Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.7: The repast is ready. The hour is come when a new feast is spread. Approach, while the dishes are still hot! Many will not be able to swallow the hot food; but the boldest one, like the fairy tale prince, will swallow the fire of the world. And the path of fire will illumine the nearest road. AUM (1936) - 309: Such a reminder is even more timely since science, despite its speedy growth, has not accomplished a tenth of what was ordained for it during this period. Much of this must be ascribed to the inertia of humanity. But for all that, it is distressing to see that the most advanced of scientists are not appreciated. People wish to investigate space; modest stratosphere excursions, telescopic observations, the study of the luminaries - all revolve within a vicious circle, because psychic energy is unrecognized. Without it, the boldest flight remains a childish diversion. Without psychic energy, the pathways of space will be difficult to discern.