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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BA > BATTERING (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 656:
If a hermit is able with his thought alone to destroy a stronghold of evil, then the tensity that is allowed by the Higher Forces will be like a battering ram against the hostile forces.

Hierarchy (1931) - 37:
If a hermit is able with his thought alone to destroy a stronghold of evil, then the tensity that was permitted by the Higher Forces will be like a battering ram against the hostile forces.

Heart (1932) - 48:
48. Thought is the manifestation of vital happiness; thought that is rent from the heart will not penetrate the surface of Being, but thought that comes from the heart is like an impetuous arrow! One need not be confused by the inception of thought amidst the intensification of energy; those thoughts are like a battering ram, which will penetrate into the depth of Be-ness. Therefore, after outer action, let us value the reality of the creativeness of thought.


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