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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BL > BLASPHEME (7)

Heart (1932) - 218:
218. What I indicated about obsession and Satanists, you yourselves now observe daily. Without complaint and sternly on guard you will attain victory. Let sternness be like a sharp sword. Thus, all who blaspheme must be punished.

Heart (1932) - 237:
237. The pledge shall become a shield, but let us distinguish between falling away and treason. Falling away may be due to some karmic cause or to physical peculiarities. But for treason there are no vindicating circumstances. I assert that the consequences of treason are the most inevitable ones. Nothing can free the traitor from being himself betrayed. The betrayal of the Teaching is regarded as the most heinous. Man cannot blaspheme the Highest Spirit. Studying the actions of the heart one can see what physical shocks are evoked by betrayal of the Highest. Disintegration because of treason acts not only within the boundaries of the personality but also incessantly over vast expanses. As the highest spheres sense each benevolent ascent, so does each treason thunder like a crumbling tower. Having accepted the analogy of the deodar, one may say that treason is like a hollow tree with a bat's nest.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 593:
593. Around the place of manufacture of high explosives people do not smoke, they wear special soft footwear, they avoid any metallic objects, they do not even speak loudly, and they do not breathe in the ordinary manner. There, where danger threatens their flesh, people are ready to renounce habits, but it never enters their heads that thought can result in a far more dangerous explosion, invisible yet irreparable. Terror helps people to guard themselves against bodily dangers. But the entire spatial life does not exist for them. They can blaspheme at the Great Forces and rejoice at the misfortunes of others, if their own ruin is not immediately visible to them. The loss of spatial co-measurement in Infinity consumes all the better possibilities. Whereas, the present time is precisely the last chance to join the dense with the subtle and even with the fiery. One should begin to think persistently and clearly in the direction of the merging of Worlds.

AUM (1936) - 47:
47. Man prays for forgiveness, yet fails to alter his manner of living. Man bewails his misfortune, but does not abandon a single habit which brought him into his state of sorrow. Just praying for forgiveness has no meaning if it is not accompanied by reformation of life. It is not sorrow but hypocrisy when the Higher Wisdom is burdened by self-pity. Equally meaningless is enforced prayer. As long as people do not comprehend the significance of the link with the Higher World, they only blaspheme by the insincerity of their prayers. One cannot lie before Truth, nor conceal anything in the face of all-pervading Light. Moreover, why conceal that which is sacred and justified by the heart? The bond with the Higher World will be attractive when the heart affirms its own judgment.

Brotherhood (1937) - 481:
481. Those who blaspheme against that which exists hope that their evil projections will go unpunished; they attempt to advance on the path of evil and boastfully assert that no arrow of justice will overtake them. Can one place reliance upon that which has not yet been manifested? Their thought attempts to hold it back, for the reason finds examples of immunity to punishment. But let them remember how short-sighted is reason.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52:
52. Urusvati has been able to preserve a true contact with the Subtle World. Let Us explain why We call this contact a true one. There are some people who deny completely the existence of the Subtle World, and in such negation they blaspheme. Others, although they acknowledge the Subtle World, are prejudiced against it, and their misguided attitude often differs little from blasphemy. One can easily appreciate in a cosmic sense the harm of such attitudes that poison the atmosphere and deny the very existence of that realm which should exist in cooperation with earthly life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275:
To a certain degree, the propelling force of psychic energy can be directed. In healing, an uplifting or highly concentrated thought can be directed toward an ailing organ. Any kind of blasphemy or destructive thinking, however, will intensify the flow of the energy toward an affected organ and aggravate the sickness. Wise is the physician who tells his patient not to blaspheme or hate. We have often pointed out that a pure thought is benevolent and has healing powers; it opens the gate to the healing power of Primal Energy.


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