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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CARING (10)

New Era Community (1926) - 142:
One may pass from animals to plants. You already know that it is beneficial to sleep on cedar roots. You know what collectors of electricity pine needles are. Not only do plants serve salutarily by their extracts, but the plant emanation produces a strong effect on the surroundings. One may see how man can be helped by a bed of flowers consciously combined. Absurd are mixed flower beds whose mutual reactions destroy their good effect. Matched or homogeneous ones can answer the needs of our organism. How many useful combinations there are in fields covered by wild plants! Combinations of plants which are natural neighbors must be studied as instruments of an orchestra. Those scientists are right who look upon plants as subtly sensitive organisms. The next steps will be the study of the reaction of groups of plants on each other as well as upon man. The sensitivity and reciprocal action of plants upon surroundings is indeed astonishing. Plants are manifested, as it were, as a binding substance of the planet, acting on a network of imperceptible interactions. True, the value of plants was long ago foreseen, but group reciprocal actions have not been studied. Until recently people have not understood the vital capacity of vegetable organisms and have senselessly cut clusters of heterogeneous plants, not caring about the meaning of what they were doing. A man with a bouquet is like a child with fire. Exterminators of the vegetation of the planet's crust are like state criminals.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 432:
432. The Teacher knows the best hour. A special knowledge is needed for Us to provide an understanding of the flow of outer currents without violating your karma. The Indications, like arrows, must surround the target, not piercing the center of the circle, which belongs to each of you. The lack of clarity is like a mist. However, it is not a sign of ignorance, but of Our caring. We wish you to be successful, but this is possible only with your cooperation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 601:
601. Scientists speaking about the subconscious, about cerebral and nervous reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, certainly speak of one and the same thing - of psychic energy. But this term is somehow not uttered. These snatches of knowledge beg to be united into one current, but narrow-mindedness prevents the proper relating of these various fragments of knowledge. Pure science is not afraid of alleyways. Attention is being paid now to the study of secretions, and perhaps this particular direction, the investigation of glandular secretions, will call attention to the existence of other secretions. Glandular secretions have only recently attracted attention, although ancient medicine pointed out the importance of secretions long ago. This matter was avoided, although all of nature proclaimed it. Is it possible that dialectics and materialism are only limitations? The development of consciousness brings us into closer contact with the entire mighty energy. Is it possible to think as before, with only half one's brain, not caring about the locked-up treasures?

Heart (1932) - 415:
415. Someone may inquire about the issuing of a second volume of Heart. Answer that people like to read only the last page, without caring about the significance of the first page. Hence the Teaching must be separated into steps. It is especially sad to see how the senseless gulping down of the last page only brings harm. The heart demands care and coordination, otherwise the igniting of the phosphorous web will occur.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 195:
195. A new tradition about the significance of the heart must be moulded when people are caring least of all about it. Institutions for the study of the heart must be founded, with a knowledge of all that has been written about this center of being. All the ancient cults in which a place was allotted to the knowledge of the heart, must be studied; and here external remedies alone are of no assistance. Let us not forget that in antiquity suggestion was applied for reanimation of the stopped heart. There are many traditions about the bringing back to life which are based on this action. True, a great and disciplined will is required, and time is needed for the establishing of the new heart action. It must be determined how many minutes must elapse before the heart activity can be again established. But this will be extremely variable, for the actual departure of the subtle body occurs quite individually. There are many reasons for this, including the physical state and the quality of the subtle body. The physician should understand this diversity of conditions.

AUM (1936) - 560:
560. Certain people strive to obtain only the new, not caring about the assimilation of the preceding. There are many dangers in such leaps into unknown ground. It is not always possible to trust such people. It is doubtful if they can guard what is entrusted to them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 375:
Meanwhile, people lose sight of the battle with the elements. If they do not see this battle, it does not exist for them. In the most tensed hours they are ready to occupy themselves with everyday conflicts, not caring that a terrible vortex may be sweeping over them. They prefer to busy themselves with everyday offenses, leaving to someone else the arrangement of all matters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
9. Urusvati has been in Our laboratories, and has seen one of the formulas for atomic energy. Her physical memory could not retain it, but the inner receptacle absorbed it. "Atomic atoms!" exclaimed Our Brother during the splitting of the atom. Just as ears of wheat ripen in time for the harvest, so will these possibilities and achievements be preserved until that hour when they are to be given to humanity. It is difficult to make discoveries and then preserve the disclosure until the preordained date. In his madness man would scatter knowledge like hail upon the fields, not caring about the monsters that grow from unbridled passion. Understanding the dates is a great step toward Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
Understanding another's misfortunes broadens the consciousness. Just one brief caring thought can create a salutary link, but, alas, even such brief thoughts are not often sent, and people ignore these karmic resolutions with cold indifference. They cannot imagine how much they separate themselves from Us and from the Subtle World, from which the best help could be received. Therefore, you must fully understand the foundations of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 414:
One can study the extent to which the poison created by humanity has spread. Man can be likened to a foolish archer who shoots his arrows aimlessly in a thickly populated city without caring where they strike. It was this way in remote antiquity, and it is so now, to an even greater extent. Science must explain to humanity that such a production of poisons is clearly inadmissible. Compare man's many technical achievements with his neglect of psychic energy and you will be ashamed that this most important domain has been forgotten and even condemned.


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