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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AV > AVERSIONS (3)

Heart (1932) - 428:
428. Cor bovinum, in other words, ox heart, is the familiar condition of an enlarged heart. There are many causes for this, but only the chief cause concerns us. The enlarged heart may be caused by an overflow of unutilized heart energy. It can be said that people who suffer from an enlarged heart did not begin the education of the heart in time. The potentiality of their organ was good but the heart energy was not applied. Of course, an enlarged heart is preferable to a fatty one. Thus, the heart may be called the most individual organ. Hence, the methods for the education of the heart must be very flexible. From the earliest years one must pay attention to aversions and predilections. It is stupid to regard as ignorant nonsense aversions which are merely not understood. Often the entire structure of the heart is reflected in this. And very useful conclusions can be arrived at. But above all, one must beware of the heart that knows neither attraction nor aversion. It means that the heart is asleep. There are multitudes of such dormant hearts, and this leads to decay of the spirit. Thus, once again the most inconceivably spiritual is connected with the physical manifestation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 159:
159. We can distinguish among our qualities the traits of the Subtle World; they will not always relate to psychic energy. But many remembrances, many aversions and inclinations may be products of the Subtle World. So, also, recollections about certain persons and localities that one has never seen may prove to be not from the physical world.


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