Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 242: Even the bears know why they must swim together. And how many are the useful examples scattered around us! You must endure together, knowing full well Whose Shield is over you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 345: 345. In ancient cults there always remained vestiges of ageless spiritual teachings. Even the old choral ring dance retained fundamental spirituality. In the center of the ring was placed the chosen one - most often a woman. Around her, in the ritual, circled the figures of the chorus. The chosen one in the center remained as if inert. And all the movements and invocations were directed toward her. And she took unto herself the true meaning of the circle's striving. Just so is it in the teaching of the Spirit. The disciple acquires the illumination of joy, and takes on the endless spiritual quests. He resigns himself to the ice of solitude. And then he must undergo the burden of being the center of the circle. As if alone, as if mute, As if without any help, He bears upon himself the burden of all. And thus in quietude, in the icy solitude, He awaits and readily accepts the onslaught of all appeals. Like the foundation of a building, he silently submits to being burdened. He multiplies his hands by ten; He magnifies his heart; His spiritual growth must be such that he can respond to all those turning to him; Yet he is not afraid. He knows that his time draws near. The knocking ones, the menacing and the oppressive ones, They must come; and he must meet them. And for a time he is surrounded by them, his exit barred. But the ordeal is not without end. For nearby is the possibility of the closest path. Such is the burden of being at the center. And good it is if friendly hands stretch out to one, If the chorus is imbued with good will. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 348: 348. There is little understanding in the ocean of humanity. The spirit knows, But it is necessary to manifest these signs above the fire. The fire of life-action causes the wings of the spirit to grow. Throughout the sea is salt, But only the work of the currents makes it known. The egg of the nightingale bears the embryo of the singer; But the song begins to ring out only after the fulfilment of the life-giving process. Singers of happiness, sing out for the Glory of the Creator's Smile! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.5: 2.2.5. The law of the saturation of space is similar to that of cementation. Legends, prophecies and manifold signs have major significance not for the separate individuals but for the cementing of space. Our communions reveal the book of the growth of the spirit's understanding. Not by the way of miracle but by that of daily routine do We work. I vouch that even from spawn one can learn. Each ovum of the spawn bears a complete organism. Thus, a many-hued sac of thought imbues space. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.3: The approaching time must put at the disposal of every sensitive spirit the tripod of Pythia. A kind of democratization of the features of aristocracy. But everyone inescapably bears in his bosom scales impossible to cheat. Each one will allot himself immediately what he deserves. This conforms with the New Era and easily reaches people's psychology. Understanding the flow of people's thought, it is easy to foresee the consequences. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.5: The law of karma and the law of dates are like the double-faced Janus - one gives birth to the other. Karma bears the fruit of actions and calls forth the date of manifestation. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8: 3.4.8. People will ask: "Who is greater, Christ or Buddha?" Answer: "It is impossible to measure the far-off worlds. We can only be enraptured by their radiance." The Ray of Christ feeds the Earth as much as the Rainbow of Buddha bears the affirmation of the law of life. New Era Community (1926) - 41: 41. We drive out all fear. We throw to the wind all the many-colored feathers of fear blue feathers of frozen terror, green feathers of trembling betrayal, yellow feathers of secret crawling away, red feathers of frenzied heartbeat, white feathers of reticence, black feathers of fall into the abyss. It is needful to repeat about the multiformity of fear, otherwise there remains somewhere a small gray feather of complaisant mumbling or even some fluff of hurried bustle, but behind these will be the same idol of fear. Each wing of fear bears one downwards. New Era Community (1926) - 45: 45. I point out that it is important to send good arrows opportunely, and that the spirit then feels at ease. Like a gray swarm infecting the air, fragments of alien thoughts rush about and gradually encumber space. Then comes the arrow of the spirit, which is like lightning. It not only reaches the designated person but also purifies space. This purifying of space is not less important. A purer arrow, being a stronger magnet, draws to itself the gray fragments and bears them backwards. In such a manner the gray thoughts, with their weight, are returned to the fountainhead, but without injury to others. These gray thoughts, as products of combustion, settle upon the aura; and it is the sower who reaps. It is wise to send the word - touch not! Indeed, this formula will bring the least counterblow. Precisely, this is an ancient protective formula. It is practical to send either a good call or a defensive formula. Any malicious sending is impractical. True, it is possible to admit the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, for indignation of the spirit wears away the sheath. New Era Community (1926) - 65: The Teacher bears the flame of an unquenchable achievement. The Teaching is interrupted neither by weariness nor by distress. The heart of the Teacher lives by achievement. He has no fear, and the words "I am afraid" are not in His vocabulary. New Era Community (1926) - 118: 118. It may be asked, "What signs in a teacher should be valued?" You already know about the quality of action, and thus can apply new methods in action. One should prefer that teacher who proceeds in a new way. Each word of his, each act of his, bears the stamp of unforgettable innovation. This distinction creates a magnetic power. Not an imitator, not a commentator, but a powerful miner of new ores. One should take as a basis the call of innovation. The time has come when it is possible to go only forward. Let us preserve the call of the will in an incessant run and not linger over the precipice. Agni Yoga (1929) - 118: It is wrong to think that Our Communications are without effect. On the contrary, each Decree bears with it, as a whirlwind, Our protection or criticism. Can it be otherwise when each manifestation of smugness carries its own harmful contagion, when each act of narrow-mindedness is at another's expense? Each Command inattentively heard is like an arrow in the heart, each sneaking away like a chain that strangles. You know that all is suspended in space. Who would be willing to drive in the nail of his own condemnation? We hasten to help you to complete your karmas in order to rid the speeding ship of unnecessary loads. At the destined date strain your ear to grasp every word of the Teacher. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 45: 45. The illusion of life is created only by the thought which limits the cosmic expressions. But the true meaning of life impels striving into Infinity. Illusion is a drug, but the basis of striving lies in the affirmation of the endlessness of our tasks. The problem of spatial fires cannot be annihilated by humanity, and in humanity's task of rousing from its stupor lies its salvation. Much is said about those who lack understanding of that which joins our beings together. Having accepted life, we must accept the power of the bond. Disunited minds differ in rays of understanding, and this disunity bears the consciousness away from the primary source. The power of the bond is affirmed as the cosmic lever, and man cannot isolate himself. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 48: 48. Being saturated with wrath and blind to the light of cosmic reality expels one from the chain. It is difficult to foresee how this contagion of the spirit will spread. The sowers of contagion carry the responsibility for all humanity. The understanding of responsibility must be developed limitlessly. The human spirit, being a creator, bears the responsibility for all its actions. Let us not be afraid to meet responsibility. We are responsible not only to ourselves but to Cosmos. Of course, Cosmos sends succor, but humanity thinks of altering it to fit its own understanding. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 50: When manifesting elements are accepted as the roar of Cosmos, and people are unable to discover a further explanation, then blindness must be removed, for mental reclusion is far from the realization of Infinity. The inceptions are always accompanied by engenderings of that life impulse which moves the hand of a creator, or by the rush of the wind that bears the seed of life which, on finding a fitting soil, can evince the sprout of creativeness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 169: We guard with great sacredness the spirit which bears the chalice of the gift of cosmic fires. Thus is the link forged between the spirit and the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 200: Man bears within himself all manifestations of cosmos. Significant are the evidences in man of the functions of Cosmos. When he reflects in himself all cosmic functions, he measures through himself the possibilities evidenced in Cosmos. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 200: The Agni Yogi - Lion of the Desert - bears in his heart all human lamentations. He bears all explosions of Cosmos and senses all shiftings of consciousness. He bears all the streamings of cosmic currents. He possesses that synthesizing knowledge which attests the gathering of manifested spirits for the regeneration of consciousness. When a synthesis of spirit is built, from the cosmic fires and the psycho-life of the heart, then man can be told that the centers of cosmic fires show analogy to the centers of Cosmos, that this parallel relation can grant a better life, and that the principle of creativeness is established as infinite fire, as infinite vision, as infinite hearing, as the all-containing heart. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 282: 282. The shifting of the centers of spiritual enlightenment of peoples is likewise accomplished by the Cosmic Magnet. When the center of a nation is under tension toward a founding of a psychic center, Our psychic action is directing the psychic seeds. Verily, thus is the life of the planet created. The creativeness of the centers of an Agni Yogi acts similarly, attracting the fires of psychic seeds. Likewise, the centers of an Agni Yogi respond to all spatial events. Therefore, he who knows the seed of evolution bears within himself all principles comprised in Cosmos. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 321: 321. Consubstantiality in Cosmos has been affirmed in the words of the Brothers of Humanity and of all Lords. When one speaks of consubstantiality, it must be understood that each Lord is a part of the chain of life which confirms the course of life. Each Lord in the chain which directs evolution suffuses the stream of the Cosmic Magnet with creative emanations. Indeed, each Lord bears within himself all tension and directs the vital emanations; therefore, the cooperation of the Lords with Cosmos is unbreakable, and the entire trend of thought issues from this Source. The creativeness of spirit is immutable. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343: 343. Striving toward development of consciousness depends upon the impulse of the seed of the spirit. The cumulation of striving intensifies the growth of consciousness. If the energy lacks striving, the manifestation of the intensity of energy is considerably weakened, and the attraction cannot result in fusion. Thus, the seed of the spirit is in need of striving. The best sign of the tension in the seed of the spirit is the intensified fire; hence, the centers of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so aflame and the tensity of fire is so great. Only the influx of fire bears witness to this fire; and creativeness of the centers is very flaming. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 154: 154. How greatly the contrary mind of man shrinks its foundation by severing itself from the base of universal energy! Each one who limits himself bears the evidence of severance from the Cosmic Magnet. Only the principle which manifests the unity of universal energy can create life. Therefore, every straining leads to harmonization if the universal energy lies at its base. When the shifting is so great, cosmic centers are about to become aflame. Our seeds lie at the base of universal energy. Thus, the fiery foundations affirm the Epoch of Maitreya. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 236: 236. Only when the spirit adheres to the creativity of the Cosmic Magnet is it capable of aspiration toward creation; only then are possibilities drawn to it. Only when a straining spirit bears an affirmed world task does it create intensively. Constructive striving always evokes opposition; hence, there are such battles under Our Shield. But victory is inscribed upon Our Shield. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 245: 245. Harmony creates a forceful current. This forceful current results in a combination which has identity. In a harmonized combination, the tensed force of the Magnet is saturated with the pull of energies. Therefore, each harmonized form bears within itself a wondrous flame of attraction. Thus, when the Cosmic Magnet strains its forces, the Spatial Fire responds with vibrations. The principle of response to the call of the Magnet creates a cosmic striving. The call and the response intensify all cosmic currents. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 329: 329. The world which is in contact with each spirit is an expression of his own striving. The spirit which senses its strained currents must strive to the course of the Cosmic Magnet. But is the creativeness of its spheres thus affirmed by humanity? Each spirit which strives to link itself to the Cosmic Magnet will find its own creations manifested. But the spirit bent on selfhood creates a doomed world. These worlds saturate the space and each one sets up a perturbation. In Cosmos everything is linked, and for this reason humanity bears the responsibility for each created sphere. Thus are the cosmic spheres created. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 338: 338. In the realization of the coordination of energies there is contained the entire cosmic creativeness. That is why it is so imperative to strive to the coordination. The entire cosmic power is comprised in this law. The application of the higher understanding of cosmic coordination will give direction to the spirit. When the spirit asserts its freedom, the direction depends upon the choice of paths. Thus, the coordination between the spirit and Cosmos is intensified by the potentiality of the seed. Lack of balance of the spirit is very destructive, because each one who approaches Us bears the karma of his attainments. Thus, the spirit-creativeness is directed by the spirit into a freely chosen cosmic stream. Hierarchy (1931) - 14: 14. Much has been spoken about Man-God aspiring toward deification. Many are the memorable records citing the Images striving toward higher worlds. But how dimly are they formulated in the human consciousness! Man-God is to man only one who departed to other worlds! But We Brothers of Humanity seek and proclaim Man-God on Earth. We revere all Images, but none more that the great Image of Man-God, who bears in his heart the full Chalice, ready for flight, but bearing his full Chalice on Earth. Renouncing his destiny, he strains his fiery being. In the fulfillment of his destiny man confirms the Cosmic Magnet. Man-God is a fiery creator. Man-God is the carrier of the fiery sign of the New Race. Man-God is aflame with all fires. Thus, inscribe in the records about Man-God Arhat, Agni Yogi, Tara - so shall We inscribe. Hierarchy (1931) - 389: 389. The dark forces attempt to battle with Light. They try to affirm their dark deeds, strengthening themselves by treason, but the Forces of Light are greatly strained and bestow so many manifestations necessary for creation! The shifting of forces is strained by the dark counteraction. Thus, Hierarchy faces all tension in the name of the great creation. Hierarchy bears the plan for the shifting. Thus, evolution advances powerfully. Heart (1932) - 166: 166. One may count the rupees, yet become confused in calculating the annas; and the total sum arrived at will be equally incorrect. Therefore you will pass through only by a full measure. Complete devotion is the projection of consciousness along the line of Hierarchy. As a taut sail bears along the precious load, so the intensified consciousness carries one beyond the boundaries of danger. Heart (1932) - 229: 229. Who, then, and what can replace the unity of the hearts which, like a flaming bonfire, bears the calls to the far-off worlds? Who, then, can be afraid if but once he has touched Infinity? Heart (1932) - 273: 273. The karmic husk recalls another shell, the shell of the subtle body that also brings many disturbances into existence. Actually, though neither of these shells should exist at all. Only human imperfection permits these borderline formations. Of course, the physical body assists the transformation into the subtle body, but if the spirit does not free itself in time from earthly attractions and carnal desires, the subtle body cannot separate itself in a pure condition. It bears upon itself a special sediment of earthly passions. Even though the subtle body frees itself from these vestiges, the shell nevertheless endures for a long time, swaying like a scarecrow, and frequently a very negative one. Human ignorance confers these sediments upon the beautiful Subtle World. If people would think of the link between the worlds and of the destined evolution, they would not dare surround themselves with such harmful debris. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 59: 59. Fire bears within itself an understanding of beauty; it envelops creativeness and transmits imperishable records into the treasury of the Chalice. Hence, We value these incorruptible achievements more than all those that may be destructible. Therefore, help human thought to strive toward the Imperishable. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 281: 281. Among fiery manifestations, radiation from the fingertips during work is very instructive. Around the writing hand waves of light can be seen. Moreover, they change according to the content of the writing. Thus, one can observe a highly important manifestation - the visible participation of Fire and also the variation of Agni energy in accordance with the inner quality of the work. Of course, you have noted not only waves of color but also luminous formations which arise during the reading of a book. These messengers of Light can come from outside as well as within, but both serve as a proof of the activity of the fiery energy. Many are able to see these stars, but they do not know how to focus their attention. This brings us again to the same point - spasmodic impulse bears no more significance than sleep, as far as its ultimate effect on the work is concerned. Only concentrated attention and perseverance without discouragement will lead to the discernment of the manifested laws. Let none think that the possibility has not been given - rather, it has not been accepted. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 426: 426. The ability to draw a circle around the area covered by the dark and crawling ones can help in affirming one's dauntless outlook. One can stave off the approach of the dark ones by repeating My Name as a Mantram. Thus, we can understand why humanity is responsible for uttered words. If the utterance of a benign concept results in a calm state, the opposite will irritate, worry, and demean that which exists. People saturate the world with the most malicious words; will not rivers of evil flow from them? One must have lost respect for human dignity not to acknowledge that the consequences of evil speech are terrible. It is said continuously that malevolence bears fruit after a century. The historian can verify the harvest from such black seeds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 482: 482. In Tibet horses are fed on leopard flesh in order to make them fierce. The Kshatniyas of Rajputana depend upon a meat diet to maintain their warlike spirit. These two examples alone show the significance of meat-eating. People do not slaughter a vast number of cattle from a sense of refinement. Like troglodytes, they are ready to devour bears. One must realize that the mass slaughter of animals is carried on in full consciousness. People know that vegetables or fruit give more vital energy than a cup of blood, yet they prefer being served with bloody meat, greatly relishing this coarseness. There is no other name for the frenzy of blood consumption. People are perfectly aware that a handful of wheat or barley is sufficient to sustain life, but their animal instinct tries to drag their minds back to a bestial state. Do not beasts try to tear each other's throats? Does not darkness impel people to the lowest actions? Let us not forget that mass killings, whether in war or in the slaughterhouse, equally pollute the atmosphere and violate the Subtle World. It must be realized that every conscious killing shakes the entire surrounding atmosphere. Moreover, these actions strengthen the forces of darkness and chaos, breaking the rhythm. One must avoid disturbing the Subtle World in any way. We can allow a diet of vegetables, farinaceous food, and milk, also eggs, the very freshest and in a liquid state. You know how repulsive the very sight of meat becomes to the organism accustomed to a vegetable diet. Thus, in practice one must accustom oneself to refinement and remember that even an elephant increases his strength through plants alone. One should not think that people eat meat because of poverty. With the least effort one can obtain a vegetable diet; besides, many nourishing herbs and roots are not utilized. One could learn much from certain animals, they know far more about natural foods than man, the meat-eater. Do not be concerned if the lover of blood scoffs at vegetable food; only remember him, because he is from darkness. Many are indifferent to meat and are compelled to it only by ugly home conditions. We do not mean them. We deplore the conscious vampires and necrophagi. Hence, be simpler and more refined in your diet. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 158: 158. You yourself know that the most sure path is the path of altruism. Let us recall the dangers we have escaped through magnanimity. Perhaps we do not even know the limits and dimensions of such dangers. But the heart bears testimony that precisely good-will did help in the most difficult hours. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 190: 190. Danger is a concentration of the vibrations of tension. A great number of perils surround people, but only a few of them are noticed. When the Leader says, "live in danger," he might well say instead, "observe the dangers and thus succeed." One cannot live outside of dangers, but it is beautiful to make out of dangers a carpet of achievement. The Leader knows that he bears a mission, and dangers are only propelling forces; therefore the Leader does not even think about dangers. The very thought of peril is harmful. Thinking about dangers, we strengthen their vibrations, and thus disturb our equilibrium. Conservation of forces must not be disrupted by fear and confusion. We are watchful and careful for the best execution of the commission. But dangers cannot overburden our attention. The Teacher should, first of all, insist upon the disciple's liberation from the phantom of perils. The disciple should always remember not to expend a drop of the higher energy uselessly. Thought of danger agitates many of our centers and in disorderly fashion consumes the precious energy. Thought of danger reflects even upon the pulse; but the heart is strengthened by the desire to carry out well the mission. Thus, let us act in the most efficient manner. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 209: 209. The picture of present-day reality is still more unattractive. One must value highly the periods of time during which there was no blasphemy. Has not this viper poisoned the present state of affairs? We are much troubled to see how senselessly people limit their lives, not thinking about the great miracle which each man bears within himself. To each one has this marvel been allotted. The purse of the heart is identical in all - place therein the treasure! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 49: 49. Since times immemorial the Chalice has been a symbol of Service. The gifts of Higher Forces are gathered in the Chalice and given from the Chalice. The symbol of the Chalice has always stood for self-sacrifice. Whoever bears the Chalice bears Achievement. Each lofty deed can be marked by the symbol of the Chalice. Everything most lofty, everything for the good of humanity, should bear this symbol. The Chalice of the Grail, the Chalice of the Heart which has dedicated itself to the Great Service, is a most Cosmic Magnet. The Heart of the Cosmos is reflected in this great symbol. All images of Heroes of the Spirit may be represented as bearing the Chalice. The whole universe is reflected in the Chalice of the fiery spirit. The Chalice contains the accumulations of centuries which are gathered around the seed of the spirit. It is necessary to accept the affirmation of the Chalice as a great symbol in everyday life. Small children, and all youth, should be taught to think about the Chalice. One should understand the entire diversity of forms of the great symbol, the Chalice. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 50: 50. In life, which is unified by the law of Cosmic Right, it is possible to trace how the cup of poison is drained in attaining the great Cosmic Right. The spirit bears all the affirmed chalices through self-sacrifice. The great chalice of Beauty is revealed as a crowning to the spirit through the Fiery Right. Verily, great is the time, because final energies are being intensified on a final step. Rightly has it been said - "The heart will not long endure if the attraction is often repeated." The heart of the Arhat drains the Chalice of abnegation on the final step. Our life Chalice is filled and reveals the path to Our Cosmic Existence. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 110: 110. About the destination of man on the Earth. From times immemorial this question has occupied the minds of people. All religions have noted the affirmation about the destination of man who bears a kinship to Higher Force. Wherein then is revealed a likeness to Higher Force? Only in perfectionment of spirit may man be likened to Higher Force. The destination of man cannot be regarded as something accidental. Likewise it is impossible to regard all forms uniformly, because all spheres have their own forms and very precise correlations. We speak often about the bond between two Worlds, because it is imperative to get out of the charmed circle which has girdled the planet. It is necessary to find the exit. Thinking must be directed to the more subtle principles in order to discover points of contact. Reflecting upon the simplest processes, we shall reach the highest concepts. If we shall discover the subtle bond in all life then indeed a striving toward the Higher World will not delay in coming. Since up to now it has been rather difficult to awaken the consciousness, at present it is necessary to push forward persistently all the foundations of the bond. All events, all affirmations, summon humanity to the achievement of transmutation of the fundamentals of a World outlook. It is especially needed to penetrate into the destination of man. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 111: 111. No receptivity is possible without heart aspiration. True, the intellect does perceive, but incomparable is the subtle action of the heart. In fact, when we say that a thought has flashed, it means the heart has revealed a saturated remembrance and perception. Indeed, only subtle energies can be joined to the subtle; therefore, the speediest attainment is through the heart. The bond with the Fiery World is established by the saturated heart, because this vessel alone permits penetration into the Fiery World. To understand the striving of the heart as a symbol of creativeness brings to the spirit affirmation of the Fiery World. The heart bears the burden of the World. The heart liberates from the earthly burden. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 132: 132. Often the spirit which bears the synthesis affirms its knowledge from within the "chalice," for the accumulated treasures of creativeness are actually tensed by creative vibrations. Often the spirit, as it were, finds its confirmation upon the basis of the unified consciousness. The manifestation of creative vibrations often evokes a thought which has dwelt in the depths of the heart. One must harken to those thoughts which, as if something familiar, live in the spirit. One can find many identical vibrations by subtly examining one's consciousness. The treasures of the "chalice" are not to be regarded as accidental. They constitute the potentiality of the spirit. These creative vibrations open many locks, for the hidden knowledge which lives in the spirit can be revealed. Often the aspiring spirit discovers that vibration which connects it with the Higher Forces. How can one imagine this sacred power which unites the depths of the heart with the Fiery World! The records of space are often available to it, for unity is strongly manifested as the bond between Worlds. On the path to the Fiery World it is needful to remember about the vibration which touches the depths of the heart of the bearer of synthesis. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 178: 178. What heart, then, has taken up the enormous Burden? The all-encompassing Heart which knows the Cosmic Burden. Who, then, bears the load of the ages? The One Heart which knows the manifestation of Infinity. Who, then, strives in fiery achievement? The one Heart which knows Cosmic Right. Verily, thus is the World saturated by the One Heart. Humanity suffers more from the spirit than from matter, and only when the spirit adheres to the law of Cosmic Right will humanity overcome its spiritual infirmities. The planet has lost sight of its great and pure destination. Matter has been so steeped in density that it must be refined. When the great Tidings of the Unified Heart will saturate the spirit with pure striving, then will life be truly transformed. Who, then, will give to the World the Tidings about fiery Unity? We say - the all-encompassing Heart, the Heart manifested by eternal Fire - yes, yes, yes! That which has been put together by Cosmic Right and by strong aspiration of the will is immutable law. That which is from the Cosmos will dwell with the Beauty of the Cosmos - thus saith the Lord of Shambhala. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 187: 187. Resounding on the cosmic note can be transmitted spatially to the spirit which perceives the subtle currents. Among the subtle manifestations of such reverberations of the spirit must be especially noticed those which are audible to the fiery spirit. How vital it is to harken to that apparently inaudible tone which can transmit to the spirit spatial joy or anguish. The manifestation of inexplicable anguish can derive from the sounding of a spatial tone. The subtle organism of this bearer of Fires shudders from these notes of space. The physical ear cannot hear it, but the subtle hearing detects that which is inaudible to the ear and receives it in the heart. Therefore, the striving spirit is a creator in unison with the Cosmos, and knows the cosmic soundings which intensify space. In them is contained summons or call; in them is victory or battle; in them is sorrow or joy. Verily, he who knows these soundings and experiences the joy and anguish of communion with space, may be called a great fire-bearer. To this the fiery heart of the Mother of Agni Yoga bears witness. Thus let us remember the great unified Heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 229: 229. Divine Fire impels each cosmic manifestation to creativeness. Each lofty potential is saturated with this Divine Fire. Each spark of life bears within itself this Divine Fire. Let us apply to all vital manifestations the significance of Divine Fire. In each center of life is this Fire affirmed. Human actions, indeed, bear in themselves these divine sparks. If one regards human fires as creative centers, then one can observe how bodies unified by Fire have their conformities in the different planes. It is correct to think that essence is distributed upon the planes affirmed by subtle energies. Therefore, when We speak about the Fiery World one must be able to imagine how bodies are unified by a vortex of Fire. Thus the one Divine Fire appears as the unifier of all energies. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 352: 352. The World is living through those stages by which have been signalized all the decisive moments in the history of mankind. Stages of destruction precede construction. Creativeness, having been tensed, calls all energies to life. That epoch into which humanity has entered will inevitably manifest all the potentials of forces, for this epoch is a decisive one, and a turning point in history is approaching. Surely, the condition of the planet has not come about by accident, and each tension bears witness to that current which is engulfing all spheres. If the conflict is inexorable, so will the victory be decisive. For all forces and spheres participate in this Cosmic Battle. On the path to the Fiery World one must take up the Sword of Light for building the New Epoch. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 573: 573. The Teaching of Good must be the friend of good in all its manifestations. This truth appears simple, yet evil intention continually tries to destroy it. The Teacher of Good must be grieved, seeing how the workers of Good become twisted and how they exclude each other. Such a mutilation of Good takes place when someone bears a burden of good which is too much for him and someone else attempts to carry a double load. And if someone will dare to think about a triple load, he will not find many helpers. Millions of years have not been enough for humanity to learn to rejoice at Good, to grow to love it as something of the utmost utility. The Teaching must stimulate in all the bearers of Good a feeling of broad sympathy. Otherwise it will not be the Teaching of Good but a teaching of egoism. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 607: 607. The Fiery World is both difficult and easy to imagine. There is no break between the Worlds. The Subtle World bears the same relation to the Fiery as does the dense to the Subtle. Besides visible manifestations there can be invisible approaches. Likewise in the earthly World, sometimes only the pulsing of the heart denotes the presence of a subtle being. The eye very rarely notices, as it were, certain flashes, usually attributing them to chance. Likewise in the case of the rarest spiritual people, it is possible to see a sort of diadem of light above their heads. Such a manifestation is very rare and denotes the crystal of spirituality. The aura itself seems to roll up into a ring. Hence the ancient idea of the crown, as a sign of distinction, had a deep significance. One should not be astonished that lofty manifestations can become apparent in the most difficult hours. The Laws of the Fiery World are inexpressible. AUM (1936) - 76: 76. No one bears another's thought. One's judgment will be his own responsibility before the world. One anchorite prayed merely by repeating in his language - Thou, Thou, Thou! He asserted that in the briefest affirmation he concentrated the strongest power. Though tongues may differ, yet consciousnesses aspire to the same goal. AUM (1936) - 153: 153. Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back - only when subtle energy abounds during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when subtle energy reveals the Chalice of accumulations; the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. Amazing is the extent of man's transformation at the moment when he leaves the earthly sphere. People call this death, but it is really birth; therefore, how pitiful it is when the subtle body sojourns long in sleep. Especially noteworthy is the transition wherein consciousness is preserved. Then it can be clearly imagined how the earthly tatters fall off and the imperishable accumulation emerges, revealing itself to be a true treasure. It can be understood why this most subtle treasure cannot be revealed amid crude conditions. AUM (1936) - 353: 353. Psychic energy can indicate both the quality of food and the danger of poisoning. Verily, man bears a touchstone within himself. The same energy can also be employed successfully for the diagnosis of diseases. Particularly is it possible to watch over fluctuations of conditions. AUM (1936) - 368: 368. It is known that each evil action has to be lived down, yet you will be asked, "How does justice react upon the obsessed? Who bears the effect - the obsessed or the obsessor?" Who can distinguish were the will of the obsessor is and where the will pertaining to the obsessed himself? AUM (1936) - 381: Each age bears its own tidings to humanity. Psychic energy has a destiny to help mankind amidst problems which it finds otherwise insoluble. AUM (1936) - 576: What riches of life are opened up to those who vibrate to all sensations! It is not difficult to awaken oneself to a diversity of perceptions. Each book, each letter bears in itself a complete aura. Something indescribable, yet evident to the heart, is received from a contact. There is no reason to suppose that only certain fortunate persons possess this gift denied to others. The thought of possibilities is already an opened path. Brotherhood (1937) - 28: 28. Enough is known about the existence of the Brotherhood of Good and the Brotherhood of Evil. It is likewise well known that the latter strives to imitate the former in the means and methods of action. The ignorant inquire, "Is it possible for man to distinguish, in the approach, this or that Brother?" If the appearance and words be identical, then it is not difficult to fall into error and to accept advices which lead to evil. Thus will reason the man who does not know that the means of discrimination are contained in the heart. The employment of psychic energy helps to discern infallibly the inner essence of the manifestations. No complicated devices are necessary when man bears within himself the spark of knowledge. Brotherhood (1937) - 41: 41. What is the natural path? The most unrestricted way of learning, with tolerance and patience, without any sectarianism. Unrestricted cognition is not easily adopted. Everything connected with human labors is limited. Every occupation cuts short, as it were, many ways of communion. Even excellent minds have been driven into a narrow channel. The disease of self-limitation bears no resemblance to self-sacrifice. Man limits himself for his own comfort. Indeed, bold actions for the sake of unrestricted knowledge will be the exception. Malice and hatred carry out their actions in straitness of mind. For unconfined action it is necessary for one to be filled with magnanimity and to discover causes and effects with a benevolent eye. Austerity of labor has nothing in common with a censorious attitude. Only limited people condemn. Not out of condemnation is perfectment born. Brotherhood (1937) - 431: 431. Let people ask the Great Wayfarer, Whence has run his path? He will make no reply, because he bears secret knowledge and He has known when and to whom to transmit the entrusted Burden. Brotherhood (1937) - 457: 457. A mission, in itself, likewise bears danger. One must hold fast to one's mission, for hands are stretching out on all sides. Therefore it is not surprising that there are so many admonitions on the paths to Brotherhood. Whoever considers these exhortations superfluous is foolish. Who can boast that his traveling bag is in order? Brotherhood (1937) - 570: 570. Free will is a solemn bidding to the wayfarer. Before reaching the far-off paths, it is essential to give him the precious gift of free will. Each one may act according to his ability, he will not be constrained. But the wise one will realize what a responsibility he bears for the use of the treasure of free will. It is as if a purse full of gold were given him; it can be spent at his discretion, but an account would have to be rendered. And the Brotherhood teaches not to spend the entrusted treasure without usefulness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33: We can affirm that each one's successful approaches to Us over the course of centuries bears results. We know how to be grateful; this quality of gratitude is indispensable in Our Abode. Each affirmation of Brotherhood brings its good harvest. All assistance to Our Work is appreciated, and each well-intentioned mention of the Brotherhood is remembered. In Our Ashrams records of such good deeds are kept. We like to record each kind smile, and Our disciples know how to rejoice at each kind word about the Brotherhood. No one can forcibly teach such radiant joy. No one can order gratitude. Only a broadened consciousness can indicate where more good can be done. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39: 39. Urusvati pities people who reject the Brotherhood. We pity each one who deprives himself of knowledge about the Stronghold of the world. If a man preserves in his heart a strong awareness that somewhere work is being done for humanity, then he is already participating in life-saving thought. Let it at first be like a dream, let it at times flash out like lightning. Each flash bears witness to the sacred energy. Man should not rebel against the affirmation of this truth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416: We could make available to chemists the opportunity to invent a neutralizing gas, but using it would be very difficult. Even if it were possible to protect a limited region, the degree of containment and neutralization of the destructive gas could not be determined. Humanity creates new dangers and pays for them with new diseases. Humanity bears the responsibility for its own health on Earth, but it is unforgivable when the subtle spheres are harmed.