Agni Yoga (1929) - 152: 152. The more perfect the spirit, the more infallibly it understands the deep suffering of earthly life. And yet I myself speak again and again about joy, the joy that lies in the realization of the far-off worlds. Let us take a simple example. Through the darkness of night your carriage rushes homeward. The pouring rain should depress you, but instead your spirit is jubilant. Why? You know that your home is near and that the darkness and rain do not keep you from discerning those close to your heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 521: 521. When I say - guard the health, by that I am not sending you to a physician, and I urge you not to be alarmed. By no means would We develop a sickly hypochondria. We wish to preserve your health. No one can say that it is unnecessary to guard the health. The carriage must roll along the ordained path toward the beautiful goal. Take away everything pertaining to Karma and the goal will be really beautiful. But with which do people mold the larger Karma - the inner or the outer life? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 164: It is time for people to realize that all events are connected and that unity reigns throughout Cosmos. Many different manifestations follow each step of evolution, but during those solemn times of transition people become particularly stubborn, reminding one of travelers who refuse to alight from the carriage when their journey is over. Similarly, during the consummation of the achievement of the Great Pilgrim, people did not want to leave their carriage, and were unable to perceive the significance of the events that were taking place in front of their eyes. An incredible injustice was being committed, and no one dared tell the people how dreadful was the crime.