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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CATASTROPHIC (3)

Heart (1932) - 561:
561. The great law is to transfer the heart from the category of ethical abstraction to a scientific motive force. The evolutionary step of understanding the heart has to begin in the days of Armageddon, as the sole salvation of humanity. Why are people unwilling to sense their own hearts? They are willing to seek within all vagaries, but reject the closest. Even though they call the heart a machine, let them observe all characteristics of this apparatus. We are not insisting on the moral significance of the heart - this is indisputable. But now the heart is needed as the bridge of salvation to the Subtle World. It should be affirmed that a realization of the qualities of the heart represents the most vital step for the world. Never as yet has it been regarded as salvation. Let him who remains deaf accept all consequences! It should be understood that now the human heart lends itself to unusual possibilities of observation. The catastrophic condition of the lowest spheres of the planet reflects its effects upon the activity of the heart. One should not fear the previous epidemics, but should be aware of the entire sequence of sufferings caused by faulty prophylactic of the heart. To comprehend this as vague prophecies is the worst thing. On the contrary, these conclusions should be accepted as emanating from the most precise laboratory. All circuitous ways should be rejected. One must accept the foundation of the heart and understand the significance of the focus. Digressions are unfit, and doubts admissible only where man has not attained an understanding of the heart's beat.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 80:
80. To those who cannot accept the concept of the Leader, let us say All your words presuppose the priority of something or someone. You yourself do not notice that each of your affirmations is based upon a discovery of something established by someone. There is no man who can get along without being taught. One must not become proud in one's own heart. The understanding of Hierarchy will help to establish the manifestation of the Leader, who in relation to the Higher Ones is not a leader but a follower. People, under the influence of ignorance, try sometimes to cut the ropes, but any sailor will tell you that masts are cut down when the elements overcome human strength. The same sailor knows that without masts and ropes the voyage is catastrophic. This means that the unavoidableness of Hierarchy throughout the Universe should be affirmed through education.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 314:
314. The condition of the planet is so catastrophic that only the most intensive action will hold people back from savagery. Those who assume the Fiery Vigil of cosmic events can only keep guard over this saturation in unparalleled tension. In the defense of humanity it is necessary to contend with manifestations of imperfection, faint-heartedness and fear. The Karma of humanity consists of a mosaic of the most terrible atonements. Only the fiery guard of Hierarchy will save humanity. On the path to the Fiery World let us assemble all the best swords of the spirit.


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