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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > BA > BANISH (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 73:
But the stones are too large for our garden, And the steps too steep for flowers. On a cloud He will approach. On the grass will He sit beside us. We rejoice, O Lord, to offer to Thee our garden. Depart not, O Manifested Lord. Leave not our garden. With stars is Thy Path adorned. By them do we find Thy Way. We shall follow Thee, O Lord. Should the sun's morning rays banish Thy starry signs, Then will we invoke the aid of storm and whirlwind to obscure its rays. Of what use the sun, if it banish Thy starry tokens?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 75:
75. Banish anger, and the path to Us will be easier. Not wrath, but ardent rapture creates. Be imperturbable - your illusions damage your health, but if you have faith in Me, know that you are guarded by the Care and Shield of M. M. is aware of your hardships; a steep ascent is always difficult. To overcome fate requires fortitude. Be not downcast, for you have many times crossed these rapids.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 324:
324. I must advise you to banish fear for the future. One who is bound by fear does not create a suitable atmosphere for action. We need those who strive for victory.

Heart (1932) - 301:
Who, then, can forget about vigilance against the tiger? Let thought about the world not banish the memory of the tiger and Armageddon.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 268:
268. It is very deplorable that people harm themselves by constant discontent, also the harmful disturbance of equilibrium extends into distant space. One can observe people, rational enough, nevertheless complaining of fate. Even earthly riches do not help them to banish discontent. Certainly, in general people do not usually think about spiritual riches.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 340:
340. With all attentiveness each one must banish from his thinking all that which can bind him to ordinary daily mode of life. Means and opportunities should not be sought in everyday routine. It has been observed to what an extent We do construct in an unusual manner. But right now one must strike still more with unusualness. Look upon this as a means for success. People have entered a narrow place; one should not follow their prejudices. These must be subdued from an unexpected quarter.

AUM (1936) - 72:
72. Let the heart by its beat always remind one about spiritual food. Lose not the custom of prayer, banish not the good thoughts. Often man deprives himself of the right of entrance. The Higher World is not a consuming fire for friends and co-workers. In life people guard themselves against burns, let them likewise be definitely mindful about their future.


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