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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BI > BIOLOGICAL (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 200:
200. Community - cooperation - is the sole rational means of human living together. Solitude is the solution of the problem of life outside the community. All intermediate manifestations are different steps of compromise and are doomed to dissolution. People speak about an inherited theocratic power - the very construction is absurd. The words heritability and Theos are incompatible. And who will define the degree Theos? Only consciousness of cooperation - community - affirms the evolution of the biological process.

New Era Community (1926) - 206:
Indeed, as We say, the Community battles for reality. You have another kind of ally; those who strive for the truth, for whom evidence is nothing but an unclean glass. If chemical and biological evidence is complicated, then still more complex is the evidence of the planes of structure of life and actions. Without the development of consciousness we shall dwell in a continuous mirage; as in catalepsies, we shall be twisted in frozen terror.

New Era Community (1926) - 252:
252. The poisonous breath of possession can be destroyed only by a clearly conceived school program. Literature against possession does not exist. Only a few have conquered the dragon of trash. But many dream about personal acquisitions. How veracious must historical comparisons be! How strictly must be collected biological details, in order to demonstrate the illegality and the futility of possession. The laws of the properties of matter testify that possession does not conform to the nature of man.


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