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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BA > BATH (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
One might even provide a so-called fully scientific institute, where each passer-by could enter, sniff at the screen and the plate, and inspect the sleeves and pockets of the operator. Nowhere is there to be any deception; indeed, it will be as one would wish it to be - clear, free of charge and with the permission of the government, and without the requirement of a preliminary bath. But the last is not easy, because for the photograph it is necessary to rub the body strongly with alcohol - to remove perspiration.

New Era Community (1926) - 191:
Better to leave to corrupt cities this privilege of apishness; quite opportunely have these townsfolk begun to graft on themselves monkey glands. Indeed, each one receives according to his merit. No one has told them about a more goal-fitting means of restoring strength, which is to place the patient in a lengthy bath and subject him to an alternating current and a certain composition of mineral water, the treatment being accompanied by definite suggestion. Rational means will be disclosed when the community will take on a conscious character, and nothing will be borrowed from the monkeys.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 264:
Once the Blessed One visited the ruler of Rajagriha. The ruler called His attention to the immaculateness of his reception room. But the Blessed One said, "Show rather the cleanliness of your sleeping chamber, your bath, and your hearth. The reception room is contaminated by many unworthy ones, but in the place where your consciousness is created, let everything be spotless."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 323:
One must take precautions against fiery sickness. The first remedy for this purpose will be the understanding and mastery of psychic energy. But, as an external purification, one may apply the essence of moru, or, as it is also called, balu. When you are asked, provide the precise formulas. Indicate moru as the primary remedy, to be added to the bath water. One can prepare a powerful extract from the juice of its leaves and roots. If this first formula is judiciously applied, you can then give the next one. The same plant may also be taken internally, with milk. But it should first be tested externally.

AUM (1936) - 407:
It is said that a certain queen of Palmyra ordered her attendants to pass the night around the basin prepared for her bath. Similarly, the Biblical story about King David shows the value attached to healthful human radiations. In communal life the emanations of radiations should be very attentively harmonized. Psychic energy will help in the selection of co-workers.


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