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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BROOM (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 652:
652. Harmonious sendings bring much usefulness, especially when one dominant tone can be followed, as for a musical key. A primary note may even be struck with a tuning fork. A magnet, a tuning fork, a ring, and many common devices easily enter into the daily life of the young yogis. The clearing away of accumulations of debris requires the use of shovel and broom. One should not fear everyday objects - as below, so above.

Hierarchy (1931) - 50:
50. United sendings bring much usefulness when one tone can be maintained, as in a musical key. One may even sound a leading note with a tuning fork. A magnet, a tuning fork, a ring, and many other common adaptations easily enter into the daily life of young yogis. The clearing away of accumulations of dust requires a shovel and broom. One should not avoid common objects - as above, so below! It is wise to become accustomed to there being no rest or end. But a single realization of Our Brotherhood and of Hierarchy, already directs the traveler along the shortest path to Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 216:
216. All physical tension should be eliminated, for one cannot play the violin with a broom. Also, laughter causes disturbance of the closest strata of the atmosphere. When the heart is aflame, it resounds like a bell upon the far-off distance. It is rare to hear a Yogi laugh boisterously, for his joy is not in loud laughter, but in the saturation of the heart. Precisely, "joy is a special wisdom" not only in its essence but also in its exterior.


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