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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AY > AYURVEDIC (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 38:
38. People often complain of the isolation of the Subtle World, which is already inaccessible to Earth. Yet the Ayurvedic traditions foresaw this earthly alienation. There exists a plant extract which, when rubbed into the skin permits an approach to the Subtle World, facilitating its visibility and tangibility. But for this a complete detachment of the consciousness from Earth is required. Moreover, such coercion is impermissible in the reconstruction of the world. Let us not disparage the significance of the heart and Fire in any way. Are small roots of any use during the flights of the spirit?

Brotherhood (1937) - 538:
538. It is right to commend Ayurvedic medicine. It should be understood that many thousands of years left cumulations of experience and wisdom. But let us not, after the fashion of the ignorant, make a deadly separation between homeopathy and allopathy. Let us not forget the accumulated knowledge of China and Tibet. Each nation had to face particularly threatening dangers and took special measures to oppose them. Thus, he who collects the best blossoms will be a victorious physician.


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