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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > CA > CAPITAL (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 23:
Only a realization of Cosmic individuality can illumine the steps of evolution. Otherwise, in the earthly understanding evolution will remain only profitable investment of capital. You already know that capital deprived of goal-fitness is only a millstone about the neck. And, as a manifestation of infection forms spiritual and bodily ulcers, likewise does a manifestation of the lunacy of covetousness bring harm to the spirit and the body.

Heart (1932) - 455:
455. The atmosphere is unusually dense! One must be especially dull-witted not to sense the phenomena manifested with each step. The condition of the world cannot be considered normal, yet the people of Atlantis also failed in like extent to see all that was already amazing. They even went further. They meted out capital punishment to all who pointed out the evident calamities. Of course, such a measure only served to hasten the destruction. People have never willingly acknowledged that they themselves are the basis of transmutation of psychic energy, and so they were never reluctant to divert the flow of this precious power.


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