Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 181: 181. Pure music helps the transmission of the current. We pray by sounds and by symbols of Beauty. The heart and mind do not conflict when they sail the Ocean of Creative Labor. And the wings of the bird of the spirit, atremble, will soar upon the breeze of harmony. And the steel of the word flashes in the furnace of Truth. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 387: 387. One must needs understand the time. One cannot live as always when the very mountains are atremble. Agni Yoga (1929) - 10: Does the roar of the lion set the worlds atremble? No. Daring is awakened and the royal lotus of spirit unfolds. Brothers, let us gather in the hall of joy! The flower has unfolded; raised is the great wheel. Our Joy descends to the nether worlds and rises to the Brothers in the Supermundane. Agni Yoga (1929) - 322: 322. He who acquires knowledge only for himself is not Our builder. When the structures are about to collapse, who can sit calmly? When even the most remote cataclysm sets the organism atremble, then all must become masons, laying the new foundations. I say this because the undeferrable work requires all forces. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120: The psycho-united Atoms fill Space with the fire of creation. When the psycho-dynamic force brings together the halves which belong to each other, cosmic justice triumphs and Space is atremble with cosmic jubilation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 157: 157. So complex is the substance of the life principle that humanity must ponder over the law of the Cosmic Magnet. It is so complex that the concept of the substance is closely related to the expression of the purpose of Be-ness itself. When we will establish a rational correlation between the force of differentiation and the assembling force of the Magnet, we will have found that bond upon which the Universe is sustained. One should understand that each dissonance agitates a chain of destruction in the space. Each explosion sets the space atremble, and the possibilities which gather around the spirit often are dispersed by the waves of repercussion. Precisely the reverse happens following an action of harmony. As a magnetic wave collects different currents, so also a harmonized spirit possesses the power of uniting those streams which lead to the eternal power of Be-ness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 189: 189. How little has humanity understood the world of effects! There is no arbitrariness in Cosmos. He who takes casuality as his foundation, adheres but feebly to the chain of life's energy. The energy which summons to life provides the decision for the direction of striving. Therefore, an arbitrary thought will bring an indefinite decision. An arbitrary thought provides soil for destruction, but striving permits a chaotic expression to clothe itself in form. Among the forms manifested on Earth are so many victims of arbitrariness. As an action sets the spheres atremble, so also arbitrariness shakes the world of effects. The law is so immutable that it may be said that with the development of subtlety of thought it will be possible consciously to change the form. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 29: The time approaches for the final reckoning. The shifting proceeds; therefore the planet is atremble. Hence, the sensitive organism of the Agni Yogi feels it. The sensitive organism of the Agni Yogi knows that wondrous step. Since the ominous time is governed by the Magnet, it may be said that pure fire is transmuting the forms. I so attest! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 325: 325. The earthly strata are greatly tensed because all earthly centers are atremble in the effort toward shifting. Every step of the cosmic shifting evokes tension. Thus, both matter and spirit are acting. The spirit immerging into the affirmed sphere of evolution is under the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How, then, can a spirit who does not carry the fires be affirmed? Each step of evolution is constructed by the Cosmic Magnet. Only when the spirit can build the step of cumulation of the Chalice can he become a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. Every effort to go beyond the limit of the usual pertains to constructiveness. Having stepped beyond the earthly strata, the spirit understands the needs of Earth. Thus, verily, will the spirit realize the Infinite. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 332: 332. When the world is atremble the subtle energies are being attracted to the planet. Therefore, humanity must realize that this is the hour of destruction and shifting and that a New Dawn glows upon the horizon. The creativity of Cosmos is incessant, and incessant is the replacement of some levers by others. When old conceptions of world evolution are becoming extinguished the dawn of the fires is kindled. Verily, the time is a fiery one, and Agni Yoga takes the place of all the departing energies. Thus do We kindle the New Dawn, and the waves of cosmic reconstruction are most powerful. All the centers vibrate, reverberating with the cosmic reconstruction. It is a great Dawn, and humanity can find in it the path to evolution. Thus, the light of Our fires will give humanity a new impulse. Yes, yes, yes! I so affirm! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 163: 163. Perfectly comprehensible is the desire to know why in visiting the Subtle World we are not struck by the polychrome of the auras. In the first place, the consciousness transposes many impressions, but the main thing is that there exists a synthesized harmony. It is indeed possible to distinguish the degree of illumination, and the radiation itself, just as in the carnate world, can be evoked mentally. It would be unbearable if the whole Subtle World were atremble with many-colored rainbows. Even on Earth the rainbow can sometimes be irritating. But the Subtle World is actually aglow in perfect harmony. We are not speaking about the lower strata, where it is impossible to find harmony. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 76: 76. The destruction of many countries is strongly intensified; the entire earthly battle is accompanied by mighty conflicts in the Higher Worlds. All who know the significance of a nation's Karma can realize what is taking place. It is necessary to reflect over those events which are shaking the World. It is easy to see that the dark clouds blanket many horizons. Events in each departing order point to that future which will replace the present. Cosmic magnetism is purifying and assembling new forces. Shadows of darkness hover over the displaced countries. Where the equilibrium is not established within a short space of time, there clouds gather which will decide the fate of the dark countries and their leaders. National Karma is intensified in the West and in the East. From the North comes a New Light. The South is atremble from subterranean fire. Thus is solved the Karma of the nations. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that national Karma is being solved by powerful events. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 163: 163. The lightning which cleaves space creates purification of the spheres. Each cosmic manifestation transmutes those energies which must be reworked. In the Cosmic Laboratory there are many means of spatial discharges. Purification is a necessary process in the Cosmos. Knowing the unity of Macrocosm and microcosm, one must find understanding of each process. Who will transmute the spirit of humanity? We say - the lightning of the Spirit of the Bearer of Fire. Who will let fly the cosmic arrow for the destruction of evil? Who will take up the task of cleansing the entrusted Banners? Rightly has been called to mind the Sword of Christ. When cosmic energies are tensed in fiery might, and purifying lightnings are making space atremble, the Fiery Spirit creates correspondingly. The World suffers from half-way measures and suffocates from indulgences - yes, yes, yes! Lightning of the spirit can cleanse space. Lightning of the spirit can make manifest the far-off Worlds. Lightning of the spirit can bestow a wonderful future, for lightning of the spirit saturates space with fiery energies. Who will manifest the prophetic fire of purification? Only the Co-worker of Cosmic forces, only the Co-worker of the Forces of Light. To Her, Co-worker of the Cosmic forces, Fellow-traveler of the Forces of Light, have I ordained the lightning of the spirit. To Her has been given the right to create with the Cosmic Sword. To Her has been given the Fiery Heart - let the Light be of the lightning of Beauty - yes, yes, yes! I have spoken. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 327: 327. The World is atremble from the tension. Events are being compressed. On all planes the energies of Light consist of all strivings to create a better future and to preserve the World from destruction. The forces of darkness creep in under many masks of Light, trying to destroy that created by the Light, and, where possible, to destroy the foundation of constructiveness. In this grave epoch of Armageddon, it is especially necessary to be conscious of the forces which set in motion the actions of each day, of each event, of each manifestation; for the time of choosing has come and there is no middle course on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 341: 341. Even a little foresight should whisper to man how much the World is atremble, how tense are all spheres, in preparation for spatial and earthly battles. Even a small consciousness can be imbued with thought about the reconstruction for which the whole World is getting ready. Even those who are unwilling to understand whither human engenderings are leading, must realize that inevitable Karma which leads on all paths to a great Reconstruction. One can only be amazed at the extent to which humanity dwells in a state of mirages. Clear understanding must be striven for on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 371: 371. Measurement of the degrees of consciousness over the extent of the last centuries places man now near the zero point. And so many gates have been opened before the horizon of humanity! So many beacons have been placed everywhere, so many summations shown to be possible! But uplifting of the veil must impel the spirit to true fiery attainment. To what, then, are we to be held as witnesses, during this saturated giving, when the World is atremble at the Battle of Armageddon? The ponderous power of creation can be turned into a festival of the spirit, which will reveal to the World a resplendent future. But the extended Hand must not remain rejected by human lack of understanding of the path of Light. On the path to the Fiery World, one must understand the urgency of striving toward the Light Origin. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 475: 475. The Fiery World is atremble from betrayal. This onslaught of chaos is against everything manifested. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 477: 477. The World is atremble. Again the depths of the seas are restless. But these depths are not being taken into consideration. The dates for many submarine shifts draw near, but it is not customary to think about such processes. If people knew how to think about the elements and the supermundane Spheres, their thinking would be turned more easily toward the fundamentals. Why can only a few think about the most essential? AUM (1936) - 19: 19. It is essential to understand the meaning of help. Each one wishes to receive help according to his own formula, but not many apprehend true help. Likewise, nowadays when the world is atremble, great numbers of people do not notice the fiery peril. For a special manifestation they want an Archangel as vast as the heavens! Each day something indescribable takes place. Though but a week of the year has passed, consider what has already taken place! Many nations are changing their faces. AUM (1936) - 131: 131. An alarmed child nestles close to its mother's knee, not in supplication but with a feeling of firm support and protection. Likewise, sooner or later, a man in distress turns to the Higher World. He will have nowhere else to go; he may be confused by the advice of uninvited bystanders, but his heart will be secretly atremble about the Highest. AUM (1936) - 453: Someone has said, "Do not drive energies to the point of madness." Such a warning is not far from the truth. One can picture to oneself the frenzy of energies, wrongly overstrained, broken and abused. In such chaos is it possible for the heart not to be atremble? Brotherhood (1937) - 610: Travelers will not tell whether they have been in the Abode. Travelers will not utter the word Brotherhood, yet each listener will comprehend what Center of Knowledge is spoken about. The Sowers of Good go about the world when humanity is atremble.