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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BI > BITTER (11)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 126:
Naught can deter the Hand of the Creator of the New World. I say unto you: My Shield has taken many arrows, but at the Spirit's Feast We will assemble, victorious. Strive for victory. For now, dismiss thoughts of peace and be vigilant, My warriors! I know My Daughter wishes to adorn with roses the path to My School, but these times are bitter and cold. All will be well.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 343:
343. They boast that they receive messages from Us, Yet have not renounced a single habit. Their steps are lagging in doubt, And their words are bitter with treason. They bathe in a puddle and mistake it for an ocean. Beware especially of treason.

New Era Community (1926) - 113:
113. Cupidity is coarse ignorance. Only true cooperation can save from such a malignant mange. A greedy man has a stamp on his face. He is not concerned with the heart; his cup is a bitter one. And for the greedy man the Subtle World is only a source of torment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
For carrying even the best fruit, baskets can be made from the bark of any tree. Is it not immaterial whether the bark is bitter or sweet? Whether the bark is yellow, red, black, or white? Useful fruit can be kept in baskets of any color. Why rail at nature as it is? At the hour of tension, the needed fruit will be there for us.

Hierarchy (1931) :
How to transmute the most bitter into the most sweet? Naught save Hierarchy will transform life into a higher consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 163:
163. One should not be distressed in carrying out the Indications of Hierarchy. Many fruits become bitter from vexation. In many things it is necessary to draw close to higher understanding. For example, one should conquer the feeling of distance. Certainly it does not exist for the spirit, and if we shift our consciousness into the spiritual sphere then our feeling also will shift correspondingly. In other words, it will become broadened. And in addition, communion with Hierarchy gives, as it were, a new musical key to all our actions. Thus let us be closer, still closer, so that no viper may creep in.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 193:
193. You already know sufficiently about the temperance of certain characters. What is to be done when moderateness has crept into the broadest circles? Those who are seemingly the champions of good give themselves up spiritually to moderation. One can see that the dark ones do not often suffer from this defect. There is a story about a devil encountering and Angel. The Angel said, "Thy servants are bitter." But the devil replied, "Mine are bitter, Thine are sour; we both must look for sweet ones." And the Angel was crestfallen for He could not prove that they had not turned sour. Thus was it observed long ago by people.

AUM (1936) - 77:
What kind of prayer is possible in the mouth of a denier? It is impossible even to speak about prayer in the presence of ignorance. The fruit of humiliating attempts will be very bitter. The sensitiveness of the developed consciousness will whisper when it is impossible to refer to the higher worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 81:
Urusvati is right in insisting upon unity. We call unity a healing infusion, a harmony of motion that cannot be summoned or created by coercion. Some people regard advice about unity as fetters. They prefer to evoke the destructive forces of the elements and be trampled, rather than make an effort toward cooperation. We shall not tire of showing compassion to the unwise ones preparing for their own destruction. But is it not clear what has been said? Does humanity learn only from bitter consequences?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 142:
Thus you can see what We have to struggle with, yet people never tire of criticizing Us. Not only the fanatics but even good thinkers attempt to correct Our Instructions. May We remind you about a writer who proposed to limit the tasks given by Us, without even taking the trouble to read Our Advice! There were many who tried to hinder the activities of the Brotherhood. Later, some misguided critics repented, but the harm caused by their judgments had to be outlived, and such karmic wounds constitute the most bitter earthly experiences.


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