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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > AS > ASSURES (11)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 65:
65. My Shield assures your joy. Be an Aeolian harp to M.'s Breath. Through love will you come to Me. I will bestow upon your spirit the strength of the cedar.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 97:
97. Pure deeds perform miracles. Learn to love My Work. The spiritual dynamo must act in harmony, then My Currents flow without interruption. Changes of mood do not affect the currents, but fluctuations of the aura cause interrupting waves. Constancy of the aura assures harmony.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.8:
3.5.8. Let us imagine a man imbued with the thought that his two eyes see differently. Of course he will be right, but by this very thought he will ruin his eyesight. Coordination of reflexes is difficult, but it alone assures successful operation of the apparatus. The difference between the eyes is what gives perspective to the thing seen.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 160:
160. Can we think about battle only in terms of victory? What seems like failure is the root of strength. Success is like multicolored blossoms. But tap the roots, because in them is found the sap of power. I suggest that power be understood as being gained from the accumulations of experience. We are again in the garden of life, where experience assures attainment.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 113:
113. The human spirit is raised by Us to the level of the highest understanding of the manifestations of Cosmos. When We call toward Infinity, it is in accord with the highest principle. Did the first man think about such attainment? The Cosmic Magnet of evolution is predestined as an eternal attraction, indicating the way toward perfection. The abolishment of the understanding of a boundless manifestation is unjustified. Each new day offers new possibilities for approaching the limitless growth. The absence of finiteness assures a direct consequence designating the beginning of each completion. The succession of gates which lead to new spheres We shall call Infinity. Creativeness of spirit increases with each new current of evolution. Verily the human spirit is unaware of its treasury, the expression of which spirals upward during an affirmed striving. Find application for each of the fires of Space.

Hierarchy (1931) - 148:
148. Certainly, when the battle proceeds, the creativeness of the forces is strained, and each loyal action adds a strong link to the chain of defense. Each heart manifesting devotion to Hierarchy serves as a smiting flame against the enemy. Therefore, only a pure striving to Hierarchy assures a right decision. Thus We conquer. True, when the battle is tense, there are many desiring to harm. Yet the plan is invulnerable, and only the evidence of complete striving to Hierarchy gives victory.

Heart (1932) - 488:
488. Even before finishing the first book, my friend already asks when the next book will appear. Having failed to fulfil even one Indication, my friend wishes to know when the successive counsels will be given. Having failed to guard even one secret, my friend demands to be entrusted with others. Thus you know how things occur. You know how, without even reading the book, the "learned man" assures one that he has known all about it since his birth. You know how, not having renounced a single habit, the modest one assures you of his complete regeneration. Hence, since time immemorial, the practicality of changing habits was indicated. Travel through many lands also has that quality which accustoms one to the most varied conditions. A man who has apprehended the hearts of many nations will not be lost amidst the throngs of the Subtle World. But, of course, this is one of the mechanical methods of educating the consciousness; the basic strengthening of the consciousness is through the heart.

AUM (1936) - 597:
597. Much is said about trials. It terrifies people that even the worlds are on trial. There is much self-pity about difficult tests. People are even suspicious as to the justice of the very concept of a test. It might help those who fail to understand, to replace the word test with the word verification. Before a bridge every man invariably assures himself of its stability - and by his own movements. For his own sake man tests all his surroundings. He does not like the concept of a test, because it is sent from somewhere else, but his own verification for the sake of his well-being is not repugnant to him. Let him realize that all tests are for his own good. One should repeat that the concept of the coordination of the worlds is a great test.

Brotherhood (1937) - 274:
274. If someone assures you that he is neither for nor against something, regard him as being against it. Among these voiceless ones there are far more opponents than among the shouters. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the courage to speak his opinion. However, for correctness of appraisal it is needful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world. One should not recognize only one's own personality, because isolation does not exist, and he who tears himself away falls into the lower strata and injures himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 258:
We should also note the difficult cases, such as the person who imagines that he is ready to accept help, but in fact resists it with his entire being. Such contradictions are not unusual. On the contrary, it is full cooperation, when help can be rendered, that is exceptional. It is deplorable when man assures himself that he is ready, but his own nature makes cooperation impossible.


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