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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AU > AUTOMATIC (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 532:
532. We avoid those techniques that involve mainly the use of the muscles. One's muscles must express the projection of one's own will. We do not like automatic writing, because it always impedes the ascent of consciousness. It does not lead to the perfecting of the subtle energy. The main task will always be the development of straight-knowledge. When straight-knowledge has been developed, the dangers connected with the mechanical means of communication do not threaten.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 533:
533. The traditional ways of automatic writing are imperfect, because a constant conflict is created. The action of automatic writing uses the center of the wrist, but the consciousness also uses the same center, and thus two activities are in conflict, and subtlety of expression is lost.


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