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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AT > ATHLETES (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 542:
542. In more ways than one it is possible to determine by experiment how the spirit helps even the development of muscles. It do not speak of Hatha Yoga, in which physical exercise is emphasized primarily. In other Yogas physical exercise has not such significance, but the spiritual development gives the muscles a special tone. Take two athletes - let one develop along physical methods alone and the other realize the power of the spirit. How much more will the latter excel!

AUM (1936) - 527:
527. Why is it so difficult to realize as law, that each energy in itself is also a physical power? People can move their muscles at will, which means that this energy is manifested as a physical lever. The same thing is seen in the comparison of physically trained athletes with Hatha Yogis, who, to a noteworthy degree, acquire by will mastery of different muscular feats.


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