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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CARELESS (7)

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
168. Express your wishes cautiously. Every one knows many parables and fairy tales which describe the ugly consequences of careless wishes. Remember about the rajah who wished to receive a beautiful palace, and did receive it, but who, on entering it, thought about an attacking tiger, which then appeared and tore him to pieces. Under the symbols of allegories there is much reality. If people would realize the power of the will, many manifestations would receive a practical explanation. Indeed, not a forcible tension of the will but the dynamic quality of concordance of the centers produces the effect of fulfillment. Hence, an oft-repeated desire, like a blunt blade, does not cleave space. Whereas, the ringing of unexpected concordance breaks the densest surface.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 304:
Our Indications foresee all possibilities, and in their manifestation they are quite varied. The danger lies elsewhere. Often a person, having mastered a possibility, then becomes careless about it. The festival flower is brought down into ordinary life, as something ordinary. Of course flowers are always pleasing, but it is better to transform everyday life into a festival of the spirit than to dirty the flowers with everyday dust.

AUM (1936) - 497:
497. Picture to yourself how an ignoramus approaches a complicated machine. He does not think about the meaning of the apparatus but clutches at the first lever, not realizing the consequences. Exactly comparable is the case of a man who has remembered only one detail of the entire Teaching and is amazed that he does not see the whole effect. Just as careless handling of the machine threatens the ignoramus with ruin, so does a man who disregards the essence of the Teaching find himself in danger.

Brotherhood (1937) - 345:
345. Any careless attitude toward a manifestation of the higher spheres is not fitting for Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
People do not realize that We have to treat them as dangerously ill. When We advise you to be cautious it does not mean that we consider you careless. On the contrary, We pay attention only when someone finds himself in a state of extreme tension and special caution is needed. If you think of yourself as a physician, your purpose becomes clearer.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
We stress that care be taken of one's health. Can We permit Our co-workers to be careless? Indeed We cannot! We foresee the attacks of the dark ones, who try at all costs to shorten the lives of workers of Light, taking advantage of each weakness of the organism to cause injury at the vulnerable spot. Do not think that Our help can be shaken, but any false step can prove fatal, and We can protect only those who accept Our help. Any unworthy thought can sever the thread, and people often unknowingly project harmful thoughts. In times of great distress one must be able to turn to the Teacher with one's whole heart, knowing that His help will not be delayed even for one moment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
What great harm results from a careless attitude to life! You know how unwisely some people extract fragments from Our books. This is very harmful, for one can never know how or by whom such incomplete quotations might be interpreted. We are concerned first of all about the accuracy of what is conveyed.


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