Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.1: When we approach the Commandment of Christ and Buddha, what is the dust of the threshold to us? An oyster shell without its contents. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.7: 2.3.7. The purification of religions predicates a new direct relation with the spiritual world. Christ, Buddha and their closest co-workers did not use magic formulae but acted and created in full blending with the spirit. Therefore, in the new evolution the former artificial methods must be abandoned. Remember cause and effect. The mechanics of yogism are no longer suitable for the regeneration of the world. A teacher who sits under a tree and forbids does not conform to the need. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.5: Simplicity, beauty and fearlessness - Christ and Buddha spoke of nothing more. And it is a blessing if the spirit vibrates to these covenants. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.5: Buddha passed through life in peace and people forgot him. Christ suffered and was forgotten. Now let each one raise his own glaive over his head, each according to his striving. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.17: 2.4.17. The link between Christ and Buddha glows dimly in people's understanding. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: 2.6.13. A legend about Buddha. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: A righteous man wished to see Buddha. His attention being kept upon a wide variety of objects, his hands did not grasp images of wisdom, his eyes did not penetrate objects of reverence, and the manifestation did not come. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: Then the sun serpent became a tremble in the man and he sought the rejected thread. And in his hands it turned into forty pearls. And each bore the Image of Buddha. In their center was a stone, and upon it the inscription: Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.13: The follower of Buddha received joy because he knew the path to it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.18: "To those who have encountered and to those who have responded I say: Leave to Me My sorrow and My joy about you. By the power of Christ, by the power of Buddha, by the power of the Messiah, proclaimed by the prophets of Truth, set up the scales. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.19: But at sunrise, facing the sun and receiving the ray into the solar plexus, one can feel the victory over the ocean, because through light one can touch the light of the spirit. Butthis consciousness is only in that spirit which can say: "I have renounced all in order to receive all." Thus, it is not a denial but an affirmation which has above it the Hand of Buddha. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.5: 2.7.5. Parables of Buddha Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.5: Thus spoke Buddha, the Restorer of the Lotus of Life. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11: 2.8.11. I have already told you that the Mother of the World conceals Her Name. I have already shown you how the Mother of the World veils Her Face. I have already made mention about the Mother of Buddha and Christ. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11: Indeed it is time to point out that the one Mother of both Lords is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin, in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.3: 2.10.3. Joyously quivers the air of the hour before dawn, the hour when Buddha cognized the greatness of Cosmos, and when the Lord Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.10: I want to see your cohorts real abodes for strong spirits. Remember that Christ prayed among thieves and that Buddha revealed the sacrament to a brigand. Judge according to the eyes. Thus write it down. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.11.1: Christ taught compassion, yet trampled is the law of love. Gotama, called Buddha, besought courage and energy, yet His followers surrendered to laziness. Confucius taught about an orderly system of government, yet his followers have succumbed to bribery and corruption. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.1: 2.12.1. Let us speak about Lord Buddha. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.1: People do not realize the foundation of the Teaching of the Blessed One. The foundation is discipline. Spiritually and bodily the monk of the community was striving to hold on to the path. In the first years he endured a heavy probation. He was forbidden to kill himself with ascetic practices, but he was enjoined to conduct the battle under sole command of the spirit. Thus austerely did Buddha instruct His disciples. Verily, they knew joy only in spiritual battle; that is why the thorns of the path are spoken of. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.2: Egypt was of lofty culture, but it cannot be said that the present culture is lower. Culture used to be centered in the north of India, but only a limited class of people possessed knowledge. Castes - foolish mustiness - have hindered culture. Indeed, the Lord Buddha wished to abolish this caste foolishness. The Teaching of the Lord was imbued with joy. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.3: 3.1.3. Verily, Lord Buddha could manifest Himself. The Lord appeared to many, but He wished to make His Teaching the only source, and therefore He ceased personal manifestations. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.5: 3.2.5. I will tell you of the origin of the controversy between Buddha and Devadatta. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.5: Many of Our historic records are taken for inscriptions of ancient lawgivers. Often the name of Christ or Buddha even impedes the ease of acceptance, but characters on an unknown stone more readily attract serious attention. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.15: 3.2.15. Thus, after Cosmic designs let us turn to the carrying of stones, and on each We shall inscribe the symbol of the cross. I shall remind you how Buddha selected disciples for an achievement. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.15: During work, when fatigue already possessed the disciples, Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and await the promptest reply. Or, placing the simplest object before them, He would suggest that they describe it in not more than three words or not less than one hundred pages. Or, placing a pupil before a locked door, He would ask: "How will you open it?" Or, summoning musicians beneath the window, He would have them sing hymns of entirely dissimilar contents. Or, noting the presence of an annoying fly, He would ask the pupil to repeat some words unexpectedly pronounced. Or, passing in front of the pupils, He would ask them how many times He had done so. Or noticing a fear of animals or of natural phenomena, He would give them the task of mastering it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8: 3.4.8. People will ask: "Who is greater, Christ or Buddha?" Answer: "It is impossible to measure the far-off worlds. We can only be enraptured by their radiance." The Ray of Christ feeds the Earth as much as the Rainbow of Buddha bears the affirmation of the law of life. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8: I urge you to think about Christ and Buddha as if for the first time. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.7: Buddha mentioned quietude, but only this external aspect was assimilated by his listeners. For to the people who heard him the idea of rest was very attractive. Action as something meritorious is too little understood. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4: Verily, the dark age will terminate with the proclaiming of the Community! Sergius hewed it out with his axe. Boehme worked on it with his boot hammer. The Teacher Buddha built it with His hands. Christ prepared a bridge to it. A most ancient Teacher said: "I do not see any objects that I own!" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9: Those who have studied profound subjects must have known this labor of saturated rhythm, so that nothing could hinder them. The Teacher Buddha took much care that His disciples should know about changes of rhythm. Before great attainments He advised not repose but labor of saturated rhythm. Keep this in mind. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.17: Likewise, there must not be forgotten the favorite game of Buddha with His disciples in moments of relaxation, wherein the Teacher threw into space a single word upon which the disciples constructed an entire thought. There is no wiser test of the state of consciousness. New Era Community (1926) - 31: Departed nations have left a patina on the freedom of the spirit. You may ask "Where then are the persecuted?" Proceed according to these signs. You will perceive as persecuted the first Christians and the Buddhists, but when the temples turned away from Christ and Buddha, then persecutions ceased. New Era Community (1926) - 43: 43. I sense that the Teaching may become a heavy hammer for timid ones. Even recently terror would have pierced the heart at the very mention of community, but already now several obstacles have been overcome. Yet one more difficult trial for humanity follows the discarding of the worn-out concept of property. Assimilating the significance of the spirit, it is especially difficult to refrain from miracles. Even the Arhats chosen by Buddha put aside this possibility only with difficulty. New Era Community (1926) - 43: Three Arhats importunately besought Buddha to permit them to try a miracle. Buddha placed each one in a dark room, and locked them in. After a long time the Blessed One called to them and asked what they had seen. Each one told about different visions. But Buddha said "Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you did not perceive the main miracle. For, you could have sensed an existence beyond the visible, and this sensation could have directed you beyond the limits of Earth. But you continued to be conscious of yourselves as seated on the Earth and your thoughts attracted to the Earth waves of the elements. The swelling of the Elements evoked agitations in various countries. You caused rocks to fall and destroyed ships with a hurricane. You saw a red beast with a flaming crown, but the fire attracted by you from out of the abyss burned the houses of defenseless ones - go and bring help! You saw a dragon with the face of a maiden, simultaneously causing waves to wash away fishing boats - hasten with assistance! You saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane destroyed the harvest of toilers - go and bring amends! Where then is your usefulness, O Arhats? An owl in the hollow of a tree has passed the time more usefully. Either toil on the Earth in the sweat of your brow, or in a moment of solitude lift yourselves above the Earth. But let not the useless commotion of the elements be the occupation of the wise." New Era Community (1926) - 81: 81. It is wise to draw a line between past and future. It is impossible to calculate all that has been done - it is incommensurable. It is better to say "Yesterday is past; let us learn how to meet a new dawn." We all grow, and our works are expanding with us. After twenty-seven years no one is a youth, and we all can then understand the achievement of Service. It is unworthy to rummage in yesterday's dust. Henceforth let us establish a new step. Let us begin to labor, surrounding ourselves with a thousand eyes. Let us acquire purity of thought and co-measurement of actions. Thus let us fill our days; let us become used to mobility and decisiveness. Likewise, let us not forget that there is nothing on Earth higher than the given Plan for the Common Good. Let us manifest understanding of the Teachings of life. As Moses brought forth human dignity, as Buddha impelled toward the broadening of consciousness, as Christ taught the good of giving, so now the New World is directed toward the far-off worlds! Ponder, what comparisons surround us! Ponder about the cornerstone. Reflect about the given path. Ponder how the boundaries of the Cosmos touched you. Recall the steps of wondrous tensions not in a book but in life. Reflect that so much has not been taken up and absorbed and yet you stand in your place. Therefore, be not disheartened by mistakes, but ascend by the Hierarchy of the Teaching. New Era Community (1926) - 95: 95. Once a woman stopped between images of the Blessed Buddha and Maitreya, not knowing to Whom to offer her reverence. And the image of the Blessed Buddha uttered these words "According to My Covenant, revere the future. Standing in defense of the past, direct your gaze toward the dawn." New Era Community (1926) - 144: When Buddha called a man malodorous, he had first of all in mind the spiritual consciousness. This gangrenous process is not subject to cure. In Our structures avoid touching such people. Spending time on them is equal to depriving a waiting, hungry man of a morsel of food. New Era Community (1926) - 163: Does it not seem strange that I speak so often about patience, about obstacles, about vigor, about the endlessness of struggle? Precisely, at different times and on different sides do I forge the armor of fearlessness. Remember, this tempering cannot be completed in a single hour. In different temperatures is the sword tempered; even Buddha affirmed that at the happiest hour one should recall the misfortunes, but without diminishing joy. New Era Community (1926) - 179: Least of all does verbal affirmation interest Us. The significance for Us lies in the state of consciousness and action. As physicians observe the inner sensations and the fluctuations of the patient's condition, and pay no attention to his whims, so do We pay no attention to verbal assurances but weigh the quality of action. Ancient methods of testing are used by Us. The testing is of long duration and unexpected. Do you remember the exercises of Buddha with his disciples relating to unexpectedness? New Era Community (1926) - 205: 205. Not needed by Us are well-meaning Nicodemuses who come by night and keep silent by day in the Sanhedrin. Each one must guard the secret entrusted to him, yet he must have ready a word about Us. Firm words can stun the adversaries. Say that it is curious to see one speaking about that which he knows not. If they speak against the hidden treasures, say that even the sea is full of sealed bottles. If they speak against the Community, say that he who reveres Christ, Buddha or Moses does not dare to speak against the Community of Good. The worst thing is to bring false accusation, for in it is falsehood, and slander, and betrayal, and ignorance. Say "Since the Teacher exists, why not make use of His wise counsels? You do not make use of them for you know not how to receive them. Hasten to become aware of the Mahatmas not in history but in life, and in the meantime keep your ignorance to yourselves." New Era Community (1926) - 215: In Asia the Teacher is manifested as a lawful concept. By the covenant of Buddha each future Teacher is especially reverenced. In this revelation of possibility is the whole pledge of the future. New Era Community (1926) - 225: "Cosmic transformation in contact with the psychic energy creates the condition of a current of good fortune." Thus spoke Buddha. He pointed out the distinction between evidence and reality. His likening of evidence to a mirage is applicable for any contemporary discourse whatever. New Era Community (1926) - 251: 251. Contemporary industry and the entire production of objects has become so unbalanced, in quantity and quality, that for the time being they preclude the possibility of a proper distribution of things. Forcible and indiscriminate distribution engenders craftiness and lies. Can one expect new possibilities in inaction or should one deepen the consciousness in its essence? You remember the words of Buddha about the disciple surrounded with things yet consciously renouncing personal ownership. It is useless to try to take away objects forcibly and thus create a passion for trash. The most important thing is to carry out rationally an educational program on the debasing significance of possession. It is not important that someone remain in his own armchair, but it is important that youth realize the absurdity of having its own chair. It is necessary that this consciousness be manifested not as a denial but as a free conquest. When, liberated from craftiness, people will learn of the impracticality of personal ownership, then a collective of co-workers will grow up. Agni Yoga (1929) - 8: The poisoning of Buddha spared Him from deification. The suffering and resurrection - or the transformation of matter - by Christ provided the attainment of the supreme earthly achievement. But no one knew about the disintegration of the body into the atomic state. People thought that His body had been stolen away by His disciples. Agni Yoga (1929) - 25: It is incorrect to think that the past experiment of My Friend was unsuccessful. One should not pay attention to those few fools who are encountered on the way. The steps of new consciousness are laid firmly. Thus also the path observed by Us now is laid out successfully. In the same way, H.P.B. was grateful to the deriding drumbeaters, for she knew the true meaning of those, who, like her, were the drums on which the crowds beat. When the crowds perceive only charlatans, approach with attention. Remember that even Buddha and Christ were honored with this title. Agni Yoga (1929) - 90: 90. A simple affirmation of respect for knowledge will make possible the resolving of all contradictions. True thinking is impossible without reverence for knowledge. The Teacher advises that knowledge be set as the basis for developing the consciousness. Point out that knowledge builds the path to the One Teaching. Is it possible that humanity cannot comprehend that knowledge emanates from the One Source? Therefore, the dividing line between knowledge and ignorance is the dividing line between light and darkness. We are easily able to bring together the Torah with the hymns of the Vedas, or the precepts of Buddha with the words of Christ, for We do not discern differences between Teachings emanating from the One Source. Agni Yoga (1929) - 92: 92. Note the times of great events. Already the Vedas are coming together with the Tripitaka and the Kabbala. The teachings of Buddha and the words of Christ and of the Teachers are dispelling ignorance. Carefully observe the growth of knowledge in diverse parts of the world. Both the affirming and the denying ones walk in one direction. The time is unrepeatable, like a gate into the preordained. Dead are those who see the determined hour as an ordinary one. Agni Yoga (1929) - 181: 181. We taught you to grasp the essence of ideas, without succumbing to their superficial meanings. Just as Buddha taught the development of an entire topic from a single word, so must you broaden the understanding of your disciples by building upon one word or sign. But chiefly, try not to repeat to the unprepared. If the receptacle of spirit is ready, each thought will pierce like an arrow. But if decayed tissue has already clogged the channels of the centers, no Yoga can be achieved at that time. Agni Yoga (1929) - 239: 239. One must become accustomed to the thought that nothing useful is ever lost. One must become accustomed to knowing how many dangers surround one. One must become accustomed to the realization of the burden of knowledge. Buddha taught his son to maintain joy, because this is a most difficult challenge on Earth. It is better to suffer the burden of knowledge than to remain isolated from reality. Agni Yoga (1929) - 275: It is quite understandable that Buddha, Who directed humanity toward evolution, taught the nature of that which changes, whereas Vedanta expounded the unchanging foundation. You can add any chemical ingredient to a flame and thereby change its color and size, but the essential nature of the fire will remain unchanged. I do not see any contradiction between the basic principles of Vedanta and Buddhism. Agni Yoga (1929) - 287: 287. Mahayana is to Hinayana as Buddhism is to Vedanta. Mahayana knows and reveals the nature of the world of the elements. Hinayana emphasizes karmic causes and effects without concerning itself with the immediate consequences of causes. The Teaching strikes sparks from the chaos of the elements. One may study these images, but it is equally correct to concentrate on cause and effect. If we call Buddha the Cause, then Maitreya is the Effect. Agni Yoga (1929) - 433: Urusvati saw the so-called Wheel of Buddha. This is actually the teraph of the far-off worlds. Its essence is contained in the foundation of the Universe, which may be seen as a pestle. At its ends are the spheres of polarity corresponding to the two basic laws. At the center is the swastika-like wheel of psychic energy. And the circle of the whirling rainbow is the manifestation of all stages of Spatial Fire. Knowing this is a step toward the mastery of fire; by visualizing this structure the approach of fire can be evoked, and its dangerous essence transformed into a healing property. Agni Yoga (1929) - 453: 453. The cherub was depicted with wings, but without human extremities. This was perhaps a symbol of non-human evolution. Buddha was human, and was depicted as such, but with rays from behind the shoulders. Thus, to the full scale of human nature was added the symbol of mastery of the elements, and in this lies attainment. But people cannot accept the idea of attainment in the human state. When they are told about the rays of the shoulders, they begin immediately to demean the importance of other parts of the body. Thus is created the caricature of a cherub as a lifeless sausage - a complete and senseless isolation from life. Therefore We adopt a tempering procedure, first with a flow of unexpected events, then by uprooting the sense of personal property, and afterward by assigning a mission of particular danger. And after these purifications, We turn your attention to everyday life on Earth, where in the midst of seemingly ordinary conditions, extraordinary challenges occur. Agni Yoga (1929) - 551: 551. The Blessed Buddha once said to his pupils, "Let us sit in silence and let our eyes behold." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15: Since it was the Lord Buddha who defined the essence of the human Ego as a process, we can accept this formula of "The Lion." In your daily life accustom yourselves to the thought of eternal motion and do not tarry in the recesses of darkness. Creativeness attracts the creative power. Therefore, observe the sparks of Cosmos. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 28: You are right in asserting that the Lord Buddha had to give the concept of Nirvana to the world because there are few who are willing to labor eternally for the creation of new forms. Nirvana is only a step in the endless cosmic periods. Our disciples, accumulating the earthly inheritance, can rejoice, transporting themselves with striving consciousness toward the higher worlds. Is it not better to serve the manifestation of the great eternal reworking and transformation from the lower to the higher than to be slave to stagnation? Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 151a: 151a. The prayer uttered by Christ when leaving Earth was not heard by people. The prayer uttered by Buddha was not heard by people. The prayer that will be uttered by Maitreya knocks like lightning at the gates of the human spirit. Thus is Earth stratified and the consciousness of the spirit created. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 126: 126. During communion with the far-off worlds one must accept the degree of Fire. The fire of purification explains all the ancient mysteries. When Christ spoke of the spirit needing regeneration, He had in mind the fiery purification. When the outline of the law of The Wheel of Life was given by the Lord Buddha, the fiery purification was affirmed. Thus, the consuming of old encumbrances is affirmed by the fiery purification. The new ascent is conditioned by the purification through Fire. Therefore, the purification of spirit lies at the basis of transmutation. The highest Agni Yogi is not an instrument nor a passive recipient but a co-worker and creator. Therefore, when the fires of Cosmos are strained the manifestation of fiery purification is inevitable. Thus shall we establish attunement with the fiery purification. Hierarchy (1931) - 16: 16. The prayer uttered by Christ when leaving Earth remained unheeded by men. The prayer uttered by Buddha remained unheeded by men. The prayer that Maitreya shall pronounce knocks like lightning at the gates of the human spirit. Thus is Earth stratified and the consciousness of the spirit created. Hierarchy (1931) - 38: It is time to understand the responsibility and the privilege afforded by earthly incarnations. Yet people often avoid listening to the waves of space and catching the echoes and answers which come from various strata of the Universe. We are repeating about the privileges of spiritual development, but the matter is so distorted that a well-meaning denizen even fears to mention anything that is linked with the radiant region of spirit. Try to speak of the light of realization and the bliss of spirit and you will be feared like robbers and murderers. But even robbers were disciples of Christ and Buddha; hence do not fear human epithets, but harken to the Voice of Eternity, which leads to Bliss and Light. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 534: 534. Long ago I mentioned that a garden of offenses is unfit. One must show an understanding of the complete unworthiness of offenses. An offense is the most impeding state. It is like a hidden abscess. Buddha himself when noticing some kind of offense immediately sent away the disciple, saying, "go and bathe in cold water." Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 290: 290. In truth, Egypt was great in attainments up into the time of Solomon. And Buddha, in a certain sense, received the chalice from Egypt. Thus the foundations of Wisdom have been harmoniously molded. Certainly, the Vedas too had a connecting link with former races. Often the Covenants grow in an evolutionary manner, but sometimes due to the depth of Karma the process becomes involutionary. But, withal, there has been an order of succession, and it precisely was a manifest equilibrium of the peoples. Denial of succession is ignorance. The very quality of life, the actual realization of the path, have been founded on successiveness, as an extension into Infinity. Quite often Hierarchy is represented as being finite, and from this issue all limitations and belittlements. The magnitude of Hierarchy extends into Infinity. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 189: 189. Contemplation of the World will yield an understanding of the shortcomings and the lack of balance which is proven as a harmful manifestation. First of all, it must be understood how that influx of new unaccepted energies acts on the planet. Evolutionary movement is not affirmed so long as correlation between spheres is not established. For, when the Higher World is striving upward and mankind propels itself downward, then indeed the cosmic current cannot be affirmed. Therefore, a manifested disharmony rules in the World. Not without reason has been recalled what was said about Buddha. Not idly has been recalled - "let the dead bury the dead." Indeed, a world concept can be affirmed if only the fiery striving is victorious.