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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BRAINS (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 165:
165. I consider the study of concentration dangerous in a heavy atmosphere. People see the visions they desire, because the current is often too weak and they see images made by their own brains. For powerful visions is needed an atmosphere charged with electricity and a consciousness in repose.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 385:
385. It is time to ponder about the New World. My Teaching opens the doorway to action. Madly do people rush about, not knowing the future. Doomed crowds are hastening to destruction. Their course is bearing them to the abyss. Observe the strivings of the madmen. Revealed is an abyss of new transgressions. Obvious manifestations fail to alarm the brains of the half-witted. To the fool the time is an empty one, But grave it is for those who discern the Light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
Every community is devoid of egotism, in its vulgar meaning, and in the name of the Common Good is concerned with the solution of world affairs. Like arrows plunge the sendings of the Community into the brains of humanity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 71:
71. One may prosecute ignorance, but one should especially chastise superstition and hypocrisy. Like a leprous film, superstition covers weak brains. We are not against laboratories and Western methods, but We ask that honesty, efficiency, and the courage of impartiality be added to them. How can one think of cooperation when birdlike brains impede each experiment? One can produce the most stupendous manifestation if the horns of the devil do not impede in the test tube. People believe more in devils than in saints!

Heart (1932) - 115:
115. Do not reject, do not be horrified, do not be surprised - these stipulations will facilitate the union of the phenomenal side with the usual. Of course, you were convinced by your own experience that the phenomenal side entered your life with absolute naturalness, in no way disturbing the productivity of labor, but even magnifying the ability to work. This remark has greater significance because it is an accepted thought that the perception of the phenomenal life tears one away from productivity. Just the opposite, a manifest striving toward Infinity teaches the vastness of human possibilities. So, also, there are many misunderstandings around the concept of a test. Of course, it is unknown that even the worlds are on trial, but people's brains are accustomed to legal and academic tests, therefore they are always able to imagine some examiners full of schemes and cunning in order only to indict the victims who fall into their hands. However, there are no examiners, but there are observers of how a man makes use of his knowledge. Of course, it is necessary to complain not against the observers, but against oneself.

Heart (1932) - 195:
195. Let us not be astonished if hearts are now burdened by intercrossing currents of unusual tension. The currents of nations, the currents of the world, and finally the currents of strong personalities intercross; but through them infiltrate the currents of the Subtle World, where so many actions now take place. The events are only now forming; one can imagine how the world consciousness acts upon feeble brains!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 14:
14. It is asked why We do not put a stop to the false sources. Why do We not expose those who distort the Sendings? If one were to stop by force the current in whose wake humanity is proceeding, fanaticism would turn into brutality. Thus, the evil free will flows like lava, engulfing also those who rise against the Good, as history reveals. Surely, violent manifestations of force cannot carve a righteous path for humanity. Hence, all the subtle energies can be accepted only by a fiery consciousness. Thus, tolerance is truly the lot of the fiery consciousness. Of course, one should purify wherever there are accumulations of filth, and the lot of the fiery consciousness is to purify the records of space. Among the accumulated pages of human writings there will have to be noted those pernicious records which have clouded the brains of even well-meaning people. Thus on the path to the Fiery World one should understand the great significance of receptivity of higher energies and of subtle sendings.

AUM (1936) - 341:
It should not be thought that somewhere enough has been done for education. Knowledge is so much an expanding process that continual renovation of methods is required. It is frightful to see petrified brains which do not admit new attainments! No one inclined to negation can be called a scientist. Science is free, honest, and fearless. Science can instantly alter and elucidate the problems of the Universe. Science is beautiful and therefore infinite. Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Science can find the great even in quests of the small. Inquire of great scientists how many times the most stupendous discoveries have been made in the process of routine observations. The eye was open, and the brain not dust laden.

Brotherhood (1937) - 399:
399. Pay attention to how much people turn away, falling under the influence of casual rumors. Their brains cease to work and become like a sponge left in dirty water.


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