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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BU > BURNT (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
We have to deal with civilized ignoramuses as with children. A burnt finger teaches them the proper handling of fire. We speak about prejudices, but every state official does not know what a savage beast prejudice is. Let us proceed to joy!

New Era Community (1926) - 141:
Every science is in need of new formulas. Likewise, the certain periods of life bring new expressions. One must rejoice at each new expression. Nothing is worse than the embrace of a corpse! As it is, you are attached to a sufficient quantity of dead objects. The burying of each dead letter is accompanied by lamentations, as if there do not exist progressive actions of enormous significance! Certainly people are illiterate and covered with stench and nasty insects. Which of the old worn-out prejudices to mourn? The whole trunkfull of insects must be burnt, and this will not be a destruction but a renovation.

Heart (1932) - 56:
56. A wise host does not light all fires without special purpose. Thus, in ancient legends there is mentioned the mountain surrounded by flame, but it is not stated anywhere that the fire burnt continuously; it rose according to the need. Thus also your fires glow according to necessity - the Eye of Brahma, or the wings, or the rays from the larynx, or the other principal twenty-one fires - it is necessary to permit them to be kindled according to their natures. It is necessary to point out that the fires act according to their power of contact with the Hierarchy. Conflagration or unbridled burning is not permissible. In the Great Service, care and caution are the first principles of the highest cooperation. We protect each particle of the energy of the Elohim and each Uruci, from the Fire of Space. This accountability is demanded especially during the time of the battle's tension.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 329:
329. The World is experiencing a most tense time, and the layers close to the planet are saturated with energies which strive for transmutation of the supermundane strata. The condition of the planet is so acute that every supermundane affirmation is intensified in creative efforts, for it is needful to create a powerful counterbalance to darkness. Spirits which are found on the earthly plane in ignorance of the fiery transmutation taking place, may be burnt in the Great Battle, because the mighty conflict requires evidence of one's belonging to the element of Fire. Impetuousness of choice affirms for the spirit a place in the Cosmic Battle and in the Cosmic Victory. Knowledge of the paths to the Light is a task ordained in the Fiery World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 250:
Long ago, the Thinker taught His disciples to pay attention to short, swift thoughts. "The sparks of the Highest Intelligence pierce us like lightning. Blessed is he who knows how to keep them in his heart. Indeed, you should perceive them with your heart, which cannot be burnt by their flame, whereas the brain could be seared."


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