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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BREASTING (1)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 589:
589. He centered in Himself all Light. He was imbued with renunciation of self and of earthly possessions. He knew the Palace of Spirit and the Temple of Fire. One cannot take earthly objects into Fire, and the Palace of Spirit cannot be made a treasury of gold. Thus one should follow the Great Example. One can sometimes compare the objects of today, but how can one evaluate the objects of the future? So, also, the Fiery Images are incomparable and inaccessible to us at present. Therefore one should ponder deeply within one's heart, in order to glimpse the Fiery World through the help of the Great Examples. If but momentarily one could find oneself in the Lotus Boat, breasting the tide of all the waves of chaos! One can ask that in a really difficult hour one be permitted to experience the same rapture in the break up of chaos.


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