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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BR > BRAGGARTS (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 297:
Seek the energy that, if consciously evoked, will transform your existence. Do you not wish to be armed in time? Even the last hour can teach humanity. We are not prophets in sheepskins. As ordinary physicians We warn, "It is time to perform a vaccination." But there are reckless braggarts who feast even during a pestilence. The cemeteries never lose their new tenants.

Brotherhood (1937) - 441:
441. "We already know about everything." so say those who do not fulfill the fundamentals of life. Each one encounters this boasting about knowing everything, and each one may be struck by the ignorance of such noisy braggarts. One can but deplore such impudent assertions. Let these persons test their obvious ignorance upon themselves. In themselves they confirm whence come so many failures into the world. Let us not bother to repeat about the causes of misfortune.


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