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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BRUTALITY (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 293:
293. Is justice difficult? A child measures justice better than a judge. Wherefore can only the aged and the children be the arbiters of the earth? Human judgment blunders. Laws obstruct the entrance. Learn to judge in the open, beneath the stars. Learn to measure distances with closed eye. To see the light with closed eye is granted to each one; But laziness, ingratitude, ignorance, and brutality are astride your backs. Blind travelers, how will you attain the justice of children? Wash away the dust of habit.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 14:
14. It is asked why We do not put a stop to the false sources. Why do We not expose those who distort the Sendings? If one were to stop by force the current in whose wake humanity is proceeding, fanaticism would turn into brutality. Thus, the evil free will flows like lava, engulfing also those who rise against the Good, as history reveals. Surely, violent manifestations of force cannot carve a righteous path for humanity. Hence, all the subtle energies can be accepted only by a fiery consciousness. Thus, tolerance is truly the lot of the fiery consciousness. Of course, one should purify wherever there are accumulations of filth, and the lot of the fiery consciousness is to purify the records of space. Among the accumulated pages of human writings there will have to be noted those pernicious records which have clouded the brains of even well-meaning people. Thus on the path to the Fiery World one should understand the great significance of receptivity of higher energies and of subtle sendings.

AUM (1936) - 266:
266. There is so much intolerance and brutality in humanity that it is not difficult to arrive at a conclusion as to its degree of ignorance. Such a degree of ignorance forces one to reiterate the fundamentals. Of what avail is man's literacy if he remain only a beast! Animals too have learned to understand certain signs, yet they are still animals eager for bloodshed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 221:
221. Each book of the Teaching carries an inner task. If brutality can make fun of Brotherhood, this will be the worst kind of savagery. Let people find the strength to restrain themselves from derision. Derision is not acuteness of mind. Humor is contained in a wise attitude toward events taking place, but the gaping mouth of the dull-witted is a disgrace to humanity. Is it a game, when humanity becomes the plaything of madness? They will meet with success who uplift the Chalice with clean hands.


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