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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BE > BELONGINGS (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.19:
Whose hand is stretching forth to the bolt of My House? Travelers, thou art without belongings; therefore thou shalt enter.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.6:
The embryo of proprietorship is also fear, the feeling that one must be attached to the Earth at least by something! As if a miserable hovel could be an adequate anchor for the spirit! As if a heap of personal belongings could protect one from the lightning! Periodically the injurious playthings of ownership have been taken away from humanity. But again fear, the father of lies, spins his cobweb and again terrors are concocted. Therefore, let us abolish fear. With it will depart property ownership and boredom.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 77:
77. Not by accident has it been spoken about strange cases of the influence of vital emanations of all objects surrounding man. The ancient custom, of India, to construct for each heir a new palace is not without a profound basis. If it were possible to show how many bloody shadows there are around many thrones, how many terrors around ancestral portraits, how many tears upon necklaces, how many ghosts on the wall, humanity would be filled with respect for emanations. For, besides the physical effects of emanations, their psychic energy may be either constructive or destructive. How can a newly chosen ruler proceed by a new path amidst the dark oppression of past emanations! Many misfortunes are caused by these heritages of the past. Not only life beyond the grave was foreseen when in ancient times the personal belongings of the deceased were buried with him. Ancient wisdom was taking measures for the purification of space. Egypt knew the force of the law of emanations. Analyzing events and a succession of historic facts, one may easily become convinced as to how under the influence of emanations destructions have taken place. On the path to the Fiery World one should manifest caution and a profound discernment of emanations. How important it is to conserve each good accumulation!


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