New Era Community (1926) - 190: Lack of analysis can offend the most patient guide. Many cannot even determine the occupation of a person by peculiarities of his dwelling. The lack of observation is striking. People are unable to notice objects which threaten the crowns of their heads. They cannot enumerate ten objects about them. They cannot point out the simplest details of their surroundings. For them everything is nothing - nil, naught and nowhere. This is not even a degree of indifference, but is the stupidity of ignorance. Walk away from such bipeds! Hierarchy (1931) - 423: 423. Indeed, it is not necessary to call forth irritation, because men are filled to the brim with it. It is only necessary to lock six bipeds in one room and within an hour the door will be shaking from imperil. It is more difficult with Bliss, but here, also, the knowledge of Agni Yoga and close cooperation with certain plants will provide a perceptible result. Certainly the densification of the astral body will provide irreplaceable possibilities. A difficult time affords new approaches, and the tread of the New World is already audible. Heart (1932) - 462: 462. Unutterable are many concepts and conditions. Only disrespect for the sonority of words permits people often to twitter like birds; but if they studied the language of the birds they would be amazed at its solemnity. There is more exaltation in the words of birds than in the contorted judgments of the people, the bipeds. It is not without reason that I reiterate about solemnity, because it is the nourishment of the heart! Not by condemnation or irritation, but insolemnity do we prepare for the great march onward. This onward march must be understood as a service to the Teaching of Life. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 618: 618. Everywhere it is indicated that suffering is the best purifier and means of shortening the Path. This is undoubtedly true under the existing conditions on Earth. But could there have been Creation with an unalterable condition of suffering? No. Indeed, the Great Creativeness does not foresee a need for suffering. With terrific zeal people drive themselves into the circle of suffering. For millenniums people have tried to become mere bipeds. They try to weigh down the atmosphere of Earth with malice. Verily, every physician will bear witness that without evil there would be no suffering. Let us designate the ability to avoid suffering as a step toward Good. Truly, the passage of the Good through the furnace of fire eliminates the sense of suffering. Thus, fiery transfiguration even on Earth lifts one beyond suffering. One should not evade suffering, for without suffering earthly achievement does not exist. But let each one ready for achievement kindle the fires of his heart. They will be the indicators of the Path, and a shield not fashioned by human hands. Someone has asked, "How does the Lord discern those who approach him?" The answer is, "By the fires of their hearts." If we are astonished by the power of Fire that even here envelops us and saturates our garments, then we can understand how supernal is the glow of the fires of the heart along the Chain of Hierarchy! AUM (1936) - 94: 94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out! AUM (1936) - 198: When I advised that co-measurement be inscribed on the pillar, anyone could understand the striking progression. And yet bipeds are found who place themselves upon the pedestal. Dark is the abyss of ignorance! AUM (1936) - 218: 218. The foundation of life must be a clean one. True, certain bipeds pass their whole lives in mire; they somehow vegetate, but anyone who is accustomed to cleanliness stifles in filth. Brotherhood (1937) - 607: 607. Captives were formerly considered the indispensable attribute of the conqueror. Later it was realized that such barbaric customs are incompatible with the dignity of man. But let us see, has the number of captives really diminished? On the contrary, it has increased in all walks of life. Such abasement particularly strikes one's eye when one observes the prisoners of ignorance. It is hard to picture the throngs of those bound by superstition and various prejudices! The most demeaned slaves could not have been in a more bestial state than those bipeds shackled in ignorance. Only the most urgent measures of knowledge can prevent mass madness.