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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BO > BOLT (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 295:
295. Creator, let my spirit be revived when the storm abates. Thunder fills the silence of the night, and lightning crosses my window. Can it be that even during such a night the Messenger will come? But I know my question is perhaps inappropriate. The Messenger is coming. Master, my mind is dull with sleep and my eyes penetrate not the darkness. I will place a hammer at my door. Let the Messenger shatter the bolt. Wherefore shall I need a lock after the coming of the Messenger?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 303:
303. The Word of the Teacher unlocks the bolt. Lay your heart upon the threshold of the morning ray and I will shield you, Open your eyes, face the tide, and I will protect you. I rejoice in guarding the treasure.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19:
Whose hand is stretching forth to the bolt of My House? Travelers, thou art without belongings; therefore thou shalt enter.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.2:
The daring of despair is self-abnegation. But the highest daring does not expect any reward. And despair expects no reward. In Our language despair is the designation of a limit. An achievement is near to this limit. To the house where it abides one can screw an iron bolt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 101:
101. I am witnessing an experiment involving the transmission of human force over a distance. By this one can move any object; for example, one can move the bolt of a door by applying the energy of one's thought to the corresponding energy of the object. This experiment has been known since the distant past. But one should remember that with the establishment of general cooperation among all that exists, the energy of thought unites all spheres of being. Not by using a hammer, but by penetrating objects with our thought, shall we unite them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 88:
88. The science of atmospheric influences must undergo considerable changes. One may notice in contemporary apparatus unexplainable tremors which seemingly do not conform to other indications. Such traces of astral whirls bring to the Earth very significant effects. Besides, in this way are affirmed the relations with the Subtle World. Indeed, among the tensions of the Subtle World there may be such pressures that their reverberation even agitates manifested matter. First of all such waves are reflected upon the fiery centers. You yourself could observe how, despite the cool weather, the centers gave indication of great pressure. One must compare this with the reaction to the distant events, which also call forth vibrations of strong tensions. But the astral whirls are observed even less than telepathy. Scientists are unwilling to admit that in their physical considerations a factor of the world beyond can have any significance. But the effect of such whirls sometimes is almost equal to that of a bolt of lightning. I will not conceal the fact that strong cooling currents have had to be applied in order to counteract the reaction to such whirls. We stand on guard and are ready to send rays, but the pressure of the currents of the Subtle World is unprecedented. They are fighting with the forces of darkness and one must have imagination in order to picture to oneself the magnitude of this battle.

Brotherhood (1937) - 195:
195. It is useful to advise friends to send out mutually good thoughts at a definite time. In such an action there will be not only a strengthening of benevolence but also a disinfection of space, and the latter is extremely necessary. Poisonous emanations not only infect man but also are precipitated upon surrounding objects. Such sediments are eradicated with great difficulty. They can even accompany objects for long distances. In time people will distinguish the aura of such infected objects. Meanwhile sensitive individuals can feel the reaction of such stratifications upon themselves. Good thoughts will be the best purifier of one's surroundings. Affirmations of the sendings of good are still stronger than purifying incenses. But one should accustom oneself to such sendings. They need not be made up of definite words but only of a directed good feeling. Thus, in the midst of daily life it is possible to create much good. Each sending is like a cleansing bolt of lightning.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218:
In ancient times names were of astrological origin. In many nations several other names were usually given to a child so that his astrological name would not be uttered. It is better not to utter such a name, even during auspicious moments, for it can act like a bolt of lightning.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
Much has been said about contemplation and concentration in the transmission of verbal messages. But now We speak about an act of mental transmission that is like a lightning bolt, so intense that it is beyond describing in words, when only the most penetrating straight-knowledge is acting. Such straight-knowledge derives its power from the accumulation of consciousness. No time is needed for such communications. They are at the threshold of ecstasy, and an active love is expressed in them. One can understand that words are inappropriate when the essence of thought is aflame. But one must be trained to master these lightning flashes of thought.


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