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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BRANCHINGS (6)

New Era Community (1926) - 170:
170. We have spoken about conditions and about distinctions. Naturally, the question arises - what is usual and what unusual? We regard everything as being usual. In the conception of a man of small consciousness a great deal is unusual. The usual and the unusual are divided only according to the degree of consciousness. It is truer to say - absorbed and unabsorbed, realized and unrealized. With Us the unusual is understood differently. Each type of consciousness has its usual grouping of the centers, just as you distinguish types of thinking as mathematical or philosophical. From the circles of consciousness often stands out a grouping of centers not native to any of them. These branchings of consciousness are truly unusual indeed, they give their possessor many possibilities but little earthly happiness. And rarely can the possessor himself point out the symptoms of these branchings of the consciousness. The unusual feature is drowned in the routine of the consciousness. Even an experienced psychologist will find with difficulty these unexpected blossoms.

New Era Community (1926) - 170:
While diseases are clearly reflected upon the radiation, the unusual branchings of the consciousness are formulated with difficulty. True, radiations give the complete picture of a man, but everything psychically unrealized gives a wavering outline, difficult to fix. Here is the domain of the unusual for a certain group of consciousness, and such blossoms among stones are particularly precious.

Hierarchy (1931) - 459:
459. The ways of the heart, the fiery ways that lead to the ascension of the spirit, are developed by being imbued with one and the same impulse of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How many different branchings the sensitive fiery heart possesses! But its source is one, and its potentiality is imbued by the sole source, Hierarchy. The ways of the heart, the fiery ways, proceed from the great summit of Hierarchy and lead to that Pearl of the World. Thus, We affirm the flame of the heart and the wondrous silver thread that unites the worlds. Thus we conquer through creativeness manifested by the silver thread.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 93:
93. A construction of new fundamentals will be contained in the establishment of equilibrium and of coordination between science, art and life. For an equilibrium is needed based on a survey of all affirmations. Thus, the World is in need of a great manifestation of equilibrium. Coordination is to be affirmed upon a new understanding of all the subtle principles of Hierarchy. One may even foresee how a transmutation of all affirmations will take place; how in science there will be no great division between spirit and matter. Indeed, it will be possible to build on new principles when the spiritual and the physical are united. It will be possible to secure knowledge of the body by means of the coordination of the centers, their functions and qualities. Such a unity of all functions leads to knowledge of life as it actually is. For example, one could study the various precipitations of the kidneys and the functions of the eyes. It is possible to coordinate the functions of all organs which have double branchings. It is possible to compare the organs which act by one channel. It is possible to be convinced of many unities of functions, which are highly indicative. Thus, new structures have their great principles, and a great ascent in the world of knowledge is indicated. Thus the Fiery Bearers of the synthesis bring good and happiness to the World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great affirmation of equilibrium and coordination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48:
The relativity of opinion is demonstrated in discussions about subtle energy. It is incorrect to insist on a particular number of petals for the Lotuses. In addition, each petal differs from the others. Let us not limit the multiformity of the structure of the world. The most unexpectedly profuse growth of the tissues and branchings of the nerves enriches the organism. Each observation is valuable, but let us be very careful in generalizing.


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