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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BL > BLAZE (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.3:
Above the earthly rays blaze the rays of spirit. Burn the garments of the past day. The mole is not a fit companion. I affirm that at the destined hour all the moles in the world will not be able to dig a ditch. Hands off, hands off, hands off!

New Era Community (1926) - 151:
The personal electrification of the crowd is useful in that the kindled nodes become, as it were, resonators and energize a considerable periphery around themselves. How then to discover the most efficient and resounding nodes of the crowd? But between the speaker and the crowd fly balls of light, and the centers of energies blaze clearly if the orator is not a babbler but a leader for the Common Good.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 12:
12. Broadly has spread the praise of daring. The least of the disciples have turned to the path of searching and have approached Us, asking that We judge their striving. Each brought his dreams: "I will destroy all earthly temples, because Truth needs no walls. I will water all deserts. I will open all prisons. I will demolish all swords. I will blaze all trails. I will wipe away all tears. I will travel through all lands. I will inscribe the book of humanity."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
Consider this inflaming useful; a conflagration would be dangerous. By inflaming I mean when the crystal form of the flame of the center is retained; conflagration is when the center flares up in a blaze.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30:
30. Urusvati is familiar with the varied ways in which light is manifested. Seeing flashes of light is an indication of a spiritual keenness of eye. In themselves these lights do not mean anything special, but they are like banners on the way to Us. The Northern lights, in their lowest degree, are not noticed by people. Similarly, the earliest flashes of the spirit are not evident to many. One can observe that small bright sparks will burst into flame and produce a rainbow-like illumination. Thus a beautiful aura is kindled around people. Note that these lights are especially visible in Our Abode. From ancient times they have been accumulated, and, if desired, can be made to blaze radiantly. In legends people are mentioned who could evoke around themselves a dazzling light. Thus, if one wishes one can be surrounded by a fiery force.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 35:
Urusvati remembers many meetings. The feelings generated by them are alive after thousands of years. Such remembrance of feeling can help the broadening of consciousness. The fires of feeling blaze in full inviolability. Earthly words cannot express them, but the heart will throb exactly as it did thousands of years ago. Thus today the rainbow shines again over Christ just as it did in the desert. Similarly, the joys of Hellas live, and the Great Northern Saint, Sergius, passes nearby. There are many meetings in the Subtle World and also in this country in which We now talk.


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