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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BE > BEMOAN (2)

Heart (1932) - 260:
260. Since the so-called state of Nirvana is not rest but the highest tension of energy, one may ask whether rest exists altogether. Indeed, how is it possible to imagine rest if everything is in motion and exists by reason of motion? The very concept of rest was invented by those who desired to hide from existence. They preferred passivity, forgetting that there can be no moment without motion. Balance is the concept needed. One should think not of rest but how to preserve the balance amidst the whirlwinds. The silver thread is tautened by the power of striving, hence one must know the meaning of balance, lest one burden the thread of Hierarchy through faltering. The thread will not break when tautened. For even a straw resists as long as it is not bent. The silver thread is founded upon the law of concatenation, but if someone does not refrain from hasty fluctuations, he usually cannot hold the link. Thus, let us not bemoan the lack of rest, because it does not exist at all.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 141:
141. Urusvati knows how much decisiveness is needed for the fulfillment of Our commissions. Those who are unprepared will regret giving up what must be left behind, and others will bemoan the need to leave the vicinity of Our Towers. They forget that spiritual contact is indestructible and that distance has no meaning.


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