Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 169: I am with you and will shield you, But you are the builder of your own path. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 290: O thou keen blade, O thou smiting hammer! I am coming, Master Builder. I am coming! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.5: One will ask why the predestined cannot be manifested at once. Answer that the pillars of a house are erected in successive order. And if the workmen say, "Let us set them all at once," the builder answers, "Do you wish to destroy them!" Thus. a drop contains the whole world. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.19: The builder must know how much load the pillars of the house can carry. From non-comeasurement results destruction, blasphemy, lie, treason, and many other ugly manifestations. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.3: If you but knew how often We have to praise sand-piles, calling them castles. Of course, We rejoice when the builder is aflame with enthusiasm at the praise and is ready to erect new piles. Keep this in mind. New Era Community (1926) - 196: 196. Manifestations must be accepted in full reality. For materialists this condition is especially obligatory. But indeed, materialists more than others tint various manifestations with their own color, thus impeding the evolutionary process. Us, as experienced Builders - realists, can see the harm of intolerance, based on the coarsest ignorance. Where then is reality when thinking is constrained? Instead of a thousand formulas only five are known! Affirmation becomes distortion if beforehand a stereotype of conventionalities has been forged. The smile of knowledge breaks open the flood-gate of deliberate obstruction. The builder cannot have fantasies about the ground under the building. Such an attitude is criminal, since the material point of view gives unlimited lawful possibilities. New Era Community (1926) - 273: 273. Humanity must suffer very much before it comes to an understanding of the advantage of unity. Most destructive forces have been directed for the purpose of obscuring the embryos of unification. Each unifying agent is subject to personal danger. Each peace-maker is disparaged. Each worker is ridiculed. Each builder is called madman. Thus the servants of dissolution try to drive from the face of the Earth the Banner of Enlightenment. Work is impossible amid enmities. Construction is inconceivable amid explosions of hatred. Fellowship is battling with man-hatred. Agni Yoga (1929) - 249: The yogi appears at the right time and points out the happiness that lies within reach. The yogi can be a builder of life because he knows the true values and knows co-measurement. Life itself brings to the surface the urgent need for the Yoga of Life. Otherwise, how and by what signs would people determine the right direction for their striving? Agni Yoga (1929) - 256: To the Keeper spoke the Most Exalted: "When a builder lays the foundations of a building, does he tell all to everyone who labors on the structure? Some of them will know the given dimensions, but only to few is disclosed the purpose of the building. Those who dig among the stones of past foundations can hardly comprehend a new one. A builder should not be grieved if there is no understanding among his workers of the real meaning of his plan. He can only assign the tasks appropriately." Agni Yoga (1929) - 322: 322. He who acquires knowledge only for himself is not Our builder. When the structures are about to collapse, who can sit calmly? When even the most remote cataclysm sets the organism atremble, then all must become masons, laying the new foundations. I say this because the undeferrable work requires all forces. Agni Yoga (1929) - 431: It would be a mistake to see My words as poetic hymns. One must accept them as the call of the Builder, to whom it is not important to be the Highest One, but to whom it is important to fulfill the mission entrusted by the Lords. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 16: Picture the entire Space radiating Fire, with an unprejudiced eye. Imagine the Space containing Prana and Akasha. It is not the "Creator" nor the "Great Builder," it is Infinity! At the approach of Satya Yuga these spatial forces will be utilized. True, in the consciousness of the self-crowned ignoramuses the frigidity of the Stone Age still prevails. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 25: Verily, man is the highest manifestation of Cosmos. Verily, he is chosen as the predestined builder and collector of all treasures of the Universe. Verily, the term "man" means the affirmation of creativeness. Long ago was the key entrusted to man, but when revelation illumined him there appeared the extinguishers of the fires. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 30: We revere the freedom of will, and endless are the paths for the application of it. Therefore, not violation but the flight of striving spirit! The mighty warrior, builder of life, proceeds straightforwardly under this banner. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 31: 31. The utilization of all manifestations of the primary formulae of the Lotus of Cosmos should guide humanity in its evolutionary development. When the spirit will make use of the manifestation of Spatial Fire, and when the breath of Truth will touch the Source of Life, then will it be possible to vouch for the shifting of consciousness. The top, revolving around its own axis, symbolizes the destiny of the man who has dissociated himself from the eternal motion. He who carries the Lotus, who is open to meet the Cosmos, and who displays the best differentiation of the lights of the centers, typifies the builder of life, co-measuring his constriction of the centers with their opening. Let us find a correct definition of the vital principle. The open Lotus embraces everything; the differentiated lights of its flaming petals rotate to cover all directions. When the sacred Fire, representing the spirit, is in touch with the All-existing, then the cosmic ring and the wheel of life move in conjunction. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66: 66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 76: 76. We, Brothers of Humanity, do not admit parallelism where there is manifest a spiral of tensity. Parallelism manifested in action and in the containment of beauty is evidence of goal-fitness. The transport of creation should not become extinguished because of prematureness. To each transport of creativeness of a builder, freedom and its own stronghold are offered. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 97: 97. Verily, limitless is the beauty of Cosmos, when by the way of the heart we can penetrate into the consciousness of the Cosmic Breath. The ascent is predestined by the manifestation of all the cosmic combinations under the pure sign of cosmic unity. Observing the occurrences on the planet, We may only say, "Great is your destination; affirm yourself, manifesting ascent!" The heart was always considered as the symbol of the "guiding one." Life expands by that symbol. The guiding one and the guided are affirming the significance of the Cosmic Consciousness. The expected one and the expectant are expressing Cosmic Reason. The calling one and the responding one are expressing Cosmic Accord. All the feelings of the Builder of Cosmos are directing the moves into the higher life. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 147: 147. Immutable is the law manifested by Cosmos. During creation, an interchange of energies takes place. To nature and to the spirit of man may be assigned one and the same page, that of striving toward creativeness. The power of creativeness cannot develop in Space without the factor of consciousness. And consciousness, progressively gaining power, assumes the mastery over resistance. The Cosmic Magnet can attract toward a consciousness of the creative Fire all that which is akin. The Cosmic Reason creates as a laboring builder. And man must serve Cosmos similarly. Man knows what an impetus the Infinite Reason imparts to the current of life. Hierarchy (1931) - 73: 73. Certainly, one can attain only through adherence to Hierarchy. Only the understanding of the great law will open the eyes of humanity. How, then, not to penetrate into the might of constructiveness? Therefore, Our disciples must be imbued with an understanding of the affirmation of Hierarchy. Therefore, one can build only when Our Carriers of Fire carry Our Will and the disciples accept that which is sent. Each builder knows the law of Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 75: 75. Certainly, an experiment upon oneself is always useful because it reminds one of probation. Probation is the sign of creativeness. One must get accustomed to the thought that men create unceasingly. With each glance, with each breath, with each motion they change the course of the cosmic waves. Since there is no vacuum, how, then, are the worlds linked? The cells of life grow like the leaves of a tree. But we forget that the mold of each of our motions remains. How beautiful it must be in order to be worthy of the Great Builder! Hierarchy (1931) - 399: 399. When a new race is assembled, the Assembler is a Hierarch. When a new step for humanity is built, the Builder is a Hierarch. When the step preordained by the Cosmic Magnet is constructed upon the vital rhythm, a Hierarch stands at its head. There is no manifestation of life which does not contain in its seed its Hierarch. The more powerful the step, the more powerful the Hierarch. Hierarchy (1931) - 410: 410. Again the deniers of Hierarchy will come and term it leadership by coercion. Again you will tell them, "Hierarchy has nothing in common with coercion. It is the revealing law which discloses." We oppose any coercion. We do not direct the energy without the consent of the co-worker. We know the worthlessness of everything superficial and outwardly propelled. Like a builder, We summon co-workers. But We leave him, who is not in need of Our boat, to cross the ocean even if it be on a bamboo stick. Yet people often are so fearful of all cooperation that they are ready to plunge into mud rather than contact the Highest. Many times you will have to sunder yourself from people on account of Hierarchy. They would rather accept Infinity, because they do not feel their responsibility before it. Furthermore, the unavoidableness of the law of Hierarchy disturbs the limited, selfish mind. Heart (1932) - 332: 332. The Subtle World has many varied confirmations of the earthly world. Even a prototype of the seasons of the year passes in accordance with the consciousness of the Subtle World. Therefore, the images of plants or mountains, or the surface of waters are not foreign to the Subtle World, of course in a transformed condition. The heart that knows the Subtle World knows flowers and mountains, and snows, and the seas. Flowers thrive in a richness of forms, and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth. One can begin to discern a complete structure of the Higher World, thus, the man who has stored up a clear and benevolent consciousness on Earth will also be a good builder in the Subtle World. Instead of monstrosities, he will bring with him beautiful proportions and the rhythm which correspond to the magnificence of the Infinite. Is the duty of the spirit so excessive if the spirit has perfected the heart? Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry the subtle body into the higher realms. Thus, everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him! When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily, the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses, that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 117: 117. Inner concentration is a great thing, but nothing should be limited. Infinity itself points to inexhaustible Light. One may count the contents of man's every cell and be amazed at the immeasurableness of space. Thus one should turn to the Source, which is not awed by Infinity itself. Such is the spark contained in the heart. Neither physician, nor builder, nor scholar, can dispense with the straight-knowledge of the heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 263: 263. An experienced householder finds a use for all discards. The contemporary builder must undertake this achievement. It is an especially hard one, for it is not easy to make use of robots when the basic requirement is cognizance of the foundation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 299: 299. Hence, everywhere one can perceive three paths the easy, the difficult, and the terrible. The first is molded through the realization of all successful, useful and good combinations. The second, when certain good combinations are covered by most destructive and harmful structures. Such a path is difficult and is like a race with the eyes blindfolded. The third path, when the ignorance draws one into the darkness of dissolution, is truly terrible. But for this horror people do not have the right to blame others; they themselves have closed their eyes and ears. They have rejected assistance and have admitted chaos into their thinking. Therefore let the Builder follow the first path. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 129: 129. In the spirit of each man lives the principle of good, which can saturate the whole being if these energies of Light are consciously invoked. The constructiveness of the spirit can be intensified by currents manifested by good or evil; it depends upon man to put into action the different levers. Each builder can honestly say to himself what it is that he serves - spirit or matter. Indeed, one can easily be convinced as to the direction in which the forces of the spirit proceed. In its seed each spirit knows the truth manifested by quiet currents; hence, this immersing directs the spirit to right thinking. Certainly, the consciousness of unity can open all the locks which separate man from the Higher Truth. The world of the spirit needs to be understood. Thus, everyone can evoke a most subtle current from the depths of the heart. The best conduit to the Fiery World is the depths of the heart; therein is hidden the Cosmic Fire. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 214: 214. Cycles which are shaped by the Cosmic Magnet have in their foundation the affirmation of the Higher Forces. These fiery Cycles appear as the foundations of planetary life. The Cosmic Magnet builds commensurately with spatial power. The Spirit of the Builder of the Cycle must be that Power which corresponds to the designation of the Cycle. The whole synthesis of the Cycle must be saturated in the Spirit manifested for Cosmic Synthesis. At the fiery change of the Cycle there is given a Fiery Principle for the purification of the planet. So few spirits understand the fundamentals of Fiery Existence! So few spirits understand Who stands at the Helm! The beauty of the Cycle can enlighten only the consciousness which can understand the Power of the First Causes. The helm of the planet's life and the foundations of Existence are affirmed by Fiery Right. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the Basis of Cycles. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 374: 374. The consciousness of the majority of people does not penetrate into the depths of the cosmic structures. Not reflecting upon the significance of principles, people become isolated from the Fiery World. All creative abilities are in need of this cosmic association, for this association affirms the co-measurement which humanity has lost. Man, who has been predestined by the Cosmos to be a builder and co-creator, has turned himself away from this crown. Completing his circle of actions, man has not adapted the cosmic principles as a basis; therefore the Fiery World differs from the world created by man. Everything is refracted in the consciousness in non-conformity with the laws of the Cosmos. On the path to the Fiery World one must manifest realization of adherence to cosmic laws. AUM (1936) - 299: 299. Likewise, architects must be enriched with inspiration from the treasuries of universal cognition. The style of a period is molded out of life, winged by knowledge. How superb are the structures into which the thought of beauty has been impressed! One can seethe ascent of entire epochs through their constructive inspiration. The very quality of the structures is felt in the strength of their materials. The builder must also know the material which endures. Can he deny the Higher World? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185: "The builder of a temple is not restricted to the use of only one kind of stone, and will select the best from all of nature. Only then can he be a true artist." Thus spoke the Thinker.