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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CASES (129)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6:
It is difficult to form a circle, but it is still more difficult to make substitutions; because one cannot replace the heart by an extremity and it is impossible to introduce an undisciplined spirit. For such cases there are witnesses near at hand who will not burden the artery of a heart far away.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.3:
2.9.3. The spirits of elements strive toward union with man. They undergo the development of consciousness in lower forms of elements, and rarely possible are cases of their growth up to the consciousness of man. Man, however, in extraordinary cases can by-pass a whole planet. But, of course, in strict classification one may place the bulk of the elemental spirits into the primary forms.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
3.5.17. Let us recall several cases of error repeated many times in different lives. People have awaited the Messenger for ten years yet closed the door on the day before His coming. Choosing the least portion, they have imagined that all was permitted and tolerated. Selecting a particle, they have fallen into blissful inaction and wondered why the particle wasted away. Choosing a particle, they have decided to retain old habits - as if on one side of the bosom could repose the portion of good and on the other could be kept pet cockroaches. Choosing a particle, they have decided to jump off the train for only a minute, forgetting that such a leap in motion carries one perilously backward. Choosing a particle, they have thought to slander a brother, forgetting that the slander would beat back painfully on their own foreheads.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
There can be traced in scientific literature a series of psychic and physical effects. There are well-known cases of the sending of objects of great significance. There are known dispatches of sums of money. There are known forewarnings of danger. There are known letters about the solution of affairs. There are known meetings under various aspects. We have had steamship tickets and costumes of different countries. We have had different names and have appeared when circumstances imperatively required it.

New Era Community (1926) - 45:
45. I point out that it is important to send good arrows opportunely, and that the spirit then feels at ease. Like a gray swarm infecting the air, fragments of alien thoughts rush about and gradually encumber space. Then comes the arrow of the spirit, which is like lightning. It not only reaches the designated person but also purifies space. This purifying of space is not less important. A purer arrow, being a stronger magnet, draws to itself the gray fragments and bears them backwards. In such a manner the gray thoughts, with their weight, are returned to the fountainhead, but without injury to others. These gray thoughts, as products of combustion, settle upon the aura; and it is the sower who reaps. It is wise to send the word - touch not! Indeed, this formula will bring the least counterblow. Precisely, this is an ancient protective formula. It is practical to send either a good call or a defensive formula. Any malicious sending is impractical. True, it is possible to admit the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, for indignation of the spirit wears away the sheath.

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
Tales about sorcerers sending deadly diseases are not fictions, but there is no sorcery in them - merely exercise of the will. The weakest hypnotist can compel one to experience the effect of drowning. He can even order one to die on a definite date. Such cases have been recorded.

New Era Community (1926) - 243:
243. Departing from Our mountains, you will inevitably experience a feeling of anguish. This sensation, with a psychic basis, is unavoidably augmented by the impossibility of relating what has taken place. Apart from exceptional, indicated cases, no one who has been with Us will tell anything.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 32:
32. The International Government never has denied its existence. It has proclaimed itself, not in manifestoes but in actions that were recorded even in official history. One can cite cases from the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as from the history of Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Indian relations, when an independent outside Hand altered the course of events. The Government did not hide the existence of its envoys in various countries. Naturally, in accordance with the dignity of the International Government, they never hid themselves. On the contrary, they showed themselves openly, visited various governments and were known to many. Literature preserves their names and adorns them with the fancies of their contemporaries. It is not secret organizations - of which governments are in such fear - but actual persons that are sent out by decree of the Invisible International Government.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 230:
230. It is necessary to study attentively the cases of so-called split personality. At its worst, it is a form of possession. At its best, it is a reliving of a former incarnation. Sometimes the spirit is so close to a former incarnation that he relives it. It is necessary to observe carefully a person with this condition, which has nothing to do with the consciousness of the present incarnation. One should not trouble him with questioning. But here, also, the yogi can be useful. He can give the command not to touch the past. You notice that We do not touch upon past incarnations except when absolutely necessary, so as not to evoke emanations of the past from Akasha.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 342:
The Fire of Space, in rare cases, can be observed by the naked eye where it is more dense, near the protective purple border of the aura. Space becomes, one could say, filled with small tongues of flame. But for this manifestation a strong aura is needed, which will not suffer from the proximity of the intense flame.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 383:
Only in the most urgent cases may one impose oneself upon other living beings. It must be understood that the growth of the spirit affects the body, and by overburdening the spirit of another we cause adverse bodily reactions. Therefore, one who is ascending in spirit should be treated with solicitude. But others show little discrimination in this. They are ready to burden the one who is growing in spirit with their most petty requests, not realizing the harm of their lightmindedness. Those who are ascending in spirit are often not in very good health.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 417:
Karma is a most complex process. From the most casual, superficial action to the deepest level of motives, everything is varied in form and color. One should firmly ponder when it is possible and deserving to interfere in the karma of others. One can imagine cases of self-sacrificing and beneficial interference in the destiny of others. By the fires can the goal-fitness of interference be determined. The fires are the best indicators for this decision, since in them the inner consciousness is combined with the spatial consciousness. And nothing is equal to them in vitality; they are many-colored milestones, the product of a full understanding of surrounding conditions. You see how two abstract concepts, the Redeemers and the Fire of Space, become real for you!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 529:
Indeed, it is known that various defects in the character of the participants are often reflected in physical flaws. Some of these may be overcome, but others, often karmic ones, are irreparable, except perhaps, in particular cases, through a special tension of the will. But of course, one's will power can only be developed by one's already-developed power of thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 540:
540. True, people make contact with many kinds of energy, but in most cases in a very limited way, and they experience only one aspect of the energy. Out of this limitation can arise many dangers. For example, universal electrification is of benefit to civilization, but since people approach it too one-sidedly, the artificial saturation of space by electricity may cause dangers. One can receive discharges of considerable strength in places highly charged with electricity. But if the cause is intensified so also will be the effects. Thus, instead of just a powerful discharge, mass destruction can occur. Likewise, one can envision the overfilling of space with currents of many kinds of energy, causing most unexpected disturbances in life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 542:
Under hypnosis, one's consciousness can direct the psychic energy to the site of one's ailment. This can be done, for example, in cases of herpes, tumors, or eczema. What is needed for this is that the store of psychic energy in one's somatic system be sufficient. Psychic energy is accumulated in the nerves, and its crystals activate the somatic system, which otherwise would remain dormant.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 635:
635. It could be asked, if things do occur such as those heard of in the Tibetan monastery, then why are such manifestations not heard of in the West? Of course, the West also has many cases of the same order, but often the true nature of the phenomena is overlooked. The way of thinking in the East is more refined in some aspects. Therefore I advise you to notice and evaluate all facts. We despise superstition. All prejudice must be left behind.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 152:
We know cases when creativeness was not apparent yet the spirit soared and created. The spirit, in striving to the creativeness of psycho-life, can create an entire world evolution. Verily, it is thus that the spirit of higher manifestations penetrates the spheres. But the spirit discordant with the Cosmic Magnet can create only contrary manifestations. The currents of the higher spheres are inherent in him who affirms the Spatial Fire in his spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 49:
49. Attentiveness can be tested by a very simple method. Place an object in a new place; if it remains unnoticed, enlarge the size of the object and observe what elephant finally attracts the "sharp" eye. In general, test yourself and others. Apply tests for fear, for irritation, and for negligence, and in all cases where the litmus paper may blush from shame. There is no need of complicated invocations, simple attentiveness will permit one to advance many steps. Thus one should begin to develop the "eagle-eye."

Hierarchy (1931) - 70:
You have also correctly remarked that the majority of tubercular cases are nothing else but the kindling of the centers of the lungs. Certainly the fires that have been stored up by karma, but not realized or applied, may become destructive.

Hierarchy (1931) - 285:
285. Cancer can be treated by psychic energy, since lack of psychic energy in the blood generates the disease. Often psychic energy is exhausted as a result of spiritual outpouring, as was the case with Ramakrishna and other spiritual Teachers. Certainly, they possessed an enormous amount of it, but, dispatching it to far-off distances, they could remain for a while without its protection. Precisely closeness to Hierarchy is needed in such cases, because even great Spiritual Toilers, in their self-abnegation sometimes expend their forces beyond a legitimate extent. Thus, for evolution We reiterate about Hierarchy, in order to affirm a goal-fitting application of one's forces to the Chain of the Highest Ones. Therefore, I say, Guard your health, in order to adhere to the Hierarchy even by this means.

Heart (1932) - 110:
110. Numberless experiments can be made in connection with the subtle body, but it is necessary primarily to apprehend the sensitiveness of the heart and to understand the instantaneous activity of the subtle body. If a physician applies the technique of amputating one's foot to test the heart, he will of course become a murderer, as often happens. Especially outrageous are the cases of administering poisons for the heart forgetting that the heart cannot withstand poisons, and the subtle body is injured by such criminal cures. How much simpler for the cessation of suffering is the action of suggestion and vegetable cure. For that, it is necessary to have people who know what suggestion is.

Heart (1932) - 153:
153. In hoary antiquity incense was used to determine the aura of objects. It was supposed that objects with good auras became imbued with incense, whereas bad emanations did not absorb the effusions of the plant. Afterwards, incense was used in the temples in order to strengthen the Subtle World and being it nearer. Verily, incense has the property of increasing the vitality of the Subtle World. When used at funerals, its purpose is to safeguard the one who has passed the borderline of consciousness and to liberate him from the state of slumber that is usual for those who are unprepared. Such details of the ancient knowledge are completely forgotten; similarly forgotten is the significance of various fragrances. The manufacturing of perfumes has lost its ancient meaning; not only has it lost this, but through ignorance the most harmful combinations are often used. The affirmed knowledge, based upon wide study, will afford an entire domain useful for application in life. The use of aromas in antiquity was connected with the study of cures. The priests indicated how to utilize aromas and in what cases to apply them. Thus, without witchcraft, one can trace an entire system of cures based on inhalation and the nourishing of the nervous system by rubbing aromatic essences into the skin. Thus, the ancients looked far deeper than the surface of the skin.

Heart (1932) - 302:
This is not only autosuggestion but one may see cases when infection was spread by one person among many. One can see how physical effects proceed entirely parallel with spiritual manifestations. In this regard, it is noticed how certain organisms unconsciously spread a definite infection without being themselves subject to it. Already in ancient times such carriers of infection were known, but afterward the scientific knowledge was forgotten, and everything was attributed to the so-called evil eye.

Heart (1932) - 308:
308. There exists a disturbance of construction, that can lead to a new refined completion. Therefore We so forcefully expel fear, which disturbs the perception of a happy distribution of many parts. The same judgment must be applied also in all cases in life; then there can be no defeat. For a happy combination of parts can only be shifted, it cannot disappear. But the eye that is clouded by horror loses the field of vision.

Heart (1932) - 355:
355. Saving the heart does not lie in vivisection at all. One can operate with a fine ray that will create a vibration manifested as freezing. Thus, one should treat the human heart by far more delicate methods that cutting it open. Of course, there may be cases of wounding, but this requires exceptional measures.

Heart (1932) - 382:
382. Gradually one can accept many subtle manifestations as the usual conditions of life. Such is the transformation of life, and it may lead toward the most exalting condition, without segregating one from life. You yourselves know how one can converse at a distance, and you have experienced more than once an entire battery of various currents. thus, also, you know how the currents are growing gradually, and how even very dangerous cases are healed at a distance by Our currents.

Heart (1932) - 547:
547. Healing against the will of a patient exacts an unlimited amount of strength. Even without opposition, simply through lack of understanding, much strength is dissipated. Nevertheless, even this exhausting method of healing may be successful despite the non-understanding of the patient. Many cases can be cited when Initiates suffered greatly after having healed forcibly. Naturally in these days, the tension and dissipation of strength are unusual. Hence, if you feel tension or fatigue do not be ashamed to lie down. During the unprecedented battle the heart must be guarded. This advice is given to all. One should visualize the entire smoky surface of Earth, in order to understand the need of a protective armor.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 39:
39. If we gather all the details of our life, we shall find innumerable evidences of the Subtle World. We will also find that in the majority of cases the voices of the Subtle World do not reach Earth, just as our voices do not reach deaf ears. Indeed, this comparison becomes precise when we realize that the cries of the Subtle World do not reach Earth. Nothing can equal the despair of the Subtle World when its warnings do not reach their destination. In its own way, the Subtle World greatly desires to help our world. But true cooperation can only be attained by cultivation of the heart and by understanding the quality of the nature of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 50:
50. Each endeavor may be fulfilled in three ways - through external muscular exertion, outwardly through a nerve center, or through the heart's fiery energy. If the first effort is animal, the second is human, and the third is of the Subtle World. The third effort could be utilized much more frequently if people could consciously apply the concept of the heart and Fire. But unfortunately this tension arises only in exceptional cases. Naturally, when a mother saves her child, she acts beyond earthly conditions. When a hero dedicates himself to the salvation of mankind, he multiplies his strength tenfold. But this unconscious enflaming rarely occurs. We watch over the constant increase of forces through the realization of the predestined powers. It is not so difficult to transform and kindle the consciousness when constant attention is applied to it. Constancy is also a quality of Fire. Everywhere, under all circumstance, the essence of fire is the same. Fire cannot be formed out of any elements, any compounds; one can only manifest Fire. Likewise it is possible to draw near to the Fiery World. The most astounding regenerations occur through fiery manifestations. The earthly world is regenerated only through Fire. People believe in the Light of Fire. People become blind because of Earth, and are regenerated through Fire. One can cite many examples of how Fire brings about world upheavals. Without the manifestations of Fire you cannot even enter upon a path of regeneration. Many will scoff at the mere word regeneration, yet even a snake renews its skin. Thus it is better consciously to approach the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 53:
53. A thoughtful physician may ask concerning the fiery illnesses, "Are they named as quite specific sicknesses, or are they spread through the majority of diseases?" The second is closer to the truth. Fire can aggravate all illnesses, therefore great attention should be paid to the state of fiery striving. Besides, it must be remembered that any fiery manifestation cannot be abated merely by water or cold, but rather through psychic energy, which resists Fire everywhere. This energy, as a sort of condensation of Fire, can absorb the fiery surplus. Thus, attention should again be directed to psychic energy when We speak about the heart, about the Fiery World, and about Our affirmation of the existence of the Subtle World. When you read about being consumed by the inner fire, bear in mind the reaction of psychic energy. It can be manifested in three ways through autosuggestion, through physical inaction, or through the highest action at a distance. However, physicians often forget that it is not the medicine but some external condition that helps. We recall one remarkable case when a physician possessed powerful psychic energy, yet stubbornly attributed its effects to his medicine. One can easily realize the extent to which such benefits would increase if the physician understood wherein his power lies. Only, do not confuse the heart's energy with external magnetism and so-called hypnotism. Both of these manifestations are artificial and hence, temporary. The heart's energy is not applied forcibly, but is to be transmitted by contact with the current. If, prior to all physical means, the physician and the patient would simultaneously think about the energy of the heart, in many cases the reaction would be instantaneously useful and healing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 99:
99. During every illness one can apply thought as a means of healing or relief, but such thought should eject the sickness from the organism with full force, without hesitancy or delay. However, if such force be lacking it is generally better not to think about the sickness at all, but to leave to the lower Manas the carrying on of the inner battle. It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness. In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition. When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness, they themselves bring it closer. The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought. Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness. Even the healing of wounds depends upon psychic energy. Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought. All treatments by rays, thermal action, and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences, which are weak in comparison with the power of thought. Hence , the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 103:
103. Of course, at times we are dealing with remote recollections, but there may also be cases of fiery illumination. It was thus in the case that you recalled. The Fiery World brings us flashes of illumination, similar to lightning flashes in the coarse manifestation of a thunderstorm. Just as storms always supply Earth with a purified store of prana, so does the Fiery World constantly pour out waves of influences. It is a pity that the receivers are few, but if one were to begin to exercise the consciousness for a communion with the Fiery World, then such a receiver could become naturally affirmed. But the simplest for all worlds is to adhere firmly to Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 129:
129. If we begin to speak about firespouts, many will altogether fail to grasp the meaning, and others will think we refer to coarse electrical manifestations. Yet, one should ponder deeply upon this subtle fiery action. You have just seen how a mere scratch has caused a fiery burning. Such a manifestation is not from a physical infection. A firespout touched the torn tissue. Similar manifestations can be observed which conform to external fiery tensions. The torn tissue, with all the nerve outlets, serves as a magnet, as it were, for the fiery waves. Indeed, those people who possess vigorous heart energy can more strongly attract the waves of tensed Fire. Therefore, in such cases I recommend water compresses, but no alcoholic preparations. During the tension of Fire alcohol must be avoided, for it concentrates the fiery waves. Many drunkards could give instructive testimony about the fiery waves that cause such sufferings! Of course, I am not speaking now about nerve conflagrations, which only a few have observed. Even so, the firespouts must not be forgotten in such a tense time.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 369:
369. You explained quite correctly the curing of the case of tuberculosis, known to you. In fact, many cases of disease, especially among women, come from the kindling of the centers. But this conflagration can be quenched by giving a useful direction to the consciousness. It is possible that the fiery consciousness had been knocking for a long time, but the sparks of Fohat penetrated the region of the Chalice without being utilized. It is in this way that the conflagration starts, and tuberculosis is the most common result of unassimilated Fire. To assimilate in consciousness means also to assimilate physically. This connection of consciousness with the body is especially noticeable in the example of Fire, which causes a quite apparent physical deterioration if the Fire is not realized. Therefore, during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama. This pranayama is very simple - the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease. But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of Space is being inhaled and the consumed Ur, exhaled. Thus, Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy. Fortunately, sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 437:
437. Let us write down, and tell the physician, about obsession. Indeed, there may be cases where the obsessor gains such control over the body of the obsessed as almost to dislodge him. One can also encounter cases where the obsessor is so empowered by the vital force of the obsessed that the expulsion of the obsessor will cause death. He has so usurped the psychic energy of the obsessed that the latter loses his vitality upon separation. Therefore expulsion must always be carried out most cautiously. At first one watches the diet of the patient and observes his psychic energy. If a decline of vitality is noticed the weakened heart must not be strained. Expulsion is generally easiest during an attack of fury. The aroused energy helps to overcome the possible decline of heart action, which might otherwise end in complete prostration.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 467:
467. He who dies through his insistence that there is not life after death actually furnishes a typical example of the independent action of psychic energy. He practically commands himself to cease living and achieves the results of his command. There are many similar cases, but no one pays attention to these striking examples, which are open for general observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 544:
544. But who, then, will help gather useful examples? One can enumerate them, but too few physicians take the trouble to note, among the cases under their observation, the action and significance of Fire. I do not advise Our physician to make all experiments and observations on himself. He may become exhausted through overfatigue. He has a great number of examples around him.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 547:
547. It can be sensed how at times the fiery sendings collide against a wall of darkness. Only in particular cases of the attack of the dark forces does this impediment become possible. During such an attack should one exhaust the reserves of Fire or should one choose another direction? You already know that the swelling of darkness is of short duration; therefore it is better to choose immediately a different direction for the transmission. The stronghold of darkness is like a cardboard bull; one has only to know its character.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 623:
623. I commend your lack of surprise at learning that a shot did not affect the hypnotized woman. It is another evidence that psychic energy dominates physical laws. One should observe numerous examples in all of life. Besides cases where an outside command is involved, we often make use of our own psychic energy and with its help avert the most powerful hostile arrows. It should be remembered that the link with Hierarchy is stronger than armor. By what means did many warriors and leaders escape direct danger? Precisely through the link with the Highest Ones. The manifestation of such a bond demands the constant retention of the Image of the Lord in one's heart. One can traverse the most impassable abysses if the link with the Lord is strong. But if this link is temporary, the protection may be interrupted. Thus, one should observe the proofs in life. They provide many remarkable examples of the power of psychic energy and of the presence of the Forces of Light.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 655:
In other cases the Decree may be compared with the wings of a frightened bird. Moreover, one must always take into consideration the physical state of both men and nature. During a thunderstorm the fiery arrow may increase the tension to a perilous degree. True, electrophorous manifestations are mutually reinforced, but during these manifestations one should not transgress the safety line of tension in earthly actions. It is wise to observe the physical state of your companion. Unfortunately, a speaker too often listens only to himself and pays no attention to his listeners. Only a fiery consciousness focuses its entire attention to meet the characteristics of the listeners. Such attention in itself partakes of magnanimity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659:
659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 89:
89. The Leader must always be alert, in order that no one receive from him emanations of depression. But such alertness may be established only when devotion to Hierarchy is present, when the communion has entered the heart. From such Source proceeds magnanimity, which opens the most difficult gates. One must have before oneself the Image of the Hierarch, in order to find in all cases a basis of friendliness. One must know the Fiery Sword of the Archangel, in order to know the boundary of justice. Who can say when all measures of magnanimity are exhausted? The Hierarch alone can take upon himself such a decision.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 104:
104. Black lodges must be destroyed very carefully. The fact is that they do not exist as oasis only, but are infiltrated into apparently the most respectable circles. That is why it is difficult to eradicate evil. But people who consider themselves to be on the side of Light do not give sufficient aid, because they lack trust, not having developed it. One may name cases of direct betrayal which people regarded as trust, so confused are the concepts.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 111:
111. One can draw slight comparison between the Fiery World and the earthly. During the rare manifestations of the Beings of the Fiery World, they take all measures not to violate earthly equilibrium, and the earthly people, for their part, at the approach of such Beings take measures to protect the heart. But with all protective measures, the heart often cannot endure the fiery tension - thus the higher measures from above and below cannot join these Worlds. The rarest cases of communion can be attributed to old karma, when during earthly lives lengthy cooperations for good took place. Such cooperations are useful for eternity. The establishing of an association consolidates collaboration. When our gaze is directed into the future, each benevolent cooperation constitutes a wise action.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 146:
146. Fulfillment of wishes takes place much more often than is thought. But one must acknowledge such fulfillment. One must perceive the very beginning of such movement. There are many cases when people rudely cut short the beginnings of the fulfillment of the desire. Also in this regard one may advise to avoid irritation and doubt. As clouds conceal the sun, so does irritation sever the conduit of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173:
173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219:
219. Very often misunderstandings have occurred as a result of relativity of definitions, which have undergone changes through passing centuries. The most ancient writings have undergone many alterations, passing through the hands of foreign translators. It is a well known fact, but for all that it is not taken enough into consideration. To obtain the full meaning one must turn to the same source, Hierarchy. If the translator and interpreter is in communion with Hierarchy, then his relative understanding will be set right in due time. It is unfitting to touch the Sacred Covenants with dirty hands. All forms of blasphemy are condemned, but it is especially abominable when a servant of religion blasphemes. Unfortunately such cases have become frequent. There are not a few actual atheists among the servants of religion. Is it possible for them to speak about the Living Ethics? The madmen do not wish even to think about the future life. One can imagine all the horrors of an assembly where blasphemers are gathered! The Fiery World is just a farce for them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 221:
221. Threads of the spirit are spread far more widely than people think. I say repeatedly - write down, even if it be briefly, the sensations and the strivings of the spirit. From such writings it will be possible to make significant deductions. Likewise the physicians can make use of this valuable material. Possibly, not always can such writings be compared, as a great deal may not coincide so easily, but even isolated cases may assist someone to recognize the psychic energy. No special university courses are needed for this. Psychic energy especially acts freely, when man is aflame with hearty striving. The measuring rod of psychic energy is pure striving. Not magic, but pure human striving will produce a marvelous world.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 225:
225. It is an error to think that irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs is caused only by colds. Such tensions also result from spacial fires. Without doubt, irritation of nose and throat can be cured by suggestion. The same cause underlies many cases of so-called hay-fever, which often can be cured by suggestion. Also many kinds of skin disease are cured by the same method. Often, in fact, skin irritations arise not from external causes but from imbalance of fiery currents. It is regrettable that physicians do not observe this phase of human ailment. Only occasionally do they recognize nervous causes, but then they try to flood them out with bromides, whereas suggestion could produce a better result. Let us not forget that at times suggestion has been employed to speed up the closing of wounds, by way of enlisting the cooperation of the entire organism. Thus, during discourse about the Fiery World, one should not forget the cause, at times, of irritations of the nose and throat. Physicians must be urged to study all methods of suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 278:
278. The Teaching must first of all help the manifestation of justice. It must be foreseen that there will be cases when the details of the evidence must be observed in the light of fiery reality. There are many cases where from remote examples it is possible to judge about external influences.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 287:
287. We often hear about pains from old wounds. They seem to have healed, the physical tissues have grown together, but pains still continue. Also one may hear that only suggestion can help in these cases. Can it be imagined that the subtle body does not ache when it has been injured? A wound heals physically, but the subtle body may still feel pain. Of course, if the consciousness of a man has been developed, he can by his own command compel the subtle body to become well. But in other cases suggestion is required, acting on the subtle body in conformity with the physical process. Thus do those who know the complex of the organism improve the condition of all its bodies.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 384:
384. Warnings are useful in all cases. Earthly ailments ought to be anticipated. It is impossible to provide people with a panacea if the conditions of life are not purified. People dream about deliverance from cancer, that spiritual scorpion, but they do nothing to preclude its germination. You already know that the remedy given to you is one of the best against cancer, but it is also necessary to make use of vegetarian diet, and not to indulge in irritating smoking and drinking. Furthermore, one must expel imperil, and then the indicated remedy will be a good shield. But people usually do not wish to renounce all the destructive excesses, and they wait until the scorpion stings them. Likewise do other terrible diseases spread, as the dark gates are held open for them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 446:
446. It can be observed that the Subtle World is approaching the earthly. Even fiery sendings do not miss the Earth, but the consciousness of people can sometimes be far from the reception of these manifestations. The word is uttered, but the consciousness is silent. There is not even a restlessness fitting before great events. The deathlike state of the consciousness is staggering! One can understand how gradually the subsequent Teaching must be given! A readiness to apply the Teaching to life is noticeable only in rare cases, but the fiery manifestations tarry not. Not having been transmuted by the human consciousness, they flow into dangerous channels.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 10:
10. Let us continue about sendings and receivings. The ability is given to a fiery spirit to receive subtle energies. Only the fiery consciousness is able to conduct a current of subtle energies. Therefore the records must be scrutinized with a great deal of discrimination. It is because humanity has become accustomed to visualizing the Highest on a low plane, that the Images of the Lords have acquired such distorted forms. Indeed, people have become used to the thought that the Higher should serve the lower, but they do not realize that only the understanding of Service gives one the right to a manifested link of the Chain. Thus it is the distorted understanding of sendings that produces the results which litter the space. We know of cases wherein the Higher Ones called a disciple "Mahatma" but some recipients of the gray variety perverted this great sending to the point of ugliness. Therefore We shall give a fair warning against all distortion and false records. When we call a disciple "Mahatma" We affirm a great potentiality. But what does a medium or a recipient poisoned with imperil reveal? Thus, it is necessary to purify the profane human actions and to destroy these records in the future. In the Fiery World only the fiery consciousness can be a true recipient of Our Sendings.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 77:
77. Not by accident has it been spoken about strange cases of the influence of vital emanations of all objects surrounding man. The ancient custom, of India, to construct for each heir a new palace is not without a profound basis. If it were possible to show how many bloody shadows there are around many thrones, how many terrors around ancestral portraits, how many tears upon necklaces, how many ghosts on the wall, humanity would be filled with respect for emanations. For, besides the physical effects of emanations, their psychic energy may be either constructive or destructive. How can a newly chosen ruler proceed by a new path amidst the dark oppression of past emanations! Many misfortunes are caused by these heritages of the past. Not only life beyond the grave was foreseen when in ancient times the personal belongings of the deceased were buried with him. Ancient wisdom was taking measures for the purification of space. Egypt knew the force of the law of emanations. Analyzing events and a succession of historic facts, one may easily become convinced as to how under the influence of emanations destructions have taken place. On the path to the Fiery World one should manifest caution and a profound discernment of emanations. How important it is to conserve each good accumulation!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 442:
442. All the secretions of man are too little studied. They can call to mind so much about psychic energy! Already the remarkable contents of saliva have been spoken about. It can yield the same evidences as photographs of radiations. One has but to separate the saliva of man into its various constituents to see its different phases. Furthermore, at times something indeterminable in its composition will be noted. Something reminding one of psychic energy. In some particular cases a significant deduction may be drawn. How useful is the cooperation of the observant physician!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 448:
448. If a psychiatrist were to collect cases of unusual ailments he undoubtedly would perceive points of contact with the Fiery World. If a specialist in neurology would assemble the facts about inexplicable occurrences, he could assist in the study of psychic energy. Even the apparatus of our physiologist in Calcutta can furnish hints toward the same energy. Different names are employed but the meaning is the same. People do not like to hold to already existing terms, and thus they merely complicate the study.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 542:
542. Why are people amazed at many cases of children who remember their past? Precisely nowadays are being born many such evident intermediaries between this and the Subtle World. They also remember about their sojourn between the earthly lives, but people do not know how to question them about this. The important thing is not that they remember about buried gold, but that they can tell about precious sensations. Thus takes place a rapprochement of the two Worlds, and this circumstance precedes great events. But for a long time not many will apprehend to what an extent everything is changed around them. Remember the old tale, how the king was being taken to execution but he was so far removed from reality that on the way he was much concerned about a stone that fell out of his crown.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 581:
581. Often people talk about contradictions, putting in this category many cases not understood by them. On a hot day people may see a traveler dressed in warm clothing and laugh at the inconsistency. But they do not think about the cold night. Contradictions are usually due to meager thinking. A great number of misfortunes have resulted from unwillingness to think. Not contradictions, but the empty utterance of thoughtless words clutters life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 615:
615. Even dullness from nervous causes can be cured by the same triple action. Only in such case the suggestion must be very soothing, whereas in the case of paralysis it must be imperative. Many cases of mild insanity can be cured and a healthy condition restored. So many unfortunate ones languish in confinement!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 616:
616. Mild insanity is, as it were, a local paralysis. One must establish a friendly contact with brain and heart. Rarely does such heart contact take place. People either fear or scorn the patient. Yet the illness might have resulted not from any fault of the patient himself; a hostile arrow might have stunned him. There are many such cases, where the man himself is not at fault but a malignant arrow has pierced him. It is possible to cure many cases of this kind of madness, arising, as it were, from concussion.

AUM (1936) - 95:
95. The law of Cosmos is adamant, but at the same time we see apparent fluctuations of it. If we take karma, affirmation of karma too can be changed, just as the span between returns to carnate life may vary in different cases - from an instant to millennia. Those who do not know will be perplexed as to how such steadfastness can be at the same time so variable. Such ignorance will merely prove the lack of understanding of containment.

AUM (1936) - 181:
181. Indeed, a noted physician treats cases not with medicines alone, but by psychic energy. Such manifested energy needs supplementing; this reinforcement proceeds out of the Ashram. Thus you see cooperation at long distances. Those who transmit the energy canonly sense its outflow, but in their turn they receive a useful ray.

AUM (1936) - 222:
222. It is possible to cure many cases of paralysis by means of intensified suggestion. The inception of many diseases, for example, cancer, tuberculosis, and stomach ulcers, can be arrested by suggestion strengthened by psychic reactions. It can be observed that suffering caused by cancer is augmented by scarlet light, whereas violet has a soothing effect. Similarly with sounds, consonance in a major key will aid the action of the violet ray, but dissonance will increase the pain.

AUM (1936) - 240:
240. It may be asked why people do not, in the material world, remember their subtle sojourns. One of the reasons why it is impossible to recall everything of the Subtle World is the impossibility of its being assimilated by our physical envelope. Indeed, the spirit could not undertake physical evolution if it could preserve within itself a recollection of the expanses of the Subtle World. Of course, it is sometimes possible to catch from the Subtle World a glimpse of the fiery grandeur which the world of flesh can realize only in the rarest cases. Only at times can even the best spirits recall their earthly existence, and extremely rarely do they remember their conditions in the Subtle World. Sometimes the projection of the subtle body brings back a certain realization of life in the Subtle World. But to remember subtle existences is very difficult and it is incompatible with earthly conditions.

AUM (1936) - 277:
Likewise, when I indicate a vegetable diet, I am guarding against nourishing the subtle body with blood. The essence of blood thoroughly permeates the body and even the subtle body. Blood is so undesirable in the diet that only in extreme cases do We permit the use of meat which has been dried in the sun. It is also possible to use those parts of the animal where the blood substance has been thoroughly transmuted. Thus, vegetable food has a significance also for life in the Subtle World.

AUM (1936) - 375:
375. Energy can be applied decisively in all cases. It can indicate the degree of magnetization of objects or water. Like a most sensitive apparatus it can instantaneously record the fluctuations of currents at far distances. It can follow the thoughts of each line of a manuscript. It is an index of the quality of radiation. In good hands it is an instrument of good.

AUM (1936) - 428:
428. Why is the participation of woman so necessary in experiments with psychic energy? Why is woman's care for flowers so beneficial? Why is woman's touch so curative in cases of illness?

AUM (1936) - 466:
466. No one should affirm that the manifestation of the force of psychic energy may not be contagious. So-called suggestions take place unconsciously in most cases. One needs to cultivate thinking intensely in order to attain sensitiveness.

AUM (1936) - 504:
One should accustom oneself to the fact that each indication is the nearest necessary knowledge. Thus, We have frequently been self-imagined heroes who began to tremble at the first danger. Likewise We have seen those who wished to be tolerant become fiercely irritated at the first disagreement. We have also known supposedly devoted people who ran away at the first attack. We might enumerate many cases when imagined qualities were non-existent. But We also know of many achievements, when people consciously overcame physical reverses and made of their shortcomings the best adornments. Such discipline of the will is in itself an achievement.

AUM (1936) - 565:
565. You have heard that a person suffering with defective speech suddenly was able to deliver a beautiful inspired address. The personal will alone could not achieve this, there was required the participation also of another energy. Someone has sent His Shielding Force. It may be that such a Force will cure the defect forever. It is possible that the nervous spasm may depart forever if the same degree of enthusiasm which filled the speaker when he rendered the beautiful speech can be retained. Let him observe the rhythm of his heart. Let him remember how his successful speech, which so inspired his listeners, was harmonized. To retain the manifested harmony will already be an achievement. Many examples may be cited when the rhythm of psychic energy uplifted a man and helped him surmount all nervous spasms. Many cases may be named when people, under the influence of higher energy, forgot forever their defects.

AUM (1936) - 573:
When someone weeps at a funeral, there may be found one who deplores such ignorance. Likewise, if someone rejoices at such an occasion, people are indignant at a seeming madman. Thus, people cannot assimilate the relationship of earthly existence to the superearthly state of being. Many cases can be cited when people have seen their near ones of the Subtle World, but even such evidences merely remain listed as phenomena. It is impossible to convince people of the naturalness of the change of existence. They are forbidden to think about reincarnation, and they are agreed that they dwell on the edge of an unknown abyss. Yet each year brings the worlds closer together, and it is possible to increase the number of cases of evidence of memory of former lives. Already each one can cite many examples; all that is needed is an attitude of good will.

AUM (1936) - 584:
No tales but life itself reveals these cases of incommensurateness. The disciple must feel in his heart which quality is nearer to him. "By whatever Paths ye come to Me, I shall meet ye."

Brotherhood (1937) - 136:
136. Knowing how to deal with people according to their consciousness is a lofty quality. One should not forget that the majority of misfortunes proceed from a lack of such commensurateness. It is impossible to propose even very excellent things if they are above someone's consciousness. It is inadvisable to speak to an unprepared man about harmony or vibrational combinations. Who can foresee what such a man will visualize under the concepts of harmony or vibrational combinations? But he can understand it if told about carefulness toward his surroundings. The simplest concept concerning solicitude will be a firm basis for each cooperation of Brotherhood. It is desirable that every cooperation be a nursery of care. In this is expressed also attentiveness, solicitude, compassion, and love itself. How much strength may be conserved by care alone! So many cosmic reactions of the spirit may be regulated upon the use of the most simple care. It is impossible even to imagine to what an extent the aura of the home is strengthened where solicitude is definitely maintained. In many people the understanding of Hierarchy is completely obscured, but even in such cases solicitude will help to set the situation right - merely by being solicitous toward each other! This is no great obligation, and yet it is like a cornerstone.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
Still more difficult is the problem of the physician when there is a complication of several ailments; such cases are on the increase. It is possible to treat one disease and in so doing make another one worse. Even now there are many localities which are lacking in proper medical service. This situation results in a general lowering of vitality. Degeneration is not an imaginary thing. Everywhere there can be observed the signs of such disaster. Not only does this calamity strike down the present generation; it also corrupts the humanity of the future. The cry will be raised that such advice is old. But if so, why has it not been applied before this?

Brotherhood (1937) - 163:
163. Idiosyncrasies are inexplicable attractions or repulsions, and they appear as trustworthy evidences of reincarnation. No one can explain otherwise these irresistible feelings. It is vain to try to show them to be the effects of atavism, because it is possible to trace their independence of ancestral habits. The special force of such attraction shows that they are deeply implanted in a given individual. They are so firmly fixed in the consciousness that even hypnosis cannot overcome them. But if in individual cases the changes of lives were to be examined, then the attraction or repulsion would be found to be a natural effect of what has gone before. Thus, it is especially instructive to observe such inborn symptoms. They reveal both the capacities of the man and the kind of surroundings that are most favorable for him. Let us not forget that each plant needs its own soil; so, too, in the life of man, indispensable are the circumstances which are natural and peculiar to him.

Brotherhood (1937) - 268:
268. When people begin to distinguish causes from effects, much is perceived, but up to the present people recognize only effects, and this only in the crudest degree. No one wishes to understand that a certain time must elapse between cause and effect. When a subtle consciousness discerns causes, it is usually subjected to ridicule. A gross eye does not see what has taken place, and the ignorant proclaim that nothing has happened. Therefore it is time to direct thought to the root of the matter. However this is not easy, for confidence has been stifled, and thus the energy of perception has been brought into inaction. Many cases could be cited when cognition was able to foresee in causes the beginning of effects, but a little unbelief washes away all possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 272:
272. There is nothing astonishing in the fact that even an absolutely simple man can see radiations - the causes for this are many. He may be an unusual man by reason of his former lives, or there could be expressed in him this special quality among others less pronounced. Such isolated cases are not rare. It may be noted that even unlettered people may possess extraordinary perceptions. They do not know why such knowledge comes to them, since they are without any guile. Such qualities, though obviously expressed, have nothing in common with the accumulations from past lives. So many chemical reactions can arouse individual qualities, which spring up and then can temporarily disappear. Only an understanding of altered spatial currents can explain the changes taking place in the organism. You know that sight and hearing and all one's sensations vary under the influence of currents. One may be assured that such fluctuations take place not only on manifested dates but also aside from human reasoning. Actually, only external conditions can create such inexplicable manifestations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 348:
348. The most ordinary eye can discern signs of the Subtle World. Frequently it is possible to see, as it were, certain color formations. It is amazing how something turbid actually swirls around some people, while at the same time others see quite clearly. Each one can recall cases when he rubbed his eyes after seeing something unexpected, and then as usual referred this sensation to some ailment of the eyes. It never entered his mind that the manifestation seen existed outside of his eyes and could be seen by many others.

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 492:
492. A great number of cells of the organism are to be found in a dormant state. It has been pointed out that their awakening would make a man luminous and able to fly. Is it conceivable that people in their present state could achieve such an awakening of light within themselves? Reflect that people are fully equipped for the furthermost evolution, but the treasure must be left asleep. The state of consciousness does not permit rapid advance. Only in rare cases is an organism illumined and, with help from the Subtle World, temporarily realizes the preordained possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 520:
520. Throughout the world, seek Brotherhood in everything. It is to no purpose to think that the higher concepts enlighten one only in exceptional cases.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31:
You have read how oppressive the aura of some landholders was for Our Brother. Of course, He had the ability to repel them with one discharge of His energy, but such murder was not part of His task. Thus, in many cases, We must co-measure in directing the Ray for the highest benefit. Such co-measurement will define the purpose of Our Brotherhood. To hold back the onslaught of darkness, to protect those who have exhausted their strength, and to apply all possible remedies for the General Good will be the fulfillment of Our Statutes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32:
A particular physical condition can be observed in people when they unknowingly contact the Subtle World. Indeed, it is remarkable that such people often know nothing about the different worlds; however, somewhere in the depths of their consciousness lies an idea that cannot be formulated. In such cases, We often use Tactica Adversa to arouse the consciousness. It becomes necessary to undertake actions to the point of absurdity, otherwise the slumberers will not be awakened. The same tactic is necessary in dealing with world events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 47:
Every Teacher in his past lives had to decide whether he wished to depart to the far-off worlds or remain with long suffering Earth. No little co-measurement was required for this decision, and each chose to remain with those who suffer. We permit Ourselves flights to the far-off worlds only to gain knowledge. Only in rare cases do We permit lengthy stays on other worlds. But even these stays are not a complete separation; on the contrary, they are like a web uniting the threads. Thus is the Brotherhood founded invincibly upon co-measurement and devotion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Especially now, people are in such tension that they require wise treatment. It is often necessary to agree with them about details in order to protect the most important, and encourage them in order to free them from fear. Thus, the methods of a wise physician must be acquired by a teacher of life. Sometimes an illness can be arrested by a simple word of encouragement. Let us not think so much about where and how the illness began. First of all, a physician does not blame the patient for his condition, but seeks a cessation of decay. In every illness there is evidence of decomposition. Thus, one should apply healing methods in cases of human error.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
An absence of fear and anger is needed on both sides. In addition, there must be truth and good will, for to pretend in these cases is impossible. Cowards may claim to have courage, and the cruel can pretend to be kind, but then the natural bond between the worlds will not exist because the living creatures will have lost their mutual trust and there will be no communication. Nowadays it is considered a great rarity when animals of different types can live together. When people approach animals with a doubting attitude there can be no mutual understanding.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
The power of thought that was manifested in these cases was such that an ordinary man can only imagine it. Such influence cannot be called suggestion, but rather the victory of mind over matter. And now, when people begin to study the power of thought, they must pay homage to these remarkable victories of the mind. If a sense of co-measurement is a guiding principle, the energy will always accelerate through the shortest channels.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 167:
It is customary to apply the name Judas to betrayers as a symbol of the grossest unfaithfulness. Let us ponder upon this. Was not Judas in his previous lives also connected with crimes? Remember that in the greatest periods of Greek history there were cases of venomous betrayal. We could mention names, but it is not wise to pronounce names that indicate only evil. It is enough simply to remember that every great Teaching has had its betrayers, with demonic wings on their backs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
"O, knowledge, when wilt thou come to humanity? You can hear the crowd roar, whether for a wedding or for a calamity. In both cases the crowd displays its ignorance. Verily, there should be more schools in which people are taught the meaning of life, and in which teachers act not as sycophants of truth, but as representatives of Truth. People must learn to protect their teachers when they are abused by tyrants. The teachers should renounce riches, but their fellow-citizens should provide them with an environment conducive to knowledge. Do not assume that the significance of the teacher will soon be understood. Thousands of years will pass, and still the teacher will not be fully accepted."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
"If people realized the law of uniqueness, they would speedily advance in self-perfectment. The dead intellect whispers that each day is a repetition of the previous one. One constantly hears such complaints, but each moment is different. Your consciousness can never return to its previous state; even in cases of a degenerating consciousness, it will regress, but not in the same way. Infinity exists in both macrocosm and microcosm. Even a song cannot be repeated exactly, because the conditions will be different each time. If you return to a city where you have not been for many years, everything will appear different. Your consciousness will never be able to duplicate the previous state. Some people feel distressed when they think about unrepeatability, but a wise man will rejoice, for he senses motion."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 228:
In many cases people overlook the required conditions during experiments and then complain that the most important was not revealed to them; when We sent mass manifestations they were attributed to coincidence!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 234:
We do not oppose even the most complicated experiments. Everyone has his own nature and finds his own path, and it would be a mistake to direct people to only one method. There are cases when the soul brings remote recollections into a new life and attempts to apply them. Let people experiment as they wish! Even by firing a rocket toward the stars, one's thoughts will be directed to those worlds. It is not wise to interfere with the current of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248:
248. Urusvati knows how diverse are Our messages, which sometimes come as short commands, and at others times as faint reminders. Sometimes they are stored in the Chalice, to be applied at the appointed hour. In such cases, people begin to recall something heard somewhere, and the recollection becomes more and more persistent as the indicated date approaches. These recollections from the very bottom of the Chalice must be treated with great care. In them are many events which by karmic law can only be revealed through the consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257:
Do not assume that people easily recognize such subtle influences. In most cases, they will even protest and try to avoid cooperation, fearing that it will diminish their own self-absorption, which for them is a great treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 258:
We should also note the difficult cases, such as the person who imagines that he is ready to accept help, but in fact resists it with his entire being. Such contradictions are not unusual. On the contrary, it is full cooperation, when help can be rendered, that is exceptional. It is deplorable when man assures himself that he is ready, but his own nature makes cooperation impossible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260:
260. Urusvati knows that free will can overcome even karma, and cases can be cited in which the will was able to alter karma. It is commonly believed that repentance has great power, but it would be more correct to call this state of consciousness complete realization. First of all man must know why he should seek new achievements. One should strive for full realization because only a one-pointed will can indicate the right path. There are many wavering and weak attempts of the mind, but these will not turn the key of fate.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
We watch the most difficult situations and project Our help, but sometimes the discord is so great that the organism struggles against Our influence and its health is affected. In such cases, We must temporarily withdraw, for the remedy would be too strong.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
284. Urusvati knows that at times the human consciousness expresses itself abnormally in a dual way, as a kind of split consciousness. This can be a sign of obsession, but there are cases in which the duality is the result of the promptings of past incarnations. There are also times when the future is glimpsed, and as if hypnotized, the individual is drawn away from the present reality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 303:
It is instructive to observe how the three levels of thought replace one another. An earthly thought is not necessarily inferior to a subtle one. There are cases when earthly thought led people to lofty actions, whereas the subtle thought crept its way upon an outlived path. Of course, the fiery divine spark is always faultless, but it must be kindled.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 313:
In cases of amnesia a person can appear to lose all memory about himself, yet, if asked about what he can remember, his answer may be most unexpected. He might even recollect his past lives or vestiges of supermundane sensations. But physicians never ask about such things, and some of the most essential aspects of life are overlooked.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 329:
329. Urusvati knows that, in certain cases, passing into the Subtle World is accompanied by sensations either of extreme pain or extreme bliss. But these are extremes, not the average conditions that are experienced by the majority.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
There were cases when magnetized objects fell into the hands of evil people who were then able to use the beneficent energy for evil purposes. In such cases it becomes necessary to cut off the magnetic currents that permeate the objects. The energy should be maintained only where there is a benevolent purpose. This law is of paramount importance. Many previously revered sacred objects can be found for sale, but they are now used for selfish profit.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
It is a pity that the many aspects of such lethargic conditions are seldom studied. The important thing in such cases is not how to feed the patient, it is to observe the rhythm of the pulse and the activity of the brain. It would be wrong to awaken him, for he is absorbed in other worlds, and if it were possible to question him carefully, he would reveal many interesting things.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340:
It would be good to remember the remedy of ancient times when sick people would go into seclusion and remain close to nature. This was done not only in cases of contagious diseases, but when the organism was in need of renewal. Even now, there are those who prefer to live in mobile homes or in tents. Of course, a collection of many tents in one place only replicates urban conditions, but the fact that people dream of and look for seclusion reveals a healthy instinct for the preservation and restoration of health. We transmit thoughts of health, but of health correctly understood. It is especially important to think about health now. Many people are aware that the destruction of the nervous system has reached an extreme point. They understand that progress is impossible on this path of decay, but only a few know the significance of health in its full sense.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340:
It is not psychology with its indifferent analysis that is needed, but enlightened striving toward the restoration of health. There are many cases of city dwellers who take jobs as farm laborers to escape the sickening environment of the big cities. This is a praiseworthy decision if one knows how to avoid crowds in the new environment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 354:
354. Urusvati knows that very few have a right attitude about those who have passed into the Subtle World. Some grieve over the deceased, thus interfering with their ascent, and others criticize them, which is equally harmful. In some cases the deceased are completely forgotten, and this, too, is wrong. It is essential to have a proper, harmonious attitude.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 357:
It is characteristic for certain entities to be attracted to particular places. In these cases, the energy that evokes the materialization has been accumulated in various locations, most often as precipitations on the walls of old buildings. Subtle entities strengthen their manifestations by use of certain layers of this matter. Such buildings could humorously be compared to old, worn-out garments infested with micro-organisms that make them "come to life," as it were.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358:
When We speak about purification of thinking We have in mind primarily liberation from preconceived notions. Imagine someone experimenting with the receiving of direct communications who then tries to introduce his own thoughts. Such a student will only mix up the messages. There have been many such cases.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365:
365. Urusvati knows that it is extremely difficult for materialized entities of the Subtle World to reproduce the sound of the voice. This is understandable, for an entity is more accustomed to transmission by thought, and reproducing the voice is difficult. Of course, in cases of special harmony this difficulty can be overcome, though such a degree of harmony is rare. People do not know how to approach subtle guests in order to determine their needs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372:
Also remember that a large number of useful instructions are distorted. Let us take, for example, the question of food. We are decidedly against a meat diet. The normal progress of evolution has been retarded in part because of the eating of meat. Yet there are instances, such as a shortage of food, when dried or smoked meat may be eaten as an emergency measure. We are decidedly against the drinking of wine. As an intoxicant it is inadmissible, but it can be used in the treatment of certain illnesses. We are decidedly against all narcotics, but there may be cases of such unbearable suffering that a physician has no choice but to use them. There are those who may object to this, and ask if it is not possible to use suggestion against pain. Of course, it can and should be used, but it is not easy to find a person with sufficient power of suggestion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 379:
379. Urusvati knows that so-called sacred pains do not differ outwardly from ordinary physical pains. Physicians will find the most routine explanations for them. You recall that two of the greatest sages of India were stricken and died, one from cancer of the throat and the other from diabetes. What can such ailments have in common with sacred pains? Both cases indicate that a selfless outpouring of psychic energy can result in unexpected afflictions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 393:
393. Urusvati knows the contrasts and complexities of the principles of life, which even in the simplest cases can easily be misinterpreted. For example, We indicate that attention should be paid to all details of life's events, but at the same time warn against self-indulgent absorption with illusion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 393:
Most people forge their convictions and beliefs in ignorance of a future life. Such limitation binds the free will and creates a narrow view of Cosmos. The modern mentality has not changed much and repeats the errors of the ancients. In most cases only the terminology has changed, and the understanding of essential meaning is no deeper. Our work is considerably complicated by the gross conventions invented by the human mind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 405:
People are straining the energies, ignoring the fact that every beginning has its end. A cannon's fire can cause rain, but this is just a primitive example. Radio waves thicken the atmosphere, yet the number of radios increases without limit. Factory owners do not care what diseases they cause, and one can observe many resultant cases of irritation of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors. People do not regard their own wilfulness as a likely cause, nor do they realize that new victims will appear who will pay with their lives.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 409:
409. Urusvati knows how often people ask for the impossible. If they could look into the remote past they would understand why certain conditions are not possible for them, but only in the rarest cases are people able to lift the veil of the past.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422:
It can be said that these methods take too long when an immediate transfusion is needed. But, aside from emergency cases, there are those in which a day or two makes no decisive difference. Even in the case of an operation that cannot be delayed there is time for analysis, and it is most important to be cautious when determining the quality of blood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
429. Urusvati knows that human radiations can be seen by the naked eye. We can cite many cases in which people emitted radiation when in a transport of exaltation. True, the onlookers paid no attention to this manifestation or tried to explain it as a reflected outside source of light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
Only in extraordinary cases are We permitted to intrude upon karma and act by earthly means. Let friends remember that even in the higher spheres there exist limitations governed by the Law of Karma. The inhabitants of Earth cannot imagine how difficult it is to approach them with material help. Usually spiritual help precedes, but it is thought to be a mere coincidence and is rarely accepted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 437:
But it is regrettable when scattered ideas provide only fragments of an intended whole. Yet even in such cases We shall say, "Let every seed grow that is of benefit to humanity. Let all friends become accustomed to the sowing of ideas without rivalry, and without infringing upon one another's rights. One should rejoice at every harvest."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
441. Urusvati knows how necessary it is to correct all misconceptions. We have mentioned pranayama, and at the same time have pointed out natural ways of ascent. Is there a contradiction in this? No, because We do not reject pranayama, and even point out its usefulness, for in certain cases pranayama may be a kind of remedy for the organism.


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