects man against infection. It purifies the secretions, it is as a shield. Therefore a state of joy and exaltation is the best prophylaxis. Whoever knows rapture of spirit has already been cleansed against many dangers. Even ordinary physicians know how changeable is the condition of the blood and secretions. But few connect this with the spiritual condition. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 577: 577. People often do not know for a long time what goes on in the house of a neighbor. Still longer remains unknown what is happening in another country. Therefore it is not astonishing that that which takes place on another plane is unknown. Thus secret are causes and effects. The material World perceives only a transitory Maya. The more is it sensible to pin hopes upon the future. Our Decree is concerned with real results. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 615: 615. Even dullness from nervous causes can be cured by the same triple action. Only in such case the suggestion must be very soothing, whereas in the case of paralysis it must be imperative. Many cases of mild insanity can be cured and a healthy condition restored. So many unfortunate ones languish in confinement! AUM (1936) - 75: 75. There are people who aver that they never pray, and yet they preserve an exalted state of mind. The causes are many. It may be that they commune with the Higher World while at work without being aware of this fact. Perhaps their consciousness preserves in the depths of the heart flaming invocations, inaudible to man. It may be that from former lives hieroglyphics in strange languages have been carried over in secret memory. Thus, people often begin to repeat an unknown word which has a meaning in an unexpected dialect. Many sacred remembrances are preserved in the consciousness. Many of the worthiest actions are impelled by causes from former lives. One need not bind oneself by affirmations which have causes deriving from deep experiences. AUM (1936) - 92: In view of the fact that a potential of basic energy has been given to each man, it is difficult to conceive how contrarily people have dealt with his great gift. The very imagination can hardly encompass such a chasm. People regard that which is unpleasant to them as difficult and that which causes them no trouble as easy; out of such conventionality open up yawning abysses. People are not accustomed to keeping the Higher World in their consciousness, yet it is not difficult to replace the feeling of emptiness with infinite life. How much more beautiful is realization of the Higher World than the casting of oneself into stony fetters! AUM (1936) - 93: Apparitions are just as real as the shadows on the sand, but we know what causes the shadow. So, too, appearances out of the Subtle World will not be an impossibility. But let us not fear; let us resonantly pronounce the Name of the Teacher. AUM (1936) - 105: 105. Undoubtedly you are often asked about the contact of the Subtle World with earthly life. You will be right in saying that such contact is continuous. Not a single earthly action remains unanswered on the part of the Subtle World. Each earthly thought arouses either joy and assistance, or malevolence and destructive sendings from the Subtle World. Even the weak spirits vigilantly attend earthly thoughts. Of course, powerful earthly thoughts inject a deepened vibration into the Subtle World, therefore it is but natural that the Subtle World should resound also to the earthly thoughts. When I say that the fall of a feather from the wing of a little bird causes thunder in the distant worlds, this is not a symbol, but only a reminder of the cooperation of all that exists. One needs to accustom oneself to the fact that there is no void. One must greatly strengthen one's conviction of the importance of man's task, his obligation and duty. AUM (1936) - 117: 117. Tears and saliva alter their composition according to the state of the spirit. And each breath is different in its chemism. If ordinary breathing is not easy to investigate because of its superficiality, then a sigh which causes a tremor of the organism will be indicative. It can be noticed that a deep sigh sometimes causes something in the nature of an internal spasm. Such nerve contractions indicate increased outpouring of psychic energy. Depending on the impulse, it will stimulate the action of certain organs which will give a particular chemism to the breath. At the pronunciation of Aum a breath is manifested, the chemism of which will be very beneficial. AUM (1936) - 138: 138. More than once have the wise ones advised keeping closer to Earth. Will not such counsel contradict thoughts about Infinity? Not at all. We have been incarnated on Earth, and for this the causes are many. If our vigil is to guard Earth we must also love it. It is impossible to care for that which is not loved. AUM (1936) - 170: 170. Man does not know wherein lies his best action; therefore, to pride oneself on one's actions is ignorance. Human deeds depend upon many conditions. The distant worlds are either allies or adversaries. The causes and motives have been written down on such lengthy scrolls that the results cannot be read by human eyes. AUM (1936) - 212: 212. It is necessary to endeavor to find the simplest causes of manifestations. People notice that clairaudience is better at dawn. The reason advanced for this is far from the truth. They suppose that after the night the organism is rested; they think that the currents just before dawn lend assistance, but they overlook the simplest and most natural solution. Actually, the most obvious cause lies in the fact that during sleep man has contacted the Subtle World, and therein has enhanced his subtle qualities. AUM (1936) - 217: 217. When the body has tired of one position, it is advisable to change to another. The same thing is true in all circumstances of life. Each change has its causes. Let us learn to deliberate about them, in this way each condition attests its advantages. Thus I repeat, affirming tolerance. AUM (1936) - 239: 239. Everything in the world is unrepeatable. Hence it is possible to realize how much of the unusual there is. Without such understanding people will not discover their own earthly position. It is impossible to think about evolution if the impelling causes and the unattainable goal are unknown. Earthly existence has no meaning without understanding of cause and effect. Yet if people would even partially realize the unusualness of their surroundings, they could more easily focus their thoughts upon the Higher World. It is impossible to persuade people to turn without a transitional step to so different a sphere as the Higher World. But if the eye gradually learns to distinguish the multiformity of its surroundings, it will more easily become accustomed to the discernment of subtle manifestations. Verily, everything must be cultivated. AUM (1936) - 275: 275. It is right that you turn your attention to the blows repelled by the aura. Only a few realize such mental assaults. People usually attribute such manifestations to accidental physical causes, but the developed consciousness, even during sleep, will determine the true cause. The consciousness is a faithful shield. The aura and the consciousness form a protective armor. AUM (1936) - 307: 307. Truly, the atmosphere is heavy. Noticeable to Us is the condensation of the lower strata around Earth. The causes are many, but it is impossible that the battle be without consequences. All the more imperative is care of the health, in fact, great care about everything is needed. AUM (1936) - 308: 308. At times during a convalescence, one may observe that something impedes the process. It may be surmised that the patient himself is retarding the efforts of the organism by a negative attitude, but it is possible to be convinced that other causes exist outside of man's sphere of influence. Spatial currents can be strong determinants of any reaction. In hospitals, where observations upon many individuals are possible, there should be expert observation of the causes of different reactions to the same medicine. Many clues for this may be found in spatial conditions. It should not be thought that a clear blue sky is necessarily an indicator of useful currents; it may be that a threatening, clouded sky carries better currents. AUM (1936) - 311: With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections. AUM (1936) - 312: 312. It is a terrifying time indeed, yet the majority of people do not sense its causes. With a blare of all trumpets one should proclaim - Armageddon! Yet people will merely ask, "What price is a pound of Armageddon?" There has never been such a confusion of the trivial and the great. It would be better if, when people do not understand, they would at least desist from interfering in the Battle, but their obstructions make the most direct paths tortuous. AUM (1936) - 332: 332. One cannot condemn those manifestations of which the causes are unknown. Only cognizance of the manifestations of the Subtle World can broaden one's judgment. It is good to recall the parable of the blind man, who, receiving a blow from an elephant's trunk, believed he had been struck by the Hand of God. AUM (1936) - 426: A book could be written about small causes and great effects. Indeed, such a definition is possible only from earthly measurement. But it is instructive to investigate what causes have produced the large effects; one may be amazed at the smallness of the visible causes. Many do not remember at all the petty impulses. Let us see how such unconformity could result. An explanation may be found in karmic causes. Moreover, man differentiates the small from the great with difficulty. AUM (1936) - 486: 486. Of all that takes place, you should ask yourself, "Why is it happening precisely in this form and not in another? Why just now and not before?" Many thoughts will arise around each event. Thinking will be directed to many causes, and by and by much will become clear. AUM (1936) - 513: 513. Criminality is increasing. Cruelty and violence are increasing. It is necessary to look into the root of such infamous manifestations. Humanity cannot become worse without reasons. But besides cosmic causes, in humanity itself there is cause to feel shaken. It is impossible to deny psychic energy endlessly. Because of cosmic stress, the psychic energy of humanity also increases its pressure. It not only is not recognized but it is even scorned, which causes physical and psychic sicknesses. AUM (1936) - 521: If people are to be found who have premonitions of distant earthquakes, then it is fully comprehensible that other cosmic vibrations can also be sensed. Let us not judge the reason why many perils are avoided - there are many causes for this. Certain islands are in a very dangerous state, yet the inhabitants will not abandon them. But no one derides scientists who investigate the changing shorelines. AUM (1936) - 524: Man should correlate his moods and sensations with many external causes. AUM (1936) - 530: It is necessary for physicians clearly to distinguish the causes of pains. The realization of psychic energy will help them. AUM (1936) - 543: 543. There may even be painful sensations in the nerve centers. It should be understood that such sensitive centers necessarily react to the external currents. The manifestation of such pains are often called neuralgia, but the causes are not understood. Ordinarily the cause is sought in a cold or in overfatigue, but the external psychic causes are not taken into consideration. AUM (1936) - 596: Not long ago you considered the logic of certain events. It is proper to observe both external and internal causes. Many do not understand why a thing happens not sooner nor later, for them the most important events remain accidental and are not ever analyzed. But the experienced observer notices the extent to which something is carried out not as a casual matter. Let us observe each manifestation of the law. The energy is one and the law is one. Brotherhood (1937) - 21: 21. Any food containing blood is harmful for the development of subtle energy. If humanity would only refrain from devouring dead bodies, then evolution could be accelerated. Meat lovers have tried to remove the blood, but they have not been able to obtain the desired results. Meat, even with the blood removed, cannot be fully freed from the emanations of this powerful substance. The sun's rays to a certain extent remove these emanations, but their dispersion into space also causes no small harm. Try to carry out a psychic energy experiment near a slaughterhouse and you will receive signs of acute madness, not to mention the entities which attach themselves to the exposed blood. Not without foundation has blood been called sacred. Brotherhood (1937) - 41: 41. What is the natural path? The most unrestricted way of learning, with tolerance and patience, without any sectarianism. Unrestricted cognition is not easily adopted. Everything connected with human labors is limited. Every occupation cuts short, as it were, many ways of communion. Even excellent minds have been driven into a narrow channel. The disease of self-limitation bears no resemblance to self-sacrifice. Man limits himself for his own comfort. Indeed, bold actions for the sake of unrestricted knowledge will be the exception. Malice and hatred carry out their actions in straitness of mind. For unconfined action it is necessary for one to be filled with magnanimity and to discover causes and effects with a benevolent eye. Austerity of labor has nothing in common with a censorious attitude. Only limited people condemn. Not out of condemnation is perfectment born. Brotherhood (1937) - 105: 105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression "crippled souls." And it is explained that such crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair, the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about crippled souls had good grounds for this expression. Brotherhood (1937) - 144: 144. The farmer prepares and improves the field, sows it in good time, and patiently awaits the sprouting and the harvest. He puts a fence around the field, so that animals may not trample down the young growth. Every farmer knows causes and effects. But it is not thus in human interrelations; people wish to know neither causes nor effects. They are not concerned about sprouts, and they want everything to be accomplished in their own arbitrarily prescribed way. Notwithstanding all the examples, people do doubt the cosmic law. They quite readily sow the causes, but they will not reflect that weeds may be the sole harvest. Brotherhood (1937) - 144: Discourses about causes and effects should be introduced in the schools. Let the teacher propose a cause and the pupils think out the effects. In such conversations there will be displayed also the qualities of the students. It is possible to imagine many effects from one cause. Only a broadened consciousness will apprehend what effects will correspond to all the attendant circumstances. One should not be consoled by the fact that even a simple farmer can calculate a harvest. The manifestation of cosmic currents and of mental conflicts is far more complicated. From childhood on, let youth be accustomed to complicated effects and to dependence upon spatial thoughts. It should not be supposed that children need to have safeguards erected against their thinking. Brotherhood (1937) - 146: 146. Many sowings will sprout in a year's time. The essence of Armageddon lies not only in the exhaustion of old causes but also in the establishment of new ones. It is correct to call to mind what was indicated ten years ago. The causes have begun to give rise to effects. Perhaps someone did rashly utter some decisive word, and over a period of ten years it has resulted in either flame or water. Thus does thought work. Brotherhood (1937) - 205: 205. Some messengers proceed with a mission, already knowing whence, whither and why - and how they will return. Others know but inwardly the Indication, and they complete the earthly path as ordinary citizens. Let us not weigh which of them accomplishes an achievement with the greater selflessness. Let people recognize that there exists a great number of degrees among the Spiritual Toilers. Chiefly there must be understood the result and the motive. It is not for us to judge which good deed is the higher. Each act is surrounded by many causes which the human eye cannot discern. Brotherhood (1937) - 210: 210. Dissolution of the organism is not spread over just one earthly life. One should not accuse one's parents; one should also discern one's own atavism. From absolutely healthy parents are often born very sickly children. The earthly mind will try to find the cause of it in remote forefathers, but he who knows the sequence of lives will reflect about causes contained in the person himself. In its lower and middle spheres the Subtle World preserves many bodily conditions. Brotherhood (1937) - 242: 242. One should not draw arbitrary conclusions about the causes of the speeding up or slowing down of events. One must be able to take into consideration many conditions, of which the most important usually remain neglected. I instruct you to intensify your attention in order not to increase the complexity of the situation. People do not like to acknowledge, voluntarily or otherwise, how often a grain of dissension ruins the best combinations. Man can be likened to a magnet, yet even a magnet may become demagnetized if it be put in disadvantageous surroundings. Thus, one should accustom oneself to watching over the small grains. Unity cannot flourish if grit has been spilled on each wheel. Brotherhood (1937) - 258: 258. Seeds may be scattered by the whirlwind; they may be nibbled by birds; they may be washed away by a downpour of rain - many are the causes and the effects. It is especially difficult for man that he cannot predetermine the result of a sowing. But because of this he should not distribute arbitrarily the results of labor. Man must clearly picture the goal of his work, but the paths of movement and the new obstructions must not distress the worker. In the earthly way it is not easy to reconcile oneself to the thought that seeds can sprout in unexpected places. But let man not forget that the vitality of a seed is great. Thus let us sow, without thinking where the beautiful garden will spring up and expand. A man may select for his garden a splendid place, according to his way of thinking, while the place next to it may prove to be a far more fertile soil where even a seed brought by the wind will flourish. Thus let us sow, having no doubts about the vitality of seeds. Brotherhood (1937) - 260: 260. Let us not be astonished that after an indicated date the tension, as it were, increases. Let us not forget that this is an effect of what has gone before. But the sowing of causes may already be diminished. Brotherhood (1937) - 263: 263. Picture a house filed with people who know about some important event, but among whom is one who does not know what all the others are thinking about. There will be a great difference between those who know and the one who does not know. Even judging by externals, one can form an opinion about the obvious difference. He who does not know will begin to feel troubled, to glance about, and to listen; he will be suspicious and look around in a hostile way. The more irritation he may feel, the further he will be from a solution of the enigma. In such simple examples there can be observed the reactions of thought and the causes which impede their perception. For the grasping of a thought, first of all, irritation is not useful. There may be excitement or tranquillity, but absolutely no anger or irritation. Brotherhood (1937) - 268: 268. When people begin to distinguish causes from effects, much is perceived, but up to the present people recognize only effects, and this only in the crudest degree. No one wishes to understand that a certain time must elapse between cause and effect. When a subtle consciousness discerns causes, it is usually subjected to ridicule. A gross eye does not see what has taken place, and the ignorant proclaim that nothing has happened. Therefore it is time to direct thought to the root of the matter. However this is not easy, for confidence has been stifled, and thus the energy of perception has been brought into inaction. Many cases could be cited when cognition was able to foresee in causes the beginning of effects, but a little unbelief washes away all possibilities. Brotherhood (1937) - 272: 272. There is nothing astonishing in the fact that even an absolutely simple man can see radiations - the causes for this are many. He may be an unusual man by reason of his former lives, or there could be expressed in him this special quality among others less pronounced. Such isolated cases are not rare. It may be noted that even unlettered people may possess extraordinary perceptions. They do not know why such knowledge comes to them, since they are without any guile. Such qualities, though obviously expressed, have nothing in common with the accumulations from past lives. So many chemical reactions can arouse individual qualities, which spring up and then can temporarily disappear. Only an understanding of altered spatial currents can explain the changes taking place in the organism. You know that sight and hearing and all one's sensations vary under the influence of currents. One may be assured that such fluctuations take place not only on manifested dates but also aside from human reasoning. Actually, only external conditions can create such inexplicable manifestations. Brotherhood (1937) - 324: 324. It is especially difficult to help people involved in karma. It may be noticed that each good action encounters a certain counteraction from the one to whom help is sent. Thus is confirmed the ever-presence of the particular energy that is called the guardian of karma. Those who disturb karma, encounter, as it were, a repulse. Each one can recall how his useful counsels have occasioned a most inexplicable rebuff. People who were considered rational have sometimes begun to speak against their own advantage. One should then seek the reason in karmic causes. The guardian of karma is very strong. Brotherhood (1937) - 332: 332. The indistinctness of subtle faces, which were seen, has its causes. The faces from the middle spheres can be irksome, and man encloses himself, as it were, in a protective network in order that these guests not fatigue him uselessly. In the Subtle World a similar demarcation of spheres can be noticed, otherwise a disorder would result that would be reflected in many ways. Brotherhood (1937) - 412: 412. Each arch has its apex. Disturbing it causes the downfall of the entire arch. Similarly there is in life the Highest Contact without which life turns into chaos. Is it easy to sense this point of Infinity? Few have sensed it, but because of this the manifestation of Infinity has forever illumined their consciousness. Great is the concept of the subtlest energies that uplift the consciousness. It is impossible to call them other than subtlest. Earthly apparatuses do not detect them. No one has seen them, but some have been convinced of their presence by an indescribable feeling. It would seem that earthly forces are forever separated from the subtlest domain, yet for all that our planet is on the eve of realizing the higher energies if humanity so desires. In this condition is contained the chief affirmation of the possibility, for each possibility can be rejected by the insanity of the will. But it is inadmissible that the highest point of the beautiful arch be destroyed by madness. Let each one recollect the best moments of his life. Is it possible that even a cruel heart will not be softened! Let each one sense in his own life the contact with the highest point of beautiful energies. Brotherhood (1937) - 441: 441. "We already know about everything." so say those who do not fulfill the fundamentals of life. Each one encounters this boasting about knowing everything, and each one may be struck by the ignorance of such noisy braggarts. One can but deplore such impudent assertions. Let these persons test their obvious ignorance upon themselves. In themselves they confirm whence come so many failures into the world. Let us not bother to repeat about the causes of misfortune. Brotherhood (1937) - 461: 461. The Brotherhood is not a shelter, but a beacon of Light, it is as a Watchtower; thus must the manifestation of the Brotherhood be understood. Otherwise, people will often assume that Brothers seed safety from various persecutors. No, the seclusion of the Brotherhood is necessitated by completely other causes. As a Beacon on a lofty peak, the Brotherhood applies its knowledge for the salvation of humanity. Brotherhood (1937) - 465: 465. Predisposed observers discern only their own preconceived design in actions and reactions. If all the distorted facts be called to mind, it will be horrifying to learn how many already discovered attainments have been destroyed. It is impossible to show any advance which has not been sullied by premeditated trickery! There are many causes for premeditation - the first will be ignorance, then come malice, envy, aversion to someone's success, dislike for the new - thus, many ignominious qualities distort the facts. In such a frame of mind is it easy to proceed with the cognition of the great energy? Brotherhood (1937) - 508: One must have an open and free eye on the path to Brotherhood. When, for some reason, a distant response does not arrive, one must always give thought to the many causes. Aside from the reasons that lie in the communicants themselves, there can be great spatial causes. Currents can be so intensified that it may be necessary to wait for a change so that the transmission can be accomplished. Brotherhood (1937) - 513: People think that the knock of the far-off guest is something abstract; yet does not the physician know about a disorder in the organism which results from indefinable causes? Commonness of speech presupposes illness of the soul. There are many such illnesses! Brotherhood (1937) - 517: 517. It is unthinkable not to sense the tension of the cosmic currents which absorb the psychic energy. There may be apparent a certain drowsiness, there may be absent-mindedness, as it were, there may be involuntary irritation - it is instructive to observe these signs that accompany the absorption of energy. People are inclined to attribute them to their own indisposition, but let us not forget the external causes. Brotherhood (1937) - 565: The sowing of Armageddon is sprouting, in it is to be found the cause of causes. Brotherhood (1937) - 566: 566. There are many causes of madness. Let us not exculpate ourselves merely by obsession, let us ponder on all the ugliness of excesses. Also, let us not forget that, owing to a desire to escape karma, breakdowns of consciousness may occur. Man, feeling the unavoidability of something, strains his will to such an extent that a darkening of consciousness takes place. Moreover, brain sicknesses can also occur. The reduction of insanity depends upon physicians. And too, the idea of cooperation will constitute a salutary aid. Brotherhood (1937) - 592: 592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 609: 609. Imagination is insufficiently developed in people. They are unable to imagine causes and effects. They do not know how to picture to themselves the most beautiful possibilities. They have not been taught imagination and inspiration. The best strivings have been scoffed at, and people have been persuaded not to think. But those who know not how to think have no imagination. Loss of imagination is renunciation of joy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20: 20. Urusvati distinguishes the currents that are favorable from those that hinder. One can imagine the reactions of crowds that are seized by one emotion. At some time We will reveal experiments that were carried out in the midst of crowds, and the results will show over what great distances the energy of crowds has its effect. The mood of distant crowds is also felt acutely in Our Abode. Not without reason do We insist upon the necessity of maintaining a friendly unity. Even purely physiological experiments produce varying results because of the chemistry of the participants, and sensitive apparatuses will change their vibrations at the approach of even one person. This means that the confused and angry aura of crowds can disrupt the most important experiments, and this causes Our blood-tinged sweat. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25: Those who observe world events may perceive something higher than human logic. Even some who are devoted to Us have accused Us many times of delay and indifference, but that is because these hasty accusers have seen only part of the events. They could not possibly know their causes or effects, or be able to compare the attendant circumstances. They could not foresee exactly when decisive blows had to be struck. Who, then, can know the Plan and the steps leading to it? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34: Those who judge by ordinary relative measures cannot discern causes and effects. I speak not only about the tension of labor but also about the vigilance that enables one instantly to weigh and decide what moment and which action are the most necessary. Each plea for help brings with it the emanations of the past and the aroma of the future. One should blend these harmonies in the consciousness and understand the meaning of disharmony. We should not help a man who is ready for evil, and must help one who is suffering. Contradictions often conflict, and only knowledge of the past will provide the balance. Nevertheless, no plea to Us is rejected, for by making such a request a person expresses his recognition of the Higher World, and the fact that such a Reality lives in space. We will not ignore a pleading voice. We will not reject any prayer, but will gather all salutary substances in order to offer goal-fitting help. In this is contained a special vigilance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48: It would seem that the muscles have been sufficiently studied, but their functions depend upon one's character. Each part of the body acts individually. The gait depends on the psychic condition, which causes the muscles to work in a particular correlation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64: 64. Urusvati reveres the dates. Do not be surprised that We return to this question of dates, which are so important in Our Inner Life. Many dates can be communicated to people, but the majority will not be able to benefit from them. For their egoism impedes, and causes them to apply all indications only to themselves. The date of a great event may be indicated, and they will awaken at that time in their beds and ask with irritation, "Where is that special event?" Also, people do not understand that indicated events often take place on another plane. Irritation and perplexity disturb the atmosphere; they serve no purpose, and clearing them away drains the energy. If only people could spare the energy that they turn to their own benefit! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65: Sometimes We ask people not to burden Our Work with such sendings, and not to trouble Our co-workers by heaping physical or spiritual pain upon them. Multitudes cry for help in their sickness, even though they themselves might have created their conditions only the day before. Physicians should be asked to probe more deeply into the study of the causes of illness in order to eliminate them at their source. Many illnesses are contagious not only physically but also spiritually. One can see that spiritual contagion occurs more often, and the transfer of the pain is thus intensified. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: Many do not understand that the Head of the Brotherhood can depart to the far-off worlds. Nor can they comprehend why certain earthly Leaders, although devoted and enlightened, are willing to leave their Brothers behind. Only man's limited understanding causes him to deny the idea of expansion of the Community to several worlds. It is likewise difficult to imagine that, even in new bodies and in different surroundings, inhabitants can preserve the seeds of their clear, earthly consciousness. Yet the Primal Energy is everywhere one and the same. Such a link is stronger than all existing substances. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 78: Urusvati knows what destructive effects these battles have upon the health. In addition to poisonous fumes there is an electrical discharge, which causes earthquake-like tremors equal to the most violent shocks. Even strong people may experience unexpected pains, but since these pass quickly, they do not think about them. Nevertheless, the organism is undermined, and illness results. Thus do the dark forces rave in madness against humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79: 79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 94: 94. Urusvati knows well that the most difficult task is to harmonize the currents of human free will. There are no cataclysms destructive enough to turn the attention of humanity to the true nature of its deeds. Let us recall how those who survived the great cataclysms of the past did not care to think about the causes of the disasters, preferring to consider themselves innocent victims of some cruel fate. They did not want to purify their consciousness and instead began once more to indulge their free will gone mad. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 100: Karma is made amidst storms and tribulations, and the inevitable takes its course. The country that yesterday was a giant may be a dwarf by tomorrow. Such destiny may amaze people, but We can see the chain of causes. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107: Certain unusual diseases are now spreading rapidly. People either ignore this fact, or if they do notice it, prefer not to look for the causes. One can argue that from the point of view of the average person this is neither new nor unusual. However, one must remember that this is the age of new energies, and the daily life of even the ordinary man is charged with numerous highly concentrated currents which produce new impulses in human minds. Man must assimilate many new ideas. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123: 123. Urusvati notices how the cosmic currents affect not only world events, but also the lives of individuals. One can observe unusual illnesses and even epidemics that cannot be accounted for by usual causes. One can notice how sometimes people become susceptible to colds and sudden nervous pains. The treatment of such unusual ailments should also be unusual. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 128: 128. Urusvati was restrained several times from undertaking extremely dangerous flights. The Teacher must protect one from overcourageous investigations. The higher spheres scorch like the heat of the sun, and the lower spheres are oppressive for the higher consciousness. It is impossible to fly through all the spheres, for the subtle body would be consumed. The division of the spheres of the Subtle World is determined within one's own consciousness. The transfer to the higher spheres must be gradual. Just as physicians supervise their patients, Guides are appointed to help the disciples to preserve their balance so that this transfer may be performed intelligently. In the Subtle World each violation of equilibrium causes a shock. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132: 132. Urusvati remembers her visit to Dokyood, where it was a great joy to see children striving for heroic deeds. It is also interesting to see those who have not yet outlived their physical experiences. They are unable to approach the physical atmosphere from the Subtle World, because such an approach causes tension in the subtle body, and results in the secretion of an unusual sweat that decreases the vital force. Thus, the Guide must regulate the inner condition to conform to the degree of desire for Service. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 166: 166. Urusvati knows how the historical records concerning remarkable leaders are lacking in important details. But something besides human injustice causes such scarcity of information. In fact, the Great Workers themselves avoided public recognition and did not wish to have biographies written, sometimes even destroying such chronicles. The fundamentals of Their Teachings were recorded, but the details of Their Lives were not written down. Now, We too are giving the idea of the Teaching simply, without dwelling on small details that might be interpreted in a mundane way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 167: Examples of this madness can be observed in various eras, and when these persecutors are asked what causes their fury and makes them attack the Teaching that they hate so persistently, the answer is almost always the same - they are unable to stop their attacks. Such lack of self-control indicates obsession. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190: "People are not aware of the dangers they create for themselves. Not only did the passer-by receiv no gratitude, he was even denounced for not having shouted the warning sooner! Gold usually plays an important part in such stories, and in actual life also it is the source of much error." Thus spoke the Thinker, and the disciples asked Him, "Will people ever learn to discern causes?" The Thinker reminded them that a thousand earthly years are but a moment in the cosmic scale. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 205: We must understand the causes of strife and discord. If we remind ourselves about our life among the shadows, we shall be able to understand that it is precisely there that our future existence is prepared. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222: A book should be written about the causes of the persecution of great individuals. By comparing the causes is it possible to trace the evil will. I advise you to write such a book. Let someone do it! Through research it will be possible to discover the inner similarities between the persecutions of Confucius and Seneca. Our Brothers and Sisters suffered persecution, and Our memory preserves many such events. Joan of Arc, Aspasia, and a whole list of gloriously heroic women of various centuries can be named. We do not regret experiencing such trials, but there is a need for reflecting on them, because each persecution retards an urgent plan. However, even this We turn to Good. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260: By observing the course of one's actions one can determine their causes and effects, and thus independently prepare oneself for future tests. There are some who require periods of sleep and long reminiscence in the Subtle World, but others will immediately begin their preparations for the further journey. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263: 263. Urusvati knows that most people avoid looking into the essence of events and are satisfied with superficial observations. How differently history would be written if real causes and motives, and the true Leaders, whose existence humanity does not even suspect, were revealed! Instead of kings and rulers, there would emerge individuals who had remained in the background, unknown because of prevailing ignorance, or required to go unnoticed because of the law of the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 270: If a black-haired man insists that his hair is blond, he will be thought mad. Likewise, one who distorts his innate qualities is, in a sense, also mad. People are careful about their physical heart, for they have learned that the heart is the center of the physical life. But they have not yet sufficient information about the correlation of the free will with the Primal Energy, and regrettable disharmony is the result. Instead of the harmonious coexistence of the two forces, conflict and competition exist between them. One of the causes of the planet's sickness lies in the uncoordinated forces of man. People should think about this. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 277: 277. Urusvati knows how carefully one should treat one's psychic energy. Many do not understand that even the inexhaustible Primal Energy needs care. All who strive can testify that sometimes the energy is so intensified that it seems to become exhausted. We advise particular caution at such times. There are many causes for such apparent exhaustion, ranging from the state of one's personal health to cosmic conditions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288: Not everything should be blamed on the dark forces. Why make giants of them? Is it not better to analyze the tastes of humanity? What do people enjoy, and what do they reject? Let us analyze the sciences, philosophy, art, and physical culture along these lines and we shall see precisely where the sickness of humanity lies. If we examine every negation and learn precisely what has caused it, it will become obvious that disgusting causes bring disgusting results. How can one struggle for Light while still surrendering to darkness? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 290: People judge in accordance with their habits, but the law of justice is forged in the three worlds and may be considered supermundane. Acceleration and retardation of events depend on many cosmic causes. Often an insignificant earthly happening is a reflection of great events in the far-off worlds. There should be a harmonious, mutual understanding if one wants wisdom to transform the reality of everyday life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293: People should remember that their undisciplined striving causes suffering to their Guides, who receive poisonous stings, so to speak. We must point out that a considerable degree of the burden comes not so much from direct hostility as from undisciplined striving. We especially stress harmony in thought transmission, and the need for each one to concentrate his entire consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: 304. Urusvati knows how karma affects each nation. Some countries appear to be under a kind of curse. The history of these countries can offer a partial explanation, but there may be other causes that were not recorded on the pages of history. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 315: One should also realize that events can be either accelerated or slowed. In essence they remain the same, but through some unpredicted circumstance a new significance emerges. All is in motion, and life cannot proceed without motion. In this grandeur of change and aspiration are contained the causes of key events. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 318: Although We often tell people that thought is like lightning, they seldom understand what is meant by such a statement, believing it means that they must think quickly. We are not referring to the speed of reasoning however, but to the lightning-speed of psychic energy, which helps in contacts with Us. Psychic energy should not be accepted as a vague, occult idea: it is the very essence of existence. We try to impress upon human consciousness the importance of this natural essence of life; unfortunately, people do not like to look for natural causes, even of the greatest events. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330: Evil influences operate strongly in the Subtle World just as on Earth. Disembodied spirits bring with them from Earth the passions they have not yet outlived. However, such passions are not as dangerous as prejudice, because passion can lead to motion, whereas prejudice is stagnant and inevitably causes corruption. Do not conclude from this that We approve of passions. We only point out that in motion there can be a seed of success, whereas ignorance is quite hopeless. When We say "prejudice" we mean an opposition to true knowledge; this attitude is common not only on Earth, but also in the Subtle World. There are even those of a certain mentality who are convinced that knowledge is the cause of all human miseries. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 333: 333. Urusvati knows what causes Us to choose an unusual system for giving Our discourses. The ignorant will say that there is no system at all, but simply countless aphorisms, some of which deal with current events, while others are unreasonably repetitious. Such is the opinion of the superficial reader, who cannot grasp the idea of the need for rhythm, which helps to broaden the consciousness. One cannot separate the discourses into formal subjects. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339: Shock often causes loss of consciousness, but fainting must not be confused with stupor. Fainting is an unconscious numbness, but stupor does not necessarily exclude consciousness. External shocks rarely cause stupor, whose cause is far more subtle. While in a stupor, a person can often be cured of the first stages of a dangerous disease. Generally, it is incorrect to regard stupor as an illness; it should be seen an exceptional condition of body and mind. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351: 351. Urusvati knows the many reasons for the interruption of thought transmission. The main causes are the extraordinarily intense currents and the unexpected disturbances that must be immediately countered. But also undesirable entities may approach and try to obtain information that would cause harm if acquired prematurely, and that should not be revealed to them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356: 356. Urusvati knows how painful it is to participate in cosmic processes. One may ask what causes such painful tension. The answer is simple - when even a particle of ectoplasm is affected a medium will suffer greatly, but ectoplasm constitutes only the subtle body. Cosmic experiences affect the fiery body, and cause far greater suffering. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360: 360. Urusvati knows how often people attempt to attribute subtle phenomena to gross physical causes. For instance, noises in the ear that are experienced by many are physical manifestations that provoke varying interpretations. Doctors often attribute them to abnormal blood pressure, but this is simply another external symptom. The true cause of such pressures is the touch of subtle influences. Actually, there are three kinds of noise - one is a peculiarly dull, continuous noise, another is like a reflection of the pulse, and the third you have described as like the sound of cicadas. This third type, a curious, very rapid pulsation, is especially characteristic, and is the sign of a particularly subtle energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368: One must insist upon clear discernment, or misjudgments will be committed and the new generation accused of crimes of the former generation for which they are not responsible. It is difficult to form a correct judgment, which is why one must learn to understand the causes and effects of life in general. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374: 374. Urusvati knows that every thinking person searches for the Primal Cause. Some seekers use subtle approaches, others coarse ones, yet all seek. The common mistake is in attempting to investigate the Highest Cause without first studying the more accessible ones. In doing so people ignore the need for common sense discrimination in daily events. He who has sufficient wisdom to perceive the causes of the simplest daily occurrences earns the right to dive deeper and to soar higher. Perceiving the causes of daily events refines the thinking process. It is instructive to observe how sometimes an entire chain of events can be broken simply by an exclamation or glance, yet those who are present do not notice and afterwards will completely forget the original cause. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378: One should not think that crime may be excused because of mental imbalance. We should search more deeply and look for causes rooted in the past. Such a study will clarify the concept of karma. The wise do not fear this law. Generally, humanity can be divided into two groups, those who fear the consequences of karma and those who accept them calmly. Avoid those who fear, for they almost certainly sense the approach of karmic retribution. They may not yet know anything about its effects, but in the depths of the Chalice the long-forgotten viper is rising to the surface. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412: 412. Urusvati knows that the decay of consciousness is worse than any war, pestilence, or earthquake. It steals up unnoticed and commits acts that will horrify future historians. It causes people to lose their self-respect, to become malicious, and to ignore their own necessary contribution to future generations. The decay of consciousness causes writers to produce repugnant images, and nonentities to sit in judgment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 413: I am not speaking in abstract terms, but giving medical advice. Humanity suffers from irritations of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors, which occur with such frequency they are taking on the dimensions of epidemics. Many causes have been proposed, but the fact that such epidemics are the result of spatial influences is ignored. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421: 421. Urusvati knows about the so-called devourers of air, and also the similar devourers of psychic energy and of spatial currents. They all suffer from states of imbalance for which there are many causes - atmospheric, atavistic, or karmic, and people can be excessively influenced by these causes because of their personal habits. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 431: Likewise, anyone who knows about the Great Service will remember that any unworthy action will cause pain to someone. Old governesses used to say to children who had done something wrong, "Your angel will weep," and this warning reached to the very depths of the children's hearts. Truly, each unkind action causes someone to suffer. What Higher Communion can there be when natural laws are violated? People may think that everything is admissible, even robbery and murder! But who are They who will approach the place of crime? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: 442. Urusvati knows that every event is a link in a long chain of causes and effects. From the earthly point of view one may perceive an event as important, but in fact all occurrences are subject to the same law, and who can say where the birth of great events takes place? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: A broadened consciousness enables one to look back and identify the sources of events. It is important to acquire this ability so as to understand the progression of events, not by reason, but by straight-knowledge. One should not ponder at length over the origin of every daily occurrence, but the path of life must be understood. Only in this understanding of causes will a natural foresight develop. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: We must learn to anticipate events that are links of an already-forged chain. I am not speaking of clairvoyance, which is as yet attainable for only a few, but of a natural foresight based upon an understanding of causes, both recent and remote. However, it must not be thought that this ability is easily attained. The broadened consciousness shines brightly, and its light allows one to look back as well as forward. The path already trodden is familiar because of its many signs, whereas the future way shows only unfamiliar outlines. How then can the wayfarer distinguish them?