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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BA > BARNACLES (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 137:
Sometimes even decent motives can draw unworthy individuals to a worthy person - a sort of overloading of a ship with unfit cargo. But the helmsman must guard the quality of the cargo and cut away the unfit. Especially avoid empty promises; these promises cling to the ship like barnacles. Recognize the merits of the worthy one, but do not burden him with promises. A united group must avoid mutual promises. A realization of the future structure should be the sole basis for unity. I speak not of magic circles but of the influence of real groups.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 440:
440. The bringing of fire is the ancient symbol of the purification of the spirit. The seed of the spirit itself cannot be defiled, but a ship can become covered with barnacles, which hinder its course. The Fiery Mother understands when the necessity of cleaning the seed approaches. The new sowing can be accomplished only with pure seeds. One must help when the time comes for the Sower to go out into the field.


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