Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 28: Urusvati was surprised to see that flowers from the plains could survive on Our heights. It must not be thought that such acclimatization can take place quickly. Urusvati has met with her Tibetan Friend in Our flower garden. We also have many plants inside Our buildings. For many experiments it is necessary to use the vital substance of living flowers. We advise conversing with flowers more often, for these currents are very close to the Subtle World. I affirm that We apply Our Power to all that exists. Thus We have the organic unity on which I so often insist. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 357: It is characteristic for certain entities to be attracted to particular places. In these cases, the energy that evokes the materialization has been accumulated in various locations, most often as precipitations on the walls of old buildings. Subtle entities strengthen their manifestations by use of certain layers of this matter. Such buildings could humorously be compared to old, worn-out garments infested with micro-organisms that make them "come to life," as it were.