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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CAPTURE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 375:
For them the yogi is the primary channel, the primary receiver of the energies of space, luminous as a beacon fire. He builds that which should be built. He lays together the intended stones. And his enemies may shudder, but still feel compelled to repeat his words. The yogi is not a preacher. He seldom speaks to the crowds. But the works entrusted to him grow with a special bloom. Others do not even acknowledge the flourishing of these works, whose intended purpose is not to capture them, but to ignite their hearts. Whither will fly the spark of fire? Do they not see all the lighted fires, and all the travelers warmed by the flame of an Agni Yogi? His fire burns the brighter because it burns not for itself.

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 447:
447. The chakras, the fiery wheels, call to mind the countless circles of conception and completion. One can picture how the equilibrium of the worlds is founded upon fiery chakras. They contact and interpenetrate each other, and form inseverable links. Similarly, one can imagine how the chakras of man determine his fiery nature and bring the human entity into the totality of other fiery formations. People already have at their disposal rays that are not recorded upon the flesh; so, also, rays will be discovered that can capture the fiery centers on a film. This will demonstrate how the chakras of man correspond to the fiery formations of space. The figure of the fiery man merges into the rhythm of space. Thus, it can be physically demonstrated to what a great extent is everything that exists subject to the one law of rhythm. Of course, to succeed in such instructive experiments it is necessary to develop the fiery chakras in oneself. They exist in every organism, potentially, but soulless beings cannot project on a screen even a faint glimmer from the extinguished fires.

Brotherhood (1937) - 383:
383. Is it not strange that the greatest truths do not excite attention, whereas those of no consequence capture all striving? Do not people measure their own consciousnesses by these means? Who established laws of banality, and when?


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