Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 272: 272. All the forces of the Cosmos should be consecrated to the blossoming of the spirit. Fatigue forces renewal of the organism. Awareness of one's goal gives significance to each manifestation of the spirit. All winds serve the miller to produce a better flour. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 423: 423. Cognitions, and solutions to questions of Being, grow, like blossoming plants. Before each new understanding, the heart especially aches; When the heart is pure, the pain signals the coming of new knowledge. Fatigue flies away, and the spirit's findings rise from the seed like ears of grain. Beyond the astral there are worlds in which communication with the many levels of evolution is easier. The legend about ascension into heaven has a scientific basis. New Era Community (1926) - 274: 274. Can there be in the community associations of women, men, and children? Assuredly there can. True associations can be formed following many categories - of age, sex, occupation, and of thought. It is necessary that such branches grow healthy; and not only should they not impede the strivings of people, but they should help each other - and this assistance should be voluntary. One should contribute to the success of each sensible act of unification. Indeed, when cooperations are of varied nature, then blossoming becomes especially possible. We do not put on shackles, but broaden the horizon. Let children take up the most introspective problems. Let women carry aloft the ordained Banner. Let men give Us joy by constructing the City. Thus, above the transitory will stand out the signs of Eternity Agni Yoga (1929) - 365: 365. Most especially, do not frighten with the Teaching. Truly, into each life can be brought a blossoming branch. The Teaching should be like the light of morning. Agni Yoga (1929) - 549: Now is the time to insist upon synthesis of action. Straight-knowledge will provide this synthesis during earthly existence. The treasure of straight-knowledge is contained in the Chalice, therefore one should add to the two mentioned centers the blossoming of the third center. The rainbow of the Kundalini can draw one upward, but here on Earth, earthly construction is needed. One has to build a foundation for the pillar, just as writing does for thought. The long-silenced Chalice will again come to life, and humanity will tread a new path. Three Lords, these three centers, will lead to true cooperation here. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 59: 59. In the flowering of the potential of spirit we see the synthesis. How powerfully this blossoming of the potential proceeds, and how continuously it is directed toward the consummation! The manifestation of the consummation magnetizes the entire chain of lives for that spirit who knows cosmic law. The affirmation of Be-ness thus leads the spirit. At the cosmic fusion the law must lead, and, having contacted the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet, the striving spirit cleaves in its essence to the ordinance of fusion.