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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BI > BIT (11)

New Era Community (1926) - 211:
It is in the very nature of humanity to listen to each bit of news about the Community. Some may attempt to talk about the impossibility of community, but no one dares make affirmation about its being harmful. We summon to the absolute, We propose incontestable actions, We wish to see will and independence. Nothing of doubt must penetrate the consciousness of the workers. We have assembled great stores of knowledge and We make use of them not for self but for Truth. And the crude "I" has already been replaced by the creative "We."

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 60:
60. He who does not help the regeneration of thought is no friend of the New World. Many times you have noticed that improvements and refinement occur imperceptibly when calculated in human measurements. It is difficult to perceive each bit of the growth of a plant stem; yet the beautiful flower differs so strikingly from the seed. Equally astounding are human transformations; it is precisely these fiery blossoms, rarest of all, which sustain the balance of the world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 227:
227. People must not keep anything rotten in their houses. The presence of fermentation, or of stagnant water attracts undesirable entities. When the photographing of entities of the Subtle World becomes more advanced, it will be possible to record on film the difference between the surroundings of a bit of cheese or meat and that of a fresh rose. Obviating logical arguments, one can actually see that the forms attracted by meat are repellent. These lovers of decomposition even accompany to the mouth itself the dish fancied by them. Also, before photographing auras one can gain experience by taking pictures of objects with their surroundings. As always, the experiment requires patience and perseverance. It should begin with indicative objects. Of the pure aromas, one must prefer the rose; it contains a very lasting oil. But it should not be forgotten that flowers should be gathered before decomposition has set in. I point out roses because they contain the greatest quantity of fiery energy. Thus, lovers of roses are near to fiery energy. The entities that feed on decomposition avoid the aromas of fiery energy. One must accept this indication in all simplicity, and just as information from a pharmacy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 342:
342. During his journeys Apollonius of Tyana would sometimes say to his disciples, "Let us tarry here. This place is pleasing to me." From these words his pupils knew that a magnet was concealed there or that the Teacher intended to bury a magnet there. The sensing of magnets is accomplished by means of a particular current connected with the power of Agni. In the course of time science may investigate these magnetic waves, for they are not exhausted for centuries. Magnets have been set like milestones in places of special significance. When a ploughman carries with him a bit of his native soil, he recalls, as it were, the ancient custom of bringing a handful of earth as an irrefutable token. And now you also know how some commemorative soil was brought. Its destiny is not simple; an evil one wished to scatter it, but a benign hand intentionally concealed the treasure and it remained forgotten. Still, the thought attached to this offering exists and is more effective than one might think - thus thought lives on. An object magnetized by thought, verily, has power. Thus, without superstition, but quite scientifically, one should study the stratifications of thought - they are the work of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 365:
365. Mountains of scientific deductions are piling up, yet it is difficult to find people who are not shackled thereby. The Greek philosophers knew these shackled souls. They understood how limitedly man can act when he has been left on a small bit of ground. He is like a stork on one leg! Such conflicts would be difficult for a stork, who knows his nest in a certain tree and stands on one leg. But the knowledge of Fire demands two legs, in other words, two natures.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 177:
177. During the crossing into the Subtle World there flash out all the aspects of the feeling of possession, which troubles even people who are not at all bad. One should assiduously keep in mind this circumstance, and be affirmed upon the realization that earthly possession does not exist. A great deal has been said about personal possession, but only the fiery state can prove the illusion of such sense of possession. Only when our consciousness remains our sole possession do we feel the freedom of ascent. It is very difficult to balance the ascent which goes beyond the middle strata of the Subtle World. Therein people do not even think of parting with various kinds of property; indeed, they exist just be means of these attractions. But if a higher manifestation raises their consciousness a bit, there begins an incredible conflict. Therefore, here in the earthly state one must apprehend where lies the useless burden. This should be done not in the name of the Subtle World but in the name of the one higher.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 89:
89. Do not tell much about the far-off worlds to people who in their earthly existence are unable to understand their own destination. They will lose that little bit of their own, and will not acquire anything useful from the realm of higher knowledge. Observe very attentively what can be contained by a man. People do not begin dinner with a dessert. It is especially harmful to feed people with indigestible food. The more so is it essential to develop attentiveness within oneself. Listeners must not be bored, for boredom is stagnation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 284:
284. If someone turns away a hungry man, he is near to being a murderer. Seldom is there not a bit of bread in the house. Hardness, avarice, cruelty, are not on the threshold of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 508:
508. Spatial currents also are not something abstract. They influence not only the condition of man but even the radio waves. Even in aviation certain strange manifestations can be observed that can be explained only by the currents of space. Thus, let us note each bit of evidence about subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 237:
237. Urusvati knows that all facets of human life should be harmonized. And though it is well known that people of great talent often indulge in vice, and some even excuse such behavior on the grounds that genius includes a bit of insanity, no one asks how much greater their creativity might be without such indulgences.


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