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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BREEDING (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
You may ask: "How should one conduct oneself so as not to besmirch the chosen portion?" I can give this advice: Instead of a particle, accept the entire chalice of the Common Good. This will shield you against all impurities. Instead of timorous hesitation, resolve as an experiment to adopt for seven years the plan of the General Welfare. If My advice is poor, you can return later to breeding your cockroaches.

New Era Community (1926) - 179:
179. Let us imagine that you see a man doing harm who yet has a spark of psychic energy. You naturally will begin to speak to him about the better qualities of man, who is in the process of evolving. Your interlocutor, as it usually happens, will immediately agree with you without thinking it refers to himself. It would be of no avail to tell him that he is acting wrongly, but it is possible to say that his action does not follow the trend of evolution. It is not a matter of bad or good, it is only that his conduct is not goal-fitting, and therefore not practical. If your companion pretends to be a community member, the conversation becomes simpler. For then, as adherents of the community you may demand the guarding of the foundations of evolution. Even for breeding pigs there are required definite conditions of life. How then can a man who decides on achieving the social life remain in his former vulgar haunts? How can falsehood or cowardice live under the mask of cooperation?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 93:
93. In general few can understand the glow of the flaming heart. Yet those who have beheld these fires of illumination know how vital is this manifestation. The Fire-bearer himself notices these instants of light, but for those present many conditions either permit or impede seeing the miraculous Fire. Without doubt the natures of those present have an influence upon the character of the manifestations themselves. One can easily imagine such a mass of extinguishers that even the star of Light will be only a glimmer. But at times a simple yet most beautiful heart sets ablaze a new force of the Fire-bearer. Besides human reactions and conditions of the Subtle World numerous manifestations of nature exert an influence. Thus, during a thunderstorm the luminosity can increase at the moment when the electrical mass also intensifies the inner fires. Water that contains certain mineral properties can also facilitate the manifestation of inner radiance. Naturally, the worst atmosphere is the stale, poisonous air of unventilated houses. Surely, if this air can be the breeding place of disease, how much more can it suppress the emanations of the heart! The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions. The misfortune is that people cannot detect unfettered judgments. The heralded emancipation, about which people like so much to speak, will be primarily not slavery of opinion.

Brotherhood (1937) - 392:
392. The man who feels himself unlucky has been called an obscurer of the heavens. He has collected gloom around himself and has infected the distant space. He has harmed himself, but still more all that exists. He has proved himself to be an egoist, forgetting about his surroundings. Depriving himself of good fortune, he has become a breeding ground of afflictions. As the self-satisfied one loses the thread of advance, so does he who is filled with self-pity cut away his own success. It is not fitting for man to doom himself to calamities. Long-sown wails and groans turn into a ruinous vortex. The itch of envy changes into leprosy; from malice the tongue grows numb. A whole hotbed of disasters is built by the man who gives himself over to the illusion of bad luck. Such poisoners are intolerable in the Brotherhood. Yet many dream about Brotherhood without thinking what a burden They bear! How strong is the man who realizes the good fortune of being a man!


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