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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AX > AXIOM (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 133:
133. Certain metals are easily combined, but others repel each other. One should observe these lines of good and evil. both sides create complete connected chains. But the chief impediment of government lies in the mechanical mixing of opposite principles; hence comes premature dissolution. Heart and Communion with Hierarchy will tell where would be the combinable parts. Man is in need of equilibrium of mind and heart. Cooperation is confirmation of equilibrium. The sacred number of Pythagoras is the equilibrium of Beauty. Much of this axiom has become inapplicable at the present time. It is a weighty task to speak to people about equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
The cunning ways of the dark ones are multiform. In addition to their crudest attempts, there may be subtle approaches that influence one's weaker side. Creating doubt is one of the favorite methods used by the dark ones, and he who doubts is already defenseless. One would think that this axiom is sufficiently known, yet how many perish from this poison! I consider that a great many enemies of Truth are created by whisperers of doubt. Obvious fools are not as dangerous as petty hypocrites. If new kinds of poisons are invented, why should not new kinds of hypocrisy appear? These descriptions of the attacks of the dark ones must be remembered when you picture the Inner Life of the Brotherhood.


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